Cold War

From Warlike


1947–1991 tension between the Soviet Union and the United States and their respective allies. 
The Cold War

1945 — 1991 100 words of century1946 Iran crisis1948 Czechoslovak coup d'état1953 Iranian coup d'état1954 Guatemalan coup d'état1957 United States Air Force incursion into Albanian airspace1959 Tibetan uprising1961 F-84 Thunderstreak incident1964 T-39 shootdown incident1969 Saudi Arabian coup d'état plot1971 JVP Insurrection1971 Ugandan coup d'état1977 Seychelles coup d'état1978 Somali coup d'état attempt1981 Seychelles coup d'état attempt1986 United States bombing of Libya1987–89 JVP Insurrection1989 Tiananmen Square protests and massacre209th Detachment, 2325th GroupAden EmergencyAfghan Civil WarAfghan ConflictAir battle over MerklínAlbanian–Yugoslav conflictAngolan Civil WarAnnexation of Tibet by the People's Republic of Chinaanti-communist insurgencies in Central and Eastern EuropeArab Cold WarAraguaia guerrillaBangladesh Liberation WarBay of Pigs InvasionBerlin BlockadeBerlin Crisis of 1958–1959Berlin Crisis of 1961Berlin questionBorisoglebsky provocationCambodian Civil WarCentral American crisiscold warCold War (1947–1948)Cold War (1947–1953)Cold War (1953–1962)Cold War (1962–1979)Cold War (1979–1985)Cold War (1985–1991)Colombian conflictCommunist insurgency in MalaysiaCommunist insurgency in ThailandCongo CrisisConsolidation of the Cuban RevolutionCorfu Channel incidentCuban Missile CrisisDirty Wardirty war in ArgentinaEast German uprising of 1953Egyptian-Czechoslovak arms dealEscape of Pirogov and BarsovEscape of ZosimovEthiopian Civil WarFirst Indochina WarForeign interventions by CubaGramos incidentGreek Civil WarGuatemalan Civil WarGulf of Sidra incidenthistorical periodHukbalahap RebellionHungarian Revolution of 1956Indonesian occupation of East TimorInsurgency in AcehInternal conflict in PeruKGB-HackKorean conflictKorean WarKoza riotLaotian Civil WarMalayan EmergencyMaoist insurgency in AfghanistanMarch 1949 Syrian coup d'étatMiG-17 crash near Gioia del Colle Air BaseMozambican Civil WarNATO Dispersed Operating BasesNew People's Army rebellionNew People’s Army rebellion on NegrosOgden WarOperation Big LiftOperation Bolero-PaprikaOperation CycloneOperation FOOTOperation Giant LanceOperation GrappleOperation JungleOperation Nimbus Moonorigins of the Cold Warperpetual warPolitical violence in the United States during the Cold WarPolitical violence in Turkey (1976–1980)Poznań 1956 protestsProject Dark Geneproxy warQ116602308Q17651565Q55664310Ramadan RevolutionRevoluciónRevolutions of 1989Sandia BaseSaur RevolutionSecond Berlin crisisSeven Days to the River RhineSino-Indian WarSino-Soviet border conflictSino-Soviet splitStrategic Air Command in the United KingdomSuez CrisisSyrian Crisis of 1957Tacnazo insurrectionTanquetazoThe struggle for the Negev 1947-1956Third Indochina WarTransatlantic cables incidentTreaty on Conventional Armed Forces in EuropeTurkish Straits crisisUcieczka żołnierzy ze strażnicy WOP w PokrzywnejUnited States Air Force in FranceUruguayan Intrastate WarVietnam WarWar of AttritionWarsaw Pact invasion of CzechoslovakiaYears of LeadZebra-PaketÑancahuazú Guerrilla
US Army tanks face off against Soviet tanks, Berlin 1961.jpg
More than 100 links, see table
Location: 21.09375, 7.1881, KML, Other maps

Alaskan Air Command logoAlaskan Air Command logo
Berlin Alert 0400Berlin Alert 0400
Jiang-Mao in Yan`an with daughter2Jiang-Mao in Yan'an with daughter2
Jiang-Mao on family in Yan`anJiang-Mao on family in Yan'an
Leonid Brezhnev, leader of the Soviet Union, photographed on 9 June 1972.Leonid Brezhnev, leader of the Soviet Union, photographed on 9 June 1972.
Mikoyan-Gourevitch MiG-25Mikoyan-Gourevitch MiG-25
MissileGap NIE11-8-60MissileGap NIE11-8-60
Oleg Gordievsky in 1987 at the White House, from- Reagan and Gordievsky (cropped)Oleg Gordievsky in 1987 at the White House, from- Reagan and Gordievsky (cropped)
Pakistani F-104As and F-104Bs of the No. 9 Squadron Griffins lined up on the tarmac at Sargodha Airbase.Pakistani F-104As and F-104Bs of the No. 9 Squadron Griffins lined up on the tarmac at Sargodha Airbase.
RReagan March 23 1983RReagan March 23 1983
Soviet sailors shake their fists at a U.S. P2V Neptune flying over a submerging Soviet submarine in the MediterraneanSoviet sailors shake their fists at a U.S. P2V Neptune flying over a submerging Soviet submarine in the Mediterranean
This is the original This is the original "Red Phone" installed for the Strategic Air Command (SAC) Primary Alert System, installed at the SAC undergroud command post Offutt AFB, NE by the Bell System in June 1959
Thomas S. PowerThomas S. Power
Young Jiang Qing and Mao2Young Jiang Qing and Mao2
Young Jiang Qing and Mao5Young Jiang Qing and Mao5
(104)US Army 1980(104)US Army 1980
De-kalter Krieg (Wikimedia)
A Study of Lunar Research Flights (Wikimedia)
Burlington 1963-1964 T216 759 052 (Expounder)
Hexam RGHQ (1998) (Expounder)
Protect and Survive (Expounder)
Panorama - If The Bomb Drops (Expounder)
Warplan London (Expounder)
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
linkWikimedia United Kingdom during the Cold WarWikidata
linkAbstracts of the ICA Cold War era topographic maps: Soviet influences on Hungarian civil topographic maps@Wikidata
linkAcademia Bimestrie From Suspicion to Understanding:Change of Ben-Gurion’s Views on China and the Sino-Israeli Relations during the Cold War@Wikidata
linkAccountability in Research Disclosure and consent: through the Cold War prism@Wikidata
linkAccountability in Research Toward increased public representation on bioethics committees: Lessons from Judging the cold war human radiation experiments@Wikidata
linkAdelphi Papers Chapter Four: Lessons from the End of the Cold War@Wikidata
linkAdelphi Papers IAEA safeguards: patterns of interaction and their applicability beyond the Cold War@Wikidata
linkAdelphi Papers Chapter Four: Innovation and Flexibility since the End of the Cold War@Wikidata
linkAdelphi Papers The US‐Soviet relationship after the Cold War: Paper II@Wikidata
linkAdelphi Papers Deterrence in the post‐cold war era@Wikidata
linkAdelphi Papers Nuclear proliferation in the post‐cold war world@Wikidata
linkAdelphi Papers Post‐Cold War US defence policy in Asia@Wikidata
linkAdelphi Papers Ideological competition: An Islamic Cold War@Wikidata
linkAdelphi Papers The post-Cold War WMD order: two divergent paths@Wikidata
linkAfrican Geographical Review Foreign intervention in Africa: from the cold war to the war on terror@Wikidata
linkAfrican Historical Review Beyond the Border War: New Perspectives on Southern Africa's Late Cold War Conflicts@Wikidata
linkAfrican Historical Review The Curse of Berlin: Africa after the Cold War@Wikidata
linkAfrican Historical Review Battleground Africa: Cold War in the Congo, 1960-1965@Wikidata
linkAfrican Security Review The impact of the Cold War on African security@Wikidata
linkAfrican Security Greed and Civil War in Post–Cold War Africa: Revisiting the Greed Theory of Civil War@Wikidata
linkAfrican Security Who Assassinated the Somali President in October 1969? The Cold War, the Clan Connection, or the Coup d’État@Wikidata
linkAfrican Studies Reading the South Atlantic: Chile, South Africa, the Cold War, and Mark Behr'sThe Smell of Apples@Wikidata
linkAgricultural History "Agricultural Statecraft" in the Cold War: a case study of Poland and the West from 1945 to 1957.@Wikidata
linkAgricultural History Cold War competition and food production in China, 1957-1962.@Wikidata
linkAgricultural History More a plowshare than a sword: the legacy of US Cold War agricultural diplomacy@Wikidata
linkAjalooline Ajakiri Uuemaid uurimusi külma sõja ja Nõukogude Liidu lõpust [Abstract: New research on the end of the Cold War and the collapse of the Soviet Union]@Wikidata
linkAjalooline Ajakiri Western policies and the impact of tradition at critical junctures: the Baltic states after the First World War and the Cold War@Wikidata
linkAl-Masaq In the aftermath of CAyn Jālūt: The beginnings of the Mamlūk‐Ilkhānid cold war@Wikidata
linkAmbio [229:CWATET2.0.CO;2 Cold War and the environment: the role of Finland in international environmental politics in the Baltic Sea region][229:CWATET2.0.CO;2 @]Wikidata
linkAmbix Fluid Careers and Cold War Boundaries@Wikidata
linkAmerican Communist History Selling the American Way: US Propaganda and the Cold War@Wikidata
linkAmerican Communist History Global TV: New Media and the Cold War, 1946–1969@Wikidata
linkAmerican Communist History Grappling with Secularism: Anti-Communism and Catholicism in Cold-War Detroit@Wikidata
linkAmerican Communist History Radicalism at the Crossroads: African American Women Activists in the Cold War@Wikidata
linkAmerican Communist History Stalin and Togliatti: Italy and the Origins of the Cold War (Cold War International History Project Series)@Wikidata
linkAmerican Communist History Shostakovich, the Waldorf Conference and the Cold War@Wikidata
linkAmerican Communist History The Cold War Seminars at the Tamiment Library@Wikidata
linkAmerican Communist History On the Front Lines of the Cold War: An American Correspondent’s Journal from the Chinese Civil War to the Cuban Missile Crisis and Vietnam@Wikidata
linkAmerican Communist History Detroit's Cold War: The Origins of Postwar Conservatism@Wikidata
linkAmerican Communist History James Burnham, Sidney Hook, and the Search for Intellectual Truth: From Communism to the Cold War, 1933–1956@Wikidata
linkAmerican Communist History A Review of “Confronting America: The Cold War Between the United States and the Communists in France and Italy”, by Alessandro Brogi@Wikidata
linkAmerican Communist History A Review of “American Night: The Literary Left in the Era of the Cold War”, by Alan M. Wald@Wikidata
linkAmerican Communist History A Review of “Reading Places, Literacy, Democracy, and the Public Library in Cold War America”, by Christine Pawley@Wikidata
linkAmerican Communist History A Review of “Red Apple: Communism and McCarthyism in Cold War New York”, by Phillip Deery@Wikidata
linkAmerican Communist History Italian Women and International Cold War Politics, 1944–1968, by WENDY POJMANN@Wikidata
linkAmerican Communist History Cinematic Cold War: The American and Soviet Struggle for Hearts and Minds, by Tony Shaw and Denise J. Youngblood@Wikidata
linkAmerican Communist History “Activists, writers, and expansive ideas about peace in the early Cold War years”: a roundtable discussion at the annual meeting of the Organization of American Historians, 17 April 2015, St. Louis, Missouri@Wikidata
linkAmerican Communist History Love, Betrayal, and the Cold War: An American Story@Wikidata
linkAmerican Communist History Cold War Studies@Wikidata
linkAmerican Communist History Discrediting the Cold War@Wikidata
linkAmerican Communist History We the Living: The First American Novel on Soviet Russia, the Soul of “Any Dictatorship,” and Its Aftermath in the Cold War@Wikidata
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linkAmerican Communist History Edward Landsdale's Cold War@Wikidata
linkAmerican Communist History Moving On—Towards a Post-Cold War Historiography of American Communism@Wikidata
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linkAmerican Communist History Cultural Exchange and the Cold War: How the West Won@Wikidata
linkAmerican Communist History Iron Curtain: From Stage to Cold War@Wikidata
linkAmerican Communist History The Evolving Cold War: The Changing Character of the Enemy Within, 1949–63@Wikidata
linkAmerican Communist History In the shade of the Lenin Oak: "Colonel" Raymond Robins, Senator Claude Pepper, and the cold war@Wikidata
linkAmerican Jewish History The American Soviet Jewry Movement's "Uneventful" 1968: Cold War Liberalism, Human Interest, and the Politics of the Long Haul@Wikidata
linkAmerican Journalism Images of the Enemy Reporting the New Cold War@Wikidata
linkAmerican Journalism The Press and The Origins of the Cold War, 1944–47@Wikidata
linkAmerican Journalism Cold War Rhetoric: Strategy, Metaphor, and Ideology@Wikidata
linkAmerican Journalism John F. Neville. The Press, the Rosenbergs, and the Cold War. Westport, Conn.: Praeger, 1995. 207 pp. Cloth, $55@Wikidata
linkAmerican Journalism The Enemy Within: Journalism, the State, and the Limits of Dissent in Cold War Britain, 1950-1951@Wikidata
linkAmerican Journalism From Total War to Total Diplomacy: The Advertising Council and the Construction of the Cold War Consensus By Daniel L. Lykins. Westport, CT: Praeger, 2003. 129 Pp@Wikidata
linkAmerican Journalism Global TV: New Media and the Cold War, 1946–69 by James Schwoch Champaign: University of Illinois Press, 2009, 256 pp. Reviewed by James Landers Colorado State University@Wikidata
linkAmerican Journalism On the Front Lines of the Cold War: An American Correspondent's Journal from the Chinese Civil War to the Cuban Missile Crisis and Vietnam by Seymour Topping Baton Rouge, La.: Louisiana State University Press, 2010, 435 pp. Reviewed by Pamela Ann Par@Wikidata
linkAmerican Journalism The Opinions of Mankind: Racial Issues, Press, and Propaganda in the Cold War by Richard Lentz and Karla K. Gower University of Missouri Press, 2010, 349 pp@Wikidata
linkAmerican Journalism “Muy Buenas Noches”: Mexico, Television, and the Cold War@Wikidata
linkAmerican Journalism Pressing the Fight: Print, Propaganda, and the Cold War@Wikidata
linkAmerican Journalism Cold War on the Airwaves: The Radio Propaganda War Against East Germany@Wikidata
linkAmerican Journalism Murrow's Cold War: Public Diplomacy for the Kennedy Administration@Wikidata
linkAmerican Journalism Between Human Welfare and National Security: William S. Gailmor and Popular Front Journalism in the Cold War, 1950–1952@Wikidata
linkAmerican Journalism Cowboy Songs from a Cold War Adversary: Listening to RIAS as Portrayed in the East German Press@Wikidata
linkAmerican Journal of Industrial Medicine Risk of beryllium sensitization in a low‐exposed former nuclear weapons cohort from the cold war era@Wikidata
linkAmerican Journal of Orthopsychiatry CHILDREN'S REACTIONS TO SOCIETAL CRISES: COLD WAR CRISIS@Wikidata
linkAmerican Journal of Public Health Communicable disease control and public policy in the 1970s--hot war, cold war, or peaceful coexistence?@Wikidata
linkAmerican Journal of Public Health Determining the Nutritional Status of the Elderly in post-cold war Russia@Wikidata
linkAmerican Music Historical Authenticity Meets DIY: The Mass-Market Harpsichord in the Cold War United States@Wikidata
linkAmerican Political Science Review Soldiers, Statesmen, and Cold War Crises. By Richard K. Betts. (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1977. Pp. ix + 292. $15.00.)@Wikidata
linkAmerican Political Science Review Marxism, Fascism, Cold War. By Ernst Nolte. Translated by Lawrence Krader. (Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press, 1982. Pp. xi + 348. $25.00.)@Wikidata
linkAmerican Political Science Review International Security and Democracy: Latin America and the Caribbean in the Post–Cold War Era. Edited by Jorge I. Domínguez. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1998. 346p. $50.00 cloth, $22.95 paper.@Wikidata
linkAmerican Quarterly Rethinking Betty Friedan and The Feminine Mystique: Labor Union Radicalism and Feminism in Cold War America@Wikidata
linkAmerican Quarterly "So That We as a Race Might Have Something Authentic to Travel By": African American Automobility and Cold-War Liberalism@Wikidata
linkAmerican Review of Canadian Studies Tarah Brookfield,Cold War Comforts: Canadian Women, Child Safety, and global Insecurity@Wikidata
linkAmerican Review of Canadian Studies Promoting Plurilateral Partnership: Managing United States-Canada Relations in the Post-Cold War Period@Wikidata
linkAmerican Review of Canadian Studies “Without regard to the interests of others”: Canada and American Unilateralism in the Post-Cold War Era@Wikidata
linkAmerican Review of Canadian Studies “Middle Power Blues”: Canadian Policy and International Security after the Cold War@Wikidata
linkAmerican Studies in Scandinavia Campbell Craig and Fredrik Logevall's America’s Cold War: The Politics of Insecurity@Wikidata
linkAmerican foreign policy interests / National Committee on American Foreign Policy, Inc The United States and a Resurgent Russia: A New Cold War or a Recast Balance of Power?@Wikidata
linkAmerican foreign policy interests / National Committee on American Foreign Policy, Inc From Cold War to “Guerra Fria”?@Wikidata
linkAmerican foreign policy interests / National Committee on American Foreign Policy, Inc Way Out There in the Blue: Reagan, Star Wars and the End of the Cold War by Frances Fitzgerald@Wikidata
linkAnnales. Histoire, Sciences sociales Kristin Joy Roth-Ey: Moscow Prime Time. How the Soviet Union Built the Media Empire that Lost the Cold War (reviewed by Andreï Kozovoï)@Wikidata
linkAnnales. Histoire, Sciences sociales Kristin Joy Roth-Ey: Moscow Prime Time. How the Soviet Union Built the Media Empire that Lost the Cold War (reviewed by Andreï Kozovoï)@Wikidata
linkAnnals of Iowa Workshops of Empire@Wikidata
linkAnnals of Science ‘The Deepest and Most Rewarding Hole Ever Drilled’: Ice Cores and the Cold War in Greenland@Wikidata
linkAnnals of Science The Dostoevsky Machine in Georgetown: scientific translation in the Cold War.@Wikidata
linkAnnals of Science Competing with the Soviets: Science, Technology, and the State in Cold War America@Wikidata
linkAnnals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science EDGAR MCINNIS. The Atlantic Triangle and the Cold War. Pp. viii, 163. To ronto : University of Toronto Press un der the auspices of the Canadian Insti tute of International Affairs, 1959. $4.50@Wikidata
linkAnnals of the American Association of Geographers Cradle of the Creative Class: Reinventing the Figure of the Scientist in Cold War Pittsburgh@Wikidata
linkAnnals of the American Association of Geographers Global Geopolitical Change in the Post-Cold War Era@Wikidata
linkAnnals of the New York Academy of Sciences Scientific cooperation as a bridge across the Cold War divide: the case of the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA).@Wikidata
linkAnnual Review of Anthropology Central Asia in the Post–Cold War World@Wikidata
linkAnnual Review of Anthropology The Post–Cold War Anthropology of Central America@Wikidata
linkAnnual Review of Phytopathology The Geopolitics of Plant Pathology: Frederick Wellman, Coffee Leaf Rust, and Cold War Networks of Science@Wikidata
linkAnthropological Forum Australian Anthropology, Ideology and Political Repression: The Cold War Experience of Frederick G. G. Rose@Wikidata
linkAnthropological Forum Red Professor: The Cold War Life of Fred Rose, by Peter Monteath and Valerie Munt@Wikidata
linkArchaeological Dialogues Rainey and the Russians: Arctic archaeology, ‘Eskimology’ and Cold War cultural diplomacy@Wikidata
linkArchaeologies: journal of the World Archaeological Congress Critical Masses: Augmented Virtual Experiences and the Xenoplastic at Australia’s Cold War and Nuclear Heritage Sites@Wikidata
linkArmed Forces & Society Book Review: Lyndon Johnson's War: America's Cold War Crusade in Vietnam, 1945-1968@Wikidata
linkAsian Social Science US-Iran Relations in the Post-Cold War Geopolitical Order@Wikidata
linkAsian Studies Review Situated Knowledge: The Pro-China Trend in China Studies in Cold War Japan@Wikidata
linkAsian Survey South Korea in 1999: Overcoming Cold War Legacies@Wikidata
linkAustralian Historical Studies ‘Never a Machine for Propaganda’? The Australian-American Fulbright Program and Australia's Cold War@Wikidata
linkAustralian Historical Studies Visiting the Neighbours: The Political Meanings of Australian Travel to Cold War Asia@Wikidata
linkAustralian Historical Studies The Protest Years: The Official History of ASIO, 1963–1975/The Secret Cold War: The Official History of ASIO, 1975–1989@Wikidata
linkAustralian Historical Studies The ‘historical expert’: M.H. Ellis and the historiography of the cold war*@Wikidata
linkAustralian Historical Studies Menzies, the cold war and the 1953 convention on peace and war@Wikidata
linkAustralian Historical Studies The blue army and the cold war: Anti‐communist devotion to the blessed virgin mary in Australia@Wikidata
linkAustralian Historical Studies Coal and the cold war: Queensland as another ‘bastion against the red flood'∗@Wikidata
linkAustralian Historical Studies Shaping the cold war family: Politics, domesticity and policy interventions in the 1950s∗@Wikidata
linkAustralian Historical Studies Labor, communism and the cold war: The case of ‘Diver’ Dobson@Wikidata
linkAustralian Journal of Politics and History "A Very Present Menace"? Attlee, Communism and the Cold War!@Wikidata
linkAustralian and New Zealand Journal of European Studies 1947: Decolonisation in the Shadow of the Cold War: the Case of French Cameroon@Wikidata
linkBen Jonson Journal The Poets' Cold War: Dekker, Marston, and the Prologue to Volpone@Wikidata
linkBerichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte Convergence in Cold War Physics: Coinventing the Maser in the Postwar Soviet Union@Wikidata
linkBerichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte Engineering Education in Cold War Diplomacy: India, Germany, and the Establishment of IIT Madras*@Wikidata
linkBerichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte For the Benefit of All Men: Oceanography and Franco-American Scientific Diplomacy in the Cold War, 1958-1970*@Wikidata
linkBritish Journal of Political Science Neither Hegemony nor Dominance: Reconsidering German Power in Post Cold-War Europe@Wikidata
linkBulletin of Latin American Research Precarious Paths to Freedom: The United States, Venezuela, and the Latin American Cold War - by Miller, Aragorn Storm@Wikidata
linkBulletin of the Atomic Scientists Declassified: US nuclear weapons at sea during the Cold War@Wikidata
linkBulletin of the Atomic Scientists The entwined Cold War roots of missile defense and climate geoengineering@Wikidata
linkBulletin of the British Society for the History of Mathematics Mathematical Communication during the Cold War Mathematical Institute, Oxford, 8 July 2016@Wikidata
linkBulletin of the History of Medicine Between East and West: polio vaccination across the Iron Curtain in Cold War Hungary@Wikidata
linkBulletin of the History of Medicine Spines of Steel: A Case of Surgical Enthusiasm in Cold War America@Wikidata
linkBulletin of the History of Medicine The End of a Global Pox: America and the Eradication of Smallpox in the Cold War Era by Bob H. Reinhardt@Wikidata
linkBulletin of the World Health Organization Consensus during the Cold War: back to Alma-Ata@Wikidata
linkBulletin of the World Health Organization Brock Chisholm, the World Health Organization, and the Cold War.@Wikidata
linkBusiness History Review Moscow Prime Time: How the Soviet Union Built the Media Empire that Lost the Cultural Cold War. ByKristin Roth-Ey. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2011. ix + 315 pp. Illustrations, bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $39.95. ISBN: 978-0-8014-4874-4@Wikidata
linkBusiness History Cold War kitchen: Americanization, technology and European users@Wikidata
linkCahiers du monde russe Ted Hopf, Reconstructing the Cold War, The Early years, 1945‑1958 @Wikidata
linkCambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics Cold war at Porton Down: informed consent in Britain's biological and chemical warfare experiments@Wikidata
linkCambridge Review of International Affairs Cold War Freud: psychoanalysis in an age of catastrophes@Wikidata
linkCambridge Review of International Affairs The evolution of Japan’s ‘misplacement’: from the Meiji Restoration to the Post-Cold war era@Wikidata
linkCambridge Review of International Affairs Notice of duplicate publication: Evolution of Japan’s “misplacement”: from Meiji Restoration to the post-Cold War@Wikidata
linkCanadian Bulletin of Medical History Childbirth without pain. Politics in France during the cold war.@Wikidata
linkCanadian Bulletin of Medical History International health, the early cold war and Latin America@Wikidata
linkCanadian Journal of History Learning from the Left: Children’s Literature, the Cold War, and Radical Politics in the United States, by Julia L. Mickenberg@Wikidata
linkCanadian Journal of Political Science Drugs and Security in the Caribbean: Sovereignty under SiegeIvelaw Lloyd Griffith University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1997, xix, 295 p. - From Pirates to Drug Lords: The Post-Cold War Caribbean Security EnvironmentMichael C. Desch,@Wikidata
linkCanadian Medical Association Journal Hot bodies; Cold War: the forgotten history of breast thermography@Wikidata
linkCanadian Medical Association Journal Hot bodies; Cold War: the forgotten history of breast thermography@Wikidata
linkCanadian Review of American Studies “Which Kind of Imperialism?” Early Cold War Decolonization and Canada–US Relations@Wikidata
linkCanadian Review of American Studies “We All Go a Little Mad Sometimes”: Alfred Hitchcock, American Psychoanalysis, and the Construction of the Cold War Psychopath@Wikidata
linkCanadian Review of American Studies Michael H. Hunt. Lyndon Johnson’s War: America’s Cold War Crusade in Vietnam, 1945–1968@Wikidata
linkCanadian Slavonic Papers Inveterate Voyager: J.B. Rudnyckyj on Ukrainian Culture, Books, and Libraries in the West During the “Long Cold War”@Wikidata
linkCanadian Slavonic Papers Cold War exiles and the CIA: plotting to free Russia@Wikidata
linkCanadian-American Slavic Studies Kristin Roth-Ey Moscow Prime Time: How the Soviet Union Built the Media Empire that Lost the Cultural Cold War. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2011. ix, 315 pp. $39.95@Wikidata
linkCanadian-American Slavic Studies Cold War Cultures: Perspectives on Eastern and Western European Societies, edited by Annette Vowinckel, Marcus M. Payk, and Thomas Lindenberger@Wikidata
linkCancer Cytopathology Shining a new light on radiation's dark dide: Cold War era archives and chemical tinkering are helping researchers to better understand how radiation kills and how to protect against it. In this article, the first of a 2-part series, we examine the@Wikidata
linkCartographic Journal Soviet Cold War Maps: Examining the Organization and Practices of Production Through the Case of Denmark@Wikidata
linkCartography and Geographic Information Science Hot geospatial intelligence from a Cold War: the Soviet military mapping of towns and cities@Wikidata
linkCentaurus Engineering the Environment. Phytotrons and the Quest for Climate Control in the Cold War - by D. P. Munns@Wikidata
linkCentral European History Neue Westpolitik: The Clandestine Campaign to Westernize the SPD in Cold War Berlin, 1948–1958@Wikidata
linkCentral European History Cold War Cultures: Perspectives on Eastern and Western European Societies. Edited by Annette Vowinckel, Marcus M. Payk, and Thomas Lindenberger. New York and Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2012. Pp. x + 385. Cloth $95.00. ISBN 978-0857452436@Wikidata
linkChina Sport Science Analysis of the Activities, Roles and Characteristics of the US NGOs in the Sino US Sports Exchanges during the Cold War@Wikidata
linkChinese Journal of International Law Promoting Democracy without Starting a New Cold War?@Wikidata
linkChinese Journal of International Law The New Cold War: How the Kremlin Menaces both Russia and the West@Wikidata
linkChinese Journal of International Law The United States and Human Rights Treaties: Race Relations, the Cold War, and Constitutionalism@Wikidata
linkChinese Journal of International Law "Mopping-up": UNHCR, Neutrality and Non-Refoulement since the Cold War@Wikidata
linkChinese Journal of Journalism & Communication The Studies on Communications in Communist China in MIT Center for International Studies in the Cold War Era@Wikidata
linkChinese Journal of Journalism & Communication The Political Economy of Communication since the Cold War——An Interview with Dan Schiller@Wikidata
linkChoice Queering Cold War poetry: ethics of vulnerability in Cuba and the United States@Wikidata
linkChoice Scientists at war: the ethics of Cold War weapons research@Wikidata
linkChoice The end of a global pox: America and the eradication of smallpox in the Cold War era@Wikidata
linkCirculation Research Cold war battle against hot atherosclerotic plaques@Wikidata
linkClassical Philology Rome and Antiochus the Great: A Study in Cold War@Wikidata
linkClassical Philology The Cold War between Athens and Persia, ca. 448-412 B.C@Wikidata
linkClimatic Change Modelling the future: climate change research in Russia during the late Cold War and beyond, 1970s–2000@Wikidata
linkClinical Infectious Diseases Nosocomial respiratory syncytial virus infections: the "Cold War" has not ended@Wikidata
linkClinical Lymphoma and Myeloma Bendamustine in non-Hodgkin lymphoma: the double-agent that came from the Cold War.@Wikidata
linkClues "The right side lost but the wrong side won": John le Carré's Spy Novels before and after the End of the Cold War@Wikidata
linkCold War History Cold War in Southern Africa: white power, black liberation@Wikidata
linkCold War History The Cold War U.S. Army: building deterrence for limited war@Wikidata
linkCold War History Harold Wilson's Cold War: the Labour government and East-West politics, 1964–1970@Wikidata
linkCold War History Red Saints: Gendering the Cold War, Italy 1943–1953@Wikidata
linkCold War History Cold War co-operation: New Chinese evidence on Jawaharlal Nehru's 1954 visit to Beijing@Wikidata
linkCold War History Cold War military systems science and the emergence of a nonlinear view of war in the US military@Wikidata
linkCold War History The United Kingdom's last hot war of the Cold War: Oman, 1963–75@Wikidata
linkCold War History The ‘crush’ of ideologies: The United States, the Arab world, and Cold War modernisation@Wikidata
linkCold War History 1989: the struggle to create post-cold war Europe@Wikidata
linkCold War History Neutrality in the early Cold War: Swiss arms imports and neutrality@Wikidata
linkCold War History Introduction: Europe Americanized? Popular reception of Western Cold War propaganda in Europe@Wikidata
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linkCold War History Witch-hunts and Corriere della Sera. A conservative perception of American political values in Cold War Italy: The 1950s@Wikidata
linkCold War History Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union in the early Cold War: reconciliation, comradeship, confrontation, 1953–1957@Wikidata
linkCold War History The Cold War in the Middle East: regional conflict and the superpowers 1967–73@Wikidata
linkCold War History ‘We are virtually at war with Russia’: Britain and the Cold War in East Asia, 1923–40@Wikidata
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linkCold War History Drafting for domesticity: American deferment policy during the Cold War, 1948–1965@Wikidata
linkCold War History Stalin and the Turkish crisis of the Cold War, 1945–1953@Wikidata
linkCold War History America, the UN and decolonization: Cold War conflict in the Congo@Wikidata
linkCold War History ‘A hideously difficult country’: British propaganda to France in the early Cold War@Wikidata
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linkCold War History Cold War radio and the Hungarian Uprising, 1956@Wikidata
linkCold War History Mr. Smith goes to Vienna: Britain's Cold War in the Caribbean 1951–1954@Wikidata
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linkCold War History Mental maps in the early Cold War era, 1945-1968@Wikidata
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linkCold War History The hidden rationality of Sweden's policy of neutrality during the Cold War@Wikidata
linkCold War History John Lewis Gaddis, George F. Kennan: An American Life (New York: The Penguin Press, 2011), 762 pp. Campbell Craig and Frederik Logevall, America’s Cold War: The Politics of Insecurity (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2009), 426 pp. Jean Ed@Wikidata
linkCold War History Derek C. Maus, Unvarnishing Reality: Subversive Russian and American Cold War Satire (Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press, 2011), xvi + 247 pp@Wikidata
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linkCold War History Human Rights Activism and the End of the Cold War: A Transnational History of the Helsinki Network (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011), x + 293 pp@Wikidata
linkCold War History Constructing a Post–War Order: The Rise of US Hegemony and the Origins of the Cold War (London: I.B. Tauris, 2011), 327 pp@Wikidata
linkCold War History Cold War Literature: Writing the Global Conflict (London and New York: Routledge, 2009 [pbk), 272 pp]@Wikidata
linkCold War History Visions of the End of the Cold War in Europe, 1945–1990 (New York and Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2012), vii + 358 pp@Wikidata
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linkCold War History Hollywood's insidious charms: the impact of American cinema and television on the Soviet Union during the Cold War@Wikidata
linkCold War History Western anti-communism and the Interdoc network: Cold War Internationale@Wikidata
linkCold War History ‘Wean them away from French tutelage’: Franco-Indian nuclear relations and Anglo-American anxieties during the early Cold War, 1948–1952@Wikidata
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linkCold War History Germany, America and the shaping of post-Cold War Europe: a story of German international emancipation through political unification, 1989–90@Wikidata
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linkCold War History A significant periphery of the Cold War: Italy-China bilateral relations, 1949–1989@Wikidata
linkCold War History The Cold War, the developing world, and the creation of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), 1953–1957@Wikidata
linkCold War History Soviet Leaders and Intelligence: Assessing the American Adversary During the Cold War@Wikidata
linkCold War History The CIA’s paramilitary operations during the cold war: an assessment@Wikidata
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linkCold War History The Sandinista revolution and the limits of the Cold War in Latin America: the dilemma of non-intervention during the Nicaraguan crisis, 1977–78@Wikidata
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linkCold War History 'I Had Come as a Friend': Emotion, Cultural, and Ambiguity in the Formation of the Cold War, 1943-45@Wikidata
linkCold War History Review article - Liberation: Rolling Back the Frontiers of Clandestine Cold War History?@Wikidata
linkCold War History Exercise in Frustration: Soviet Foreign Propaganda in the Early Cold War, 1945-47@Wikidata
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linkCold War History 'We are not Seeking Strength for its Own Sake': The British Labour Party, West Germany and the Cold War, 1951-64@Wikidata
linkCold War History Soviet Cold War Perceptions of Turkey and Greece, 1945-58@Wikidata
linkCold War History Review Essay - General Views on the Cold War@Wikidata
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linkCold War History Between Political Rhetoric and Realpolitik Calculations: Western Diplomacy and the Baltic Independence Struggle in the Cold War Endgame@Wikidata
linkCold War History Stalin and Austria: New Evidence on Soviet Policy in a Secondary Theatre of the Cold War, 1938–53/55@Wikidata
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linkCold War History New Revelations from the Former Soviet Archives: The Kremlin, the Warsaw Uprising, and the Coming of the Cold War@Wikidata
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linkCold War History Russian Archives: Prospects for Cold War Studies@Wikidata
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linkCold War History Amidst the Heat of the Cold War in Asia: Thailand and the American Secret War in Indochina (1960–74)@Wikidata
linkCold War History ‘High-Spirited Confusion’: Brazil, the 1961 Belgrade Non-Aligned Conference, and the Limits of an ‘Independent’ Foreign Policy during the High Cold War@Wikidata
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linkCold War History A comment on Michael Cox's ‘Another Transatlantic Split? American and European Narratives and the End of the Cold War’@Wikidata
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linkCold War History A ‘special case’ between independence and interdependence: Cold War studies and Cold War politics in post-Cold War Switzerland@Wikidata
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linkCold War History Historiography on the Cold War in Yugoslavia: from ideology to science@Wikidata
linkCold War History Conservative goals, revolutionary outcomes: the paradox of détente@Wikidata
linkCold War History Averell Harriman has changed his mind: the Seattle speech and the rhetoric of Cold War confrontation@Wikidata
linkCold War History Moscow versus Los Angeles: the Nixon White House wages Cold War in the Olympic selection process@Wikidata
linkCold War History The meaning of hostile bipolarization: Interpreting the origins of the Cold War@Wikidata
linkCold War History The atomic bomb and the origins of the Cold War@Wikidata
linkCold War History Meeting on the Elbe (Vstrecha na El'be): A visual representation of the incipient Cold War from a Soviet perspective@Wikidata
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linkCold War History The destruction of New York City: A recurrent nightmare of American Cold War cinema@Wikidata
linkCold War History The transatlantic and Cold War dynamics of Iran sanctions, 1979–80@Wikidata
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linkCold War History Gorbachev's gamble: Soviet foreign policy and the end of the Cold War@Wikidata
linkCold War History Practicing public diplomacy: a Cold War odyssey@Wikidata
linkCold War History Americans at the gate: the United States and refugees during the Cold War@Wikidata
linkCold War History Cold War island: Quemoy on the front line@Wikidata
linkCold War History Stalin's Cold War: Soviet foreign policy, democracy and communism in Bulgaria, 1941–48@Wikidata
linkCold War History Accommodating to a working relationship: Arab Nationalism and US Cold War policies in the Middle East, 1958–60@Wikidata
linkCold War History Olympics in divided Berlin? Popular culture and political imagination at the Cold War frontier@Wikidata
linkCold War History The military balance in the Cold War: US perceptions and policy, 1976-85@Wikidata
linkCold War History The Cold War and the United States Information Agency: American propaganda and public diplomacy, 1945–1989@Wikidata
linkCold War History ‘Cloak Without Dagger’:1How the Information Research Department Fought Britain's Cold War in the Middle East, 1948–56@Wikidata
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linkCold War History Soviet cinema and the early Cold War: Pudovkin's Admiral Nakhimov@Wikidata
linkCold War History The begining of the Cold War between East and West: The aggravation of ideological confrontation@Wikidata
linkCold War History ‘Westernization’: A new paradigm for interpreting West European history in a Cold War context@Wikidata
linkCollected Papers of History Studies Pursuing Cold War Interests: The U.S. Response to the Pueblo Crisis on the Korean Peninsula@Wikidata
linkCollege English The New Criticism and the Crisis of American Liberalism: The Poetics of the Cold War@Wikidata
linkCollege & Research Libraries <b>Mickenberg, Julia L.</b> <i>Learning from the Left: Children’s Literature, the Cold War, and Radical Politics in the United States</i>. N.Y.; Oxford: Oxford Univ. Pr., 2006. 389p. alk. paper $19.95 (paper), $74 (cloth) (IS@Wikidata
linkCommunication Monographs An expansion of the rhetorical vision component of the symbolic convergence theory: The cold war paradigm case@Wikidata
linkComparative Education Review “You Can’t Win a Cold War with Hot Weapons”: Frank C. Laubach’s Educational Project, Adult Literacy Campaigns, and US Foreign Policy (1945–1961)@Wikidata
linkComparative Studies in Society and History On the Internal Border: Colonial Difference, the Cold War, and the Locations of “Underdevelopment”@Wikidata
linkComparative Studies in Society and History Scientific Community in a Divided World: Economists, Planning, and Research Priority during the Cold War@Wikidata
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linkContemporaneity: Historical Presence in Visual Culture Spinifex People as Cold War Moderns@Wikidata
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linkContemporary British History The Soft Power ofAnglia:British Cold War Cultural Diplomacy in the USSR@Wikidata
linkContemporary British History The Pontecorvo Affair: A Cold War Defection and Nuclear Physics@Wikidata
linkContemporary British History Ireland, Africa and the End of Empire: Small State Identity in the Cold War 1955–1975@Wikidata
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linkContemporary British History London calling: Britain, the BBC World Service and the cold war@Wikidata
linkContemporary British History Ending Cold War fears: expectation and interpretation in Mass Observers’ responses to the Gulf War, 1990–1991@Wikidata
linkContemporary British History 'The Bitterest Enemies of Communism': Labour Revisionists, Atlanticism and the Cold War@Wikidata
linkContemporary British History The Cold War and the March of Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy@Wikidata
linkContemporary British History The Phoney Cold War in British Trade Unions@Wikidata
linkContemporary British History British Communists in the Cold War, 1947-52@Wikidata
linkContemporary British History CND's Cold War@Wikidata
linkContemporary British History Anglo-American Differences over the UN during the Cold War: The Uniting for Peace Resolution@Wikidata
linkContemporary British History Introduction: Britain and the Cultural Cold War@Wikidata
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linkContemporary British History Ecclesiastical McCarthyism: Cold War Repression in the Church of England@Wikidata
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linkContemporary British History The British and West German Protests against Nuclear Weapons and the Cultures of the Cold War, 1957–64@Wikidata
linkContemporary British History ‘From Liverpool to Russia, With Love:A Letter to Brezhnevand Cold War Cinematic Dissent in 1980s Britain’@Wikidata
linkContemporary British History ‘The secret battalion’: Communism in Britain during the Cold War@Wikidata
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linkContemporary Foreign Literature Against Nuclear Violence and Termination Discourse: Leslie Marmon Silko’s Anti-Cold War Ceremony@Wikidata
linkContemporary Foreign Literature Fertility Anxiety and Family in the Cold War:Liminality and American Myth in Joyce Carol Oates’s Wonderland@Wikidata
linkContemporary Psychoanalysis Review of Cold War Freud: Psychoanalysis in an Age of Catastrophes@Wikidata
linkContemporary Sociology Review: Pedagogy of Democracy: Feminism and the Cold War in the U.S. Occupation of Japan, by Mire Koikari. Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press, 2008. 226 pp. $54.50 cloth. ISBN: 9781592137008@Wikidata
linkContemporary World and Socialism Russia and Multipolarity Since the End of the Cold War@Wikidata
linkCooperation and Conflict Functionalism, multiple principals and the reform of the NATO secretariat after the Cold War@Wikidata
linkCorvinus Journal of International Affairs The Family as a Cold War Weapon: Italian-American Cultural Diplomacy to Italy, 1951-1957@Wikidata
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linkCryptologia From the Archives: Inside a Cold War Crypto Cell. Polish Cipher Bureau in the 1980s@Wikidata
linkCurrent Anthropology Petrobarter: oil, inequality, and the political imagination in and after the Cold War.@Wikidata
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linkDefence Studies The underlying causes of military outsourcing in the USA and UK: bridging the persistent gap between ends, ways and means since the beginning of the Cold War@Wikidata
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linkDemocracy and Security A Cold War before the Cold War: Early Soviet Relations with the West@Wikidata
linkDiabetes Brown adipose tissue and the cold war against obesity@Wikidata
linkDiplomacy and Statecraft N. A. Graebner, R. D. Burns, and J. M. Siracusa, Reagan, Bush, Gorbachev: Revisiting the End of the Cold War@Wikidata
linkDiplomacy and Statecraft Exit Britain: British Withdrawal From the Palestine Mandate in the Early Cold War, 1947–1948@Wikidata
linkDiplomacy and Statecraft M. E. Sarotte (2009).1989: The Struggle to Create Post-Cold War Europe@Wikidata
linkDiplomacy and Statecraft Anglo–American Relations and the Cold War in 1950@Wikidata
linkDiplomacy and Statecraft The Cold War and Counter-Insurgency@Wikidata
linkDiplomacy and Statecraft “Arab Oil Belongs to the Arabs”: Raw Material Sovereignty, Cold War Boundaries, and the Nationalisation of the Iraq Petroleum Company, 1967–1973@Wikidata
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linkDiplomacy and Statecraft Bringing the Transnational In: Writing Human Rights into the International History of the Cold War@Wikidata
linkDiplomacy and Statecraft Pieper-Mooney, J. and Lanza, F. (Eds.) (2013).De-Centering Cold War History: Local and Global Change@Wikidata
linkDiplomacy and Statecraft Scott-Smith, G. (2012).Western Anti-Communism and the Interdoc Network: Cold War Internationale@Wikidata
linkDiplomacy and Statecraft Nafpliotis, A. (2013).Britain and the Greek Colonels: Accommodating the Greek Junta in the Cold War@Wikidata
linkDiplomacy and Statecraft Emery, C. (2013).US Foreign Policy and the Iranian Revolution: The Cold War Dynamics of Engagement and Strategic Alliance@Wikidata
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linkDiplomacy and Statecraft Assuaging Cold War Anxieties: India and the Failure of SEATO@Wikidata
linkDiplomacy and Statecraft Fitzpatrick, S. (2014).A Spy in the Archives: A Memoir of Cold War Russia@Wikidata
linkDiplomacy and Statecraft Mistry, K. (2014).The United States, Italy and the Origins of Cold War: Waging Political Warfare, 1945–1950@Wikidata
linkDiplomacy and Statecraft Karamouzi, E. (2014).Greece, the EEC and the Cold War, 1974–1979: The Second Enlargement@Wikidata
linkDiplomacy and Statecraft Lopes, R. (2014).West Germany and the Portuguese Dictatorship, 1968–1974: Between Cold War and Colonialism@Wikidata
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linkDiplomacy and Statecraft Shindler, C. (Ed.). (2014).Israel and the World Powers. Diplomatic Alliances and International Relations beyond the Middle Eastand Alvandi, R. (2014).Nixon, Kissinger, and the Shah. The United States and Iran in the Cold War@Wikidata
linkDiplomacy and Statecraft Bilsland, J. (2015). The President, the State and the Cold War: Comparing the Foreign Policies of Truman and Reagan@Wikidata
linkDiplomacy and Statecraft Gibson, B. R. (2015). Sold Out? US foreign policy, Iraq, the Kurds, and the Cold War@Wikidata
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linkDiplomacy and Statecraft The United States–EURATOM Agreement of 1958: The Cold War Impact@Wikidata
linkDiplomacy and Statecraft ‘The limits of international leadership’: The Eisenhower administration, East‐West trade and the cold war, 1953–54@Wikidata
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linkDiplomacy and Statecraft A Review of: “László Borhi,Hungary in the Cold War 1945–1956: Between the United States and the Soviet Union”@Wikidata
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linkDiplomacy and Statecraft Yafeng Xia,Negotiating with the Enemy: U.S.–China Talks during the Cold War, 1949–1972@Wikidata
linkDiplomacy and Statecraft R. Gerald Hughes,Britain, Germany and the Cold War. The Search for a European Détente, 1949–1967@Wikidata
linkDiplomacy and Statecraft Tales from Spandau. Nazi Criminals and the Cold War by Goda, N.J.W@Wikidata
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linkDiplomacy and Statecraft From Berlin to Baghdad: America's Search for Purpose in the Post-Cold War World by Brands, H@Wikidata
linkDiplomacy and Statecraft Jimmy Carter and the Horn of Africa: Cold War Policy in Ethiopia and Somalia by Jackson, D@Wikidata
linkDiplomacy and Statecraft M. Szonyi,Cold War Island: Quemoy on the Front Line@Wikidata
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linkDiplomacy and Statecraft British cultural diplomacy and the cold war: 1946–61@Wikidata
linkDiplomacy and Statecraft The cold war: Perceptions from the American embassy, Moscow@Wikidata
linkDiplomacy and Statecraft Another ‘special relationship’: The British‐Swiss early cold war coordination of defence (1947–53)@Wikidata
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linkDiplomacy and Statecraft A western cold war: the crisis in Iceland's relations with Britain, the United States, and NATO, 1971–74@Wikidata
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linkEast Asian Science, Technology and Society: an International Journal Between the West and Asia: "Humanistic" Japanese Family Planning in the Cold War.@Wikidata
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linkEast European Jewish Affairs Planning for the future: European Jewry after the Cold War@Wikidata
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linkEmerging Infectious Diseases Cold War, Deadly Fevers: Malaria Eradication in Mexico, 1955–1975.@Wikidata
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linkEnterprise and Society Jari Eloranta and Jari Ojala, eds. East-West Trade and the Cold War. Jyväskylä, Finland: Jyväskylä University Printing House, 2005. 237 pp. ISBN 951-39-2088-7, €26.00 (paper)@Wikidata
linkEnterprise and Society Jari Eloranta and Jari Ojala, eds. East-West Trade and the Cold War. Jyväskylä, Finland: Jyväskylä University Printing House, 2005. 237 pp. ISBN 951-39-2088-7, €26.00 (paper)@Wikidata
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linkEuropean History Quarterly John Mulqueen, ‘An Alien Ideology’: Cold War Perceptions of the Irish Republican Left@Wikidata
linkEuropean Journal of Communication Review: John Jenks, British Propaganda and News Media in the Cold War. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2006. £54.00. 168 pp@Wikidata
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linkHistory Australia Chronicling The Peacekeepers: Problems of Writing the Official History of Australian Peacekeeping, Humanitarian and Post-Cold War Operations@Wikidata
linkHistory Compass The Civil Rights Movement and the Presidency in the Hot Years of the Cold War: A Historical and Historiographical Assessment@Wikidata
linkHistory Workshop Journal Cancer therapy and military cold-war research: crossing epistemological and ethical boundaries@Wikidata
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linkHistory Workshop Journal One world, many cultures: Margaret Mead and the limits to Cold War anthropology@Wikidata
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linkHistory and Philosophy of the Life Sciences Nowhere to run, rabbit: the cold-war calculus of disease ecology.@Wikidata
linkHistory and Technology ‘Navigating sovereignty under a Cold War military industrial colonial complex: US military empire and Marshallese decolonization’@Wikidata
linkHistory and Technology Reassembling colonial infrastructure in Cold War Korea: the Han River Basin Joint Survey Project (1966-71)@Wikidata
linkHistory of Education Quarterly Technically Allowed: Federal Scrutiny of Stanford University's Indirect Cost Expenditures and the Changing Context for Research Universities in the Post-Cold War Era@Wikidata
linkHistory of Education Quarterly Matthew Levin. Cold War University: Madison and the New Left in the Sixties. Madison: The University of Wisconsin Press, 2013. 224 pp. Paper $26.95@Wikidata
linkHistory of Education Quarterly Cold War and Colonial Conflicts in British West African Adult Education, 1947-1953@Wikidata
linkHistory of European Ideas Some thoughts on nationalism in post-cold-war Europe@Wikidata
linkHistory of European Ideas The mobilisation of the internal cold war in Italy@Wikidata
linkHistory of European Ideas Jacob Talmon between Zionism and Cold War Liberalism@Wikidata
linkHistory of Photography The Cold War of Pictures: Framing Returning Prisoners of War in Austria's Illustrated Press@Wikidata
linkHistory of Psychiatry Book Review: Dagmar Herzog, Cold War Freud: Psychoanalysis in the Age of Catastrophes@Wikidata
linkHistory of Psychiatry Book Review: Robert van Voren, Cold War in Psychiatry: Human Factors, Secret Actors, Rodopi: Amsterdam & New York, 2010; xviii + 512 pp.: 9789042030480, 40, $56 (pbk)@Wikidata
linkHistory of Psychology Review of Cold war social science: Knowledge production, liberal democracy, and human nature, and Working knowledge: Making the human sciences from Parsons to Kuhn@Wikidata
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linkHistory of Science Visualizing a monumental past: Archeology, Nasser's Egypt, and the early Cold War.@Wikidata
linkHistory of the Human Sciences ‘This war for men’s minds’: the birth of a human science in Cold War America@Wikidata
linkHistory of the Human Sciences Book review: The Open Mind: Cold War Politics and the Sciences of Human NatureCohen-ColeJamie, The Open Mind: Cold War Politics and the Sciences of Human Nature. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2014. ISBN: 978-0-226-09216-4 (hardback). 368@Wikidata
linkHistory of the Human Sciences Internationalization of Cold War systems analysis@Wikidata
linkHistory of the Human Sciences Reason beyond RandEricksonPaulKleinJudy L.DastonLorraineLemovRebeccaSturmThomasGordinMichael D., How Reason Almost Lost Its Mind. The Strange Career of Cold War Rationality, Chicago (Ill.), University of Chicago Press, 2013, 272 pages, 19 halftones,@Wikidata
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linkHistory Moscow Prime Time: How the Soviet Union Built the Media Empire that Lost the Cultural Cold War. By Kristin Roth-Ey. Cornell University Press. 2011. ix + 315pp. £24.95@Wikidata
linkHistory France's North African Crisis, 1945?1955: Cold War and Colonial Imperatives@Wikidata
linkHistória, Ciências, Saúde-Manguinhos Trypanosoma cruzi, cancer and the Cold War.@Wikidata
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linkHumanities & Social Sciences Journal of Hainan University he Assumption of Fear in the Cold War and Its Reaction:The Evolution of the US Countermeasures to the Issue of China’s Sovereignty over the Xisha Islands(1950 –1974)@Wikidata
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linkHuman Relations Between West and East: A social history of business journalism in Cold War Finland@Wikidata
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linkJournal of Sichuan Normal University (Social Sciences Edition) On the U. S. Psychological Warfare to Iran during the Early Period of the Cold War@Wikidata
linkJournal of Sichuan Normal University (Social Sciences Edition) The U.S. Overseas Social Image Construction in the Early Cold War: Foucs on American Labor, Women and Black Groups@Wikidata
linkJournal of Slavic Military Studies Preparing for the Long War: The United States Army and the Early Cold War Period 1945–1950@Wikidata
linkJournal of Slavic Military Studies A Cold War Odyssey, by Donald E. Nuechterlein@Wikidata
linkJournal of Slavic Military Studies Spies in the News: Soviet Espionage in the American Media During World War II and the Beginning of the Cold War@Wikidata
linkJournal of Slavic Military Studies Empowering Revolution: America, Poland, and the End of the Cold War, by Domber, Gregory F@Wikidata
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linkJournal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences Chicago neoliberalism versus Cowles planning: perspectives on patents and public goods in Cold War economic thought.@Wikidata
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linkJournal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences Organizing complexity: the hopeful dreams and harsh realities of interdisciplinary collaboration at the rand corporation in the early cold war.@Wikidata
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linkLeft History An Interdisciplinary Journal of Historical Inquiry and Debate Kristin Roth-Ey, Moscow Prime Time: How the Soviet Union Built the Media Empire That Lost the Cultural Cold War (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2011)@Wikidata
linkLeft History An Interdisciplinary Journal of Historical Inquiry and Debate Rajan Menon and Eugene Rumer, Conflict in Ukraine: The Unwinding of the Post-Cold War Order (Cambridge: MIT Press, 2015).@Wikidata
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linkMedical Anthropology Quarterly Half-Lives and Half-Truths, Confronting the Radioactive Legacies of the Cold War. by Barbara Rose Johnston@Wikidata
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linkMilitary affairs : journal of the American Military Institute Soldiers, Statesmen, and Cold War Crises@Wikidata
linkModern Language Review Moscow Prime Time: How the Soviet Union Built the Media Empire that Lost the Cultural Cold War. By Kristin Roth-Ey. Ithaca, NY, and London: Cornell University Press. 2011. 320 pp. $39.95. ISBN 978-0-8014-4874-4@Wikidata
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linkNationalities Papers Greek “Heroes” in the Polish People's Republic and the Geopolitics of the Cold War, 1948–1956*@Wikidata
linkNational Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper Series Government Distortion in Independently Owned Media: Evidence from U.S. Cold War News Coverage of Human Rights@Wikidata
linkNational Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper Series Commercial Imperialism? Political Influence and Trade During the Cold War@Wikidata
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linkOccupational and Environmental Medicine The risk to the United Kingdom population of zinc cadmium sulfide dispersion by the Ministry of Defence during the "cold war"@Wikidata
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linkOpen journal of political science The Evolution of the Concept of International Peace and Security in light of UN Security Council Practice (End of the Cold War-Until Now)@Wikidata
linkOrbis A Cold War of Words@Wikidata
linkOsiris Scientists and the Problem of the Public in Cold War America, 1945-1960@Wikidata
linkOsiris National states and international science: A comparative history of international science congresses in Hitler's Germany, Stalin's Russia, and cold war United States@Wikidata
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linkPacific Historical Review Review: Pedagogy of Democracy: Feminism and the Cold War in the U.S. Occupation of Japan, by Mire Koikari@Wikidata
linkPacific Historical Review Review: Cold War Encounters in US-Occupied Okinawa: Women, Militarized Domesticity, and Transnationalism in East Asia by Mire Koikari@Wikidata
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linkPeace & Change Manhood and American Political Culture in the Cold War by K. A. Cuordileone@Wikidata
linkPeace & Change Curing the Atomic Bomb Within: The Relationship of American Social Scientists to Nuclear Weapons in the Early Cold War@Wikidata
linkPeace & Change Sarah B. Snyder. Human Rights Activism and the End of the Cold War. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2011@Wikidata
linkPeace & Change Donald Gross. The China Fallacy: How the U.S. Can Benefit from China's Rise and Avoid Another Cold War. New York: Bloomsbury, 2013@Wikidata
linkPeace & Change Waging Peace in a Disarmed World: Arthur Waskow's Vision of a Nonlethal Cold War@Wikidata
linkPeace & Change PaulRubinson. Redefining Science: Scientists, the National Security State, and Nuclear Weapons in Cold War America. Amherst, MA.: University of Massachusetts Press, 2016.@Wikidata
linkPerspectives in Biology and Medicine Writing about their science: American interest in Soviet psychiatry during the post-Stalin Cold War@Wikidata
linkPerspectives on Politics Rationalizing Capitalist Democracy: The Cold War Origins of Rational Choice Liberalism@Wikidata
linkPerspectives on Politics Reconstructing the Cold War: The Early Years, 1945–1958. By Ted Hopf. New York: Oxford University Press, 2012. 320p. $39.95. - International Practices. Edited by Emanuel Adler and Vincent Pouliot. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2011. 386p. $@Wikidata
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linkPolitical Science Book Review: Robert Patman (ed.), Security in a Post-Cold War World , (Basingstoke: Macmillan: 1999), pp. xv, 290, £45.00@Wikidata
linkPolitical Science Book Review: Daryl Bockett, Export or Expire: The Political Economy of the Post-Cold War Conventional Arms Trade, IPC Occasional Paper No. 4 (Palmerston North: International Pacific College, 1999), pp. 67, $10@Wikidata
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linkRevue belge de philologie et d'histoire A Cold War Sketch. The Visual Antagonism of the USA vs. the USSR at Expo 58@Wikidata
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linkSecurity and Human Rights Sarah B. Snyder, Human Rights Activism and the End of the Cold War, Cambridge: CUP, 2011@Wikidata
linkSerendipities. Journal for the Sociology and History of the Social Sciences Solovey and Cravens: Cold War Social Science@Wikidata
linkSerendipities. Journal for the Sociology and History of the Social Sciences The Social Sciences in Hungary During the Cold War and After@Wikidata
linkSerendipities. Journal for the Sociology and History of the Social Sciences Book Review of: Mark Solovey, Christian Dayé: Cold War Social Science@Wikidata
linkSlavic Review Ice and Snow in the Cold War: Histories of Extreme Climatic Environments. Ed. Julia Herzberg, Christian Kehrt, and Franziska Torma. The Environment in History: International Perspectives. New York: Berghahn Books, 2019. viii, 330 pp. Notes. Bibliogr@Wikidata
linkSlavic Review Iron Curtain Twitchers: Russo-American Cold War Relations. By Jennifer M. Hudson. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books, 2019. xxx, 337 pp. Notes. Bibliography. Index. Illustration. Photographs. Figures. $115.00, hard bound@Wikidata
linkSlavic Review Researching the European Cold War: Nationalism, (Anti-)Communism and Violence@Wikidata
linkSlavic Review Moscow Prime Time: How the Soviet Union Built the Media Empire That Lost the Cultural Cold War. By Kristin Roth-Ey. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2011. ix, 315 pp. Notes. Bibliography. Chronology. Index. Illustrations. Photographs. Tables. $39.95@Wikidata
linkSlavic Review Human Rights Activism and the End of the Cold War: A Transnational History of the Helsinki Network. By Sarah B. Snyder. Cambridge, Eng.: Cambridge University Press, 2011. x, 293 pp. Notes. Bibliography. Index. Photographs. $85.00, hard bound@Wikidata
linkSlavic Review Cold War Cultures: Perspectives on Eastern and Western European Societies. Ed. Annette Vowinckel, Marcus M. Payk, and Thomas Lindenberger. New York: Berghahn Books, 2012. x, 385 pp. Notes. Bibliography. Index. Illustrations. $95.00, hard bound@Wikidata
linkSlavic Review Reconstructing the Cold War. By Ted Hopf. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012. ix, 305 pp. Notes. Bibliography. Index. $39.95, hard bound@Wikidata
linkSlavic and East European Information Resources “What Do You Want to Be … When You Grow Up?” Recollections of a Slavic Librarian Part I: The Cold War, Dartmouth, and University of Illinois Years, 1945–1987@Wikidata
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linkSocial History of Medicine Bob H. Reinhardt,The End of a Global Pox: America and the Eradication of Smallpox in the Cold War Era@Wikidata
linkSocial Science Research Military westernization and state repression in the post-Cold War era.@Wikidata
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linkSport in History Studying international sports organisations during the Cold War@Wikidata
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linkSpringerPlus The 1965 coup and reformasi 1998: two critical moments in Indonesia-Malaysia relations during and after the Cold War.@Wikidata
linkStanford Law Review Desegregation as a Cold War Imperative@Wikidata
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linkStudies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A Earthquake prediction, biological clocks, and the cold war psy-ops: Using animals as seismic sensors in the 1970s California@Wikidata
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linkTheatre Survey The Race for Rehabilitation: Sign-Mime, the National Theatre of the Deaf, and Cold War Internationalism@Wikidata
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linkThe American Historical Review JULIA MICKENBERG. Learning from the Left: Children's Literature, the Cold War, and Radical Politics in the United States. New York: Oxford University Press. 2006. Pp. xi, 389. $74.00@Wikidata
linkThe American Historical Review Mire Koikari . Pedagogy of Democracy: Feminism and the Cold War in the U.S. Occupation of Japan . Philadelphia : Temple University Press . 2008 . Pp. x, 226. $54.50.@Wikidata
linkThe American Historical Review Zuoyue Wang . In Sputnik's Shadow: The President's Science Advisory Committee and Cold War America . New Brunswick : Rutgers University Press . 2008 . Pp. xix, 454. $49.95@Wikidata
linkThe American Historical Review Kristin Roth‐Ey . Moscow Prime Time: How the Soviet Union Built the Media Empire That Lost the Cultural Cold War . Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press. 2011. Pp. ix, 315. $39.95@Wikidata
linkThe American Historical Review Sarah B. Snyder . Human Rights Activism and the End of the Cold War: A Transnational History of the Helsinki Network . (Human Rights in History.) New York: Cambridge University Press. 2011. Pp. x, 293. $85.00@Wikidata
linkThe American Historical Review Richard K. Betts. Soldiers, Statesmen, and Cold War Crises . Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. 1977. Pp. xi, 292. $15.00@Wikidata
linkThe American Historical Review Frances Fitzgerald . Way Out There in the Blue: Reagan, Star Wars and the End of the Cold War . New York: Simon & Schuster. 2000. Pp. 592. $30.00@Wikidata
linkThe American Historical Review Kathleen G. Donohue, editor. Liberty and Justice for All? Rethinking Politics in Cold War America@Wikidata
linkThe American Historical Review Annette Vowinckel, Marcus M. Payk, and Thomas Lindenberger, editors. Cold War Cultures: Perspectives on Eastern and Western European Societies@Wikidata
linkThe American Historical Review ANDREW J. FALK. Upstaging the Cold War: American Dissent and Cultural Diplomacy, 1940-1960@Wikidata
linkThe American Historical Review TED HOPF. Reconstructing the Cold War: The Early Years, 1945-1958@Wikidata
linkThe American Historical Review Matthew Levin. Cold War University: Madison and the New Left in the Sixties@Wikidata
linkThe American Historical Review Sarah Bridger.Scientists at War: The Ethics of Cold War Weapons Research.@Wikidata
linkThe American Historical Review Bob H. Reinhardt.The End of a Global Pox: America and the Eradication of Smallpox in the Cold War Era.@Wikidata
linkThe American Historical Review Dagmar Herzog. Cold War Freud: Psychoanalysis in an Age of Catastrophes@Wikidata
linkThe American Historical Review J<scp>onathan</scp> R<scp>osenberg</scp>. Dangerous Melodies: Classical Music in America from the Great War through the Cold War.@Wikidata
linkThe American Historical Review Soldiers, Statesmen, and Cold War Crises@Wikidata
linkThe American Historical Review Art and Politics in Cold War America@Wikidata
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linkThe British Journal for the History of Science Subject 01: exemplary Indigenous masculinity in Cold War genetics@Wikidata
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linkThe British Journal for the History of Science Audra J. Wolfe, Competing with the Soviets: Science, Technology, and the State in Cold War America. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2013. Pp viii+166. ISBN 978-1-4214-0771-5. £10.50 (paperback)@Wikidata
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linkThe International Journal of the History of Sport ‘We Shall Never Know the Exact Number of Men who Have Competed in the Olympics Posing as Women’: Sport, Gender Verification and the Cold War@Wikidata
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linkThe Journal of Modern History Moscow Prime Time: How the Soviet Union Built the Media Empire That Lost the Cultural Cold War. By Kristin Roth-Ey. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2011. Pp. xii+315. $39.95@Wikidata
linkThe Journal of Modern History Human Rights Activism and the End of the Cold War: A Transnational History of the Helsinki Network. By Sarah B. Snyder. Human Rights in History. Edited by Stefan-Ludwig Hoffman and Samuel Moyn.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011. Pp. x+293. $@Wikidata
linkThe Journal of Modern History German Foreign Intelligence from Hitler’s War to the Cold War: Flawed Assumptions and Faulty Analysis. By Robert Hutchinson. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 2019. Pp. x+342. $34.95.@Wikidata
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linkThe Lancet Cold war human radiation experiments in the USA.@Wikidata
linkThe Library Quarterly Learning from the Left: Children’s Literature, the Cold War, and Radical Politics in the United States. By Julia L.  Mickenberg. New York: Oxford University Press, 2006. Pp. xi+389. $19.95 (paper). ISBN 0‐19‐515291‐6.@Wikidata
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linkThe Slavonic and East European Review Roth-Ey, Kristin. Moscow Prime Time: How the Soviet Union Built the Media Empire that Lost the Cultural Cold War. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY, 2011. ix + 320 pp. Illustrations. Tables. Notes. Bibliography. Index. $39.95: £26.50@Wikidata
linkThe Slavonic and East European Review Reconstructing the Cold War: The Early Years, 1945–1958 by Hopf, Ted [Review]@Wikidata
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linkThe Welsh History Review The World Cannot Hear You: Gwyn Thomas (1913–1981), Communism and the Cold War@Wikidata
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linkTurkish Studies Turkish–Russian Relations after the Cold War (1992–2002)@Wikidata
linkTwentieth Century British History 'Civil Defence Gives Meaning to Your Leisure': Citizenship, Participation, and Cultural Change in Cold War Recruitment Propaganda, 1949-54@Wikidata
linkTwentieth Century British History 'Co-operation and Communism cannot work side by side': Organized Consumers and the Early Cold War in Britain@Wikidata
linkTwentieth-Century China Cold War Currents and Chinese Émigré Intellectuals, 1949–1960@Wikidata
linkUSA & Canada Economics – Politics – Culture Transformation of the Post-Cold War Order and the Global and Regional Powers Policy in the South Caucasus after the 2020 Karabakh War@Wikidata
linkUrban History Jon Hunner, Inventing Los Alamos: The Growth of an Atomic Community. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 2004. 320pp. 34 halftones. 3 maps. $29.95 Jennifer S. Light, From Warfare to Welfare: Defense Intellectuals and Urban Problems in Cold War Amer@Wikidata
linkUrban History Samuel Zipp, Manhattan Projects: The Rise and Fall of Urban Renewal in Cold War New York. New York: Oxford University Press, 2010. xi + 469pp. Illus., maps. £22.50/$34.95@Wikidata
linkUrban History Cold War vs. architectural exchange: Belgrade beyond the confines?@Wikidata
linkUrban History Fast, clean and green: Cold War ideologies and urban reforms in Buenos Aires, 1976–1983@Wikidata
linkUrban History Introduction: histories of Cold War cities@Wikidata
linkWar in History Book Review: Cold War Cultures: Perspectives on Eastern and Western European Societies by Annette Vowinckel, Marcus M. Payk and Thomas Lindenberger@Wikidata
linkWar in History Two American Wars in Asia: Successful Colonial Warfare in the Philippines and Cold War Failure in Vietnam@Wikidata
linkWar in History Two American Wars in Asia: Successful Colonial Warfare in the Philippines and Cold War Failure in Vietnam@Wikidata
linkWar & Society Something to Compete with ‘Gunsmoke’: ‘The Big Picture’ Television series and selling a ‘modern, progressive and forward thinking’ Army to Cold War America@Wikidata
linkWar & Society The Trouble with Peace: The Royal Army Medical Corps’ Cold War Recruitment Conundrums@Wikidata
linkWar & Society Science, Security and the Cold War: An Australian Dimension@Wikidata
linkWest European Politics Neoclassical Realism and Defence Reform in Post-Cold War Europe@Wikidata
linkWomen's Studies International Forum Revisiting the United Nations decade for women: Brief reflections on feminism, capitalism and Cold War politics in the early years of the international women's movement@Wikidata
linkWorldview Soldiers, Statesmen and Cold War Crises by Richard K. Belts (Harvard; 320 pp.; $15.00)@Wikidata
linkpolitica Grønland under den kolde krig. Dansk og amerikansk sikkerhedspolitik 1945-1968,1-2, 1-2, København: Dansk Udenrigspolitisk Institut, 1997, 614+473 s., kr. 395,00.@Wikidata
linksehepunkte Sarah B. Snyder: Human Rights Activism and the End of the Cold War. A Transnational History of the Helsinki Network (reviewed by Jost Dülffer)@Wikidata
linkzeitgeschichte The United States, Differentiation, and Balkan Cooperation during the Cold War@Wikidata
linkArmenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 10@Wikidata
linkExpounder filesCold WarExpounder
incident1961Berlin Crisis of 1961Wikidata
incident1975Cambodian genocideWikidata
incident1962Cuban Missile CrisisWikidata
incident1966Cultural RevolutionWikidata
incident1950Korean WarWikidata
incident1969Sino-Soviet border conflictWikidata
incident1979Sino-Vietnamese WarWikidata
incident1979Soviet–Afghan WarWikidata
incident1955Vietnam WarWikidata
incident1968Warsaw Pact invasion of CzechoslovakiaWikidata
conflict1968209th Detachment, 2325th GroupRepublic of Korea Special ForcesWikidata
conflict19451946 Iran crisisconflictWikidata
conflict19481948 Czechoslovak coup d'étatcoup d'étatWikidata
conflict1953 Iranian coup d'étatcoup d'étatWikidata
conflict19541954 Guatemalan coup d'étatcoup d'étatWikidata
conflict19571957 United States Air Force incursion into Albanian airspaceraidWikidata
conflict19591959 Tibetan uprisingrebellionWikidata
conflict19611961 F-84 Thunderstreak incidentaviation accidentWikidata
conflict19641964 T-39 shootdown incidentaviation accidentWikidata
conflict19691969 Saudi Arabian coup d'état plotattempted coup d'étatWikidata
conflict19711971 JVP InsurrectionconflictWikidata
conflict19711971 Ugandan coup d'étatcoup d'étatWikidata
conflict19771977 Seychelles coup d'étatcoup d'étatWikidata
conflict19781978 Somali coup d'état attemptattempted coup d'étatWikidata
conflict19811981 Seychelles coup d'état attemptattempted coup d'état, aircraft hijackingWikidata
conflict19861986 United States bombing of Libyamilitary operationWikidata
conflict19871987–89 JVP InsurrectionconflictWikidata
conflict19891989 Tiananmen Square protests and massacremassacre, demonstrationWikidata
conflict1963Aden Emergencyinsurgency, conflictWikidata
conflict1989Afghan Civil Warcivil warWikidata
conflict1978Afghan Conflictcivil warWikidata
conflict1953Air battle over Merklínmilitary operationWikidata
conflict1948Albanian–Yugoslav conflictborder conflict, territorial disputeWikidata
conflict1975Angolan Civil Warcivil warWikidata
conflict1950Annexation of Tibet by the People's Republic of ChinaannexationWikidata
conflict1952Arab Cold Warcold war, armed conflictWikidata
conflict1966Araguaia guerrillaguerrilla movement, campaignWikidata
conflict1971Bangladesh Liberation WarwarWikidata
conflict1961Bay of Pigs Invasionlanding operation, amphibious warfareWikidata
conflict1948Berlin Blockadeblockade, conflictWikidata
conflict1958Berlin Crisis of 1958–1959international crisisWikidata
conflict1961Berlin Crisis of 1961political crisisWikidata
conflictBerlin questionproblem questionWikidata
conflict1968Borisoglebsky provocationshock and aweWikidata
conflict1967Cambodian Civil Warcivil warWikidata
conflict1970Central American crisispolitical crisisWikidata
conflict1947Cold War (1947–1948)war phaseWikidata
conflict1947Cold War (1947–1953)war phaseWikidata
conflict1953Cold War (1953–1962)war phaseWikidata
conflict1962Cold War (1962–1979)warWikidata
conflict1979Cold War (1979–1985)war phaseWikidata
conflict1985Cold War (1985–1991)war phaseWikidata
conflict1964Colombian conflicthistorical period, conflictWikidata
conflict1968Communist insurgency in MalaysiainsurgencyWikidata
conflict1965Communist insurgency in ThailandconflictWikidata
conflict1960Congo CrisisconflictWikidata
conflictConsolidation of the Cuban RevolutionconflictWikidata
conflict1946Corfu Channel incidentinternational incidentWikidata
conflict1962Cuban Missile Crisispolitical crisis, conflictWikidata
conflict1954Dirty Wardirty war, state terrorismWikidata
conflict1953East German uprising of 1953rebellionWikidata
conflict1955Egyptian-Czechoslovak arms dealagreement, contractWikidata
conflict1948Escape of Pirogov and Barsovinternational incidentWikidata
conflict1976Escape of Zosimovinternational incidentWikidata
conflict1974Ethiopian Civil Warcivil warWikidata
conflict1946First Indochina WarwarWikidata
conflictForeign interventions by CubaWikidata
conflict1950Gramos incidentborder incidentWikidata
conflict1946Greek Civil Warcivil warWikidata
conflict1965Guatemalan Civil Warcivil warWikidata
conflict1989Gulf of Sidra incidentaviation accident, battleWikidata
conflict1942Hukbalahap Rebellionproletarian revolutionWikidata
conflict1956Hungarian Revolution of 1956conflictWikidata
conflict1975Indonesian occupation of East Timormilitary occupationWikidata
conflict1976Insurgency in AcehconflictWikidata
conflict1980Internal conflict in Peruinternal armed conflictWikidata
conflict1985KGB-Hackcriminal case, series of creative works, espionageWikidata
conflict1950Korean WarwarWikidata
conflictKorean conflictcommunal violence, armed conflictWikidata
conflict1970Koza riotprotest, riotWikidata
conflict1959Laotian Civil Warcivil warWikidata
conflict1948Malayan Emergencyguerrilla warfare, warWikidata
conflictMaoist insurgency in AfghanistaninsurgencyWikidata
conflict1949March 1949 Syrian coup d'étatconflictWikidata
conflict1962MiG-17 crash near Gioia del Colle Air Baseinternational incidentWikidata
conflict1977Mozambican Civil Warcivil warWikidata
conflict1951NATO Dispersed Operating BasesWikimedia list articleWikidata
conflict1969New People's Army rebellioninsurgencyWikidata
conflict1969New People’s Army rebellion on NegrosinsurgencyWikidata
conflict1977Ogden WarwarWikidata
conflict1963Operation Big Liftmilitary operationWikidata
conflict1950Operation Bolero-Paprikapolice raid, deportationWikidata
conflict1979Operation Cyclonemilitary operationWikidata
conflict1971Operation FOOTinternational crisisWikidata
conflict1969Operation Giant Lancemilitary operationWikidata
conflict1957Operation Grapplenuclear test seriesWikidata
conflict1949Operation Junglemilitary operationWikidata
conflict1974Operation Nimbus MoonconflictWikidata
conflict1968Political violence in Turkey (1976–1980)conflictWikidata
conflictPolitical violence in the United States during the Cold Warpolitical violenceWikidata
conflict1956Poznań 1956 protestscommunist crimes, protest, demonstrationWikidata
conflictProject Dark GeneconflictWikidata
conflict1949Q116602308territorial disputeWikidata
conflict1963Ramadan Revolutioncoup d'étatWikidata
conflict1955Revolucióncoup d'état, dictatorshipWikidata
conflict1989Revolutions of 1989revolutionary waveWikidata
conflictSandia Basemilitary baseWikidata
conflict1978Saur RevolutionrevolutionWikidata
conflict1958Second Berlin crisisconflictWikidata
conflict1979Seven Days to the River Rhinemilitary simulationWikidata
conflict1962Sino-Indian WarbattleWikidata
conflict1969Sino-Soviet border conflictundeclared warWikidata
conflictSino-Soviet splitpolitical schism, aspect of history, conflictWikidata
conflict1948Strategic Air Command in the United KingdomWikidata
conflict1956Suez CrisiswarWikidata
conflict1957Syrian Crisis of 1957international crisisWikidata
conflict1969Tacnazo insurrectionattempted coup d'étatWikidata
conflict1973Tanquetazoattempted coup d'étatWikidata
conflictThe struggle for the Negev 1947-1956conflictWikidata
conflict1975Third Indochina WarwarWikidata
conflict1959Transatlantic cables incidentinternational incidentWikidata
conflict1990Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in EuropetreatyWikidata
conflict1936Turkish Straits crisisterritorial disputeWikidata
conflict1951Ucieczka żołnierzy ze strażnicy WOP w PokrzywnejdesertionWikidata
conflict1951United States Air Force in FranceconflictWikidata
conflict1972Uruguayan Intrastate Warcivil warWikidata
conflict1955Vietnam Warproxy warWikidata
conflict1968Warsaw Pact invasion of CzechoslovakiainterventionWikidata
conflict1967War of AttritionwarWikidata
conflict1969Years of Leadhistorical period, political violence, proxy war, civil disorderWikidata
conflictZebra-Paketatomic demolition munition, nuclear weaponWikidata
conflict1940anti-communist insurgencies in Central and Eastern EuropeinsurgencyWikidata
conflict1955dirty war in Argentinastate terrorismWikidata
conflictorigins of the Cold Warsource typeWikidata
conflict1966Ñancahuazú Guerrillaguerrilla movementWikidata
war1970Black Septembercivil war, Arab–Israeli conflict, Arab Cold WarWikidata
war48Caesar's Civil Warcivil war, list of Roman civil wars and revoltsWikidata
war1975Lebanese Civil Warcivil war, Arab–Israeli conflict, Iran–Israel proxy conflict, Iran–Saudi Arabia proxy conflict, Arab Cold WarWikidata
war1962North Yemen civil warcivil war, Arab Cold WarWikidata
war1516Ottoman wars in Africaseries of warsWikidata
audioDe-kalter KriegWikimedia
documentA Study of Lunar Research FlightsWikimedia
documentBurlington 1963-1964 T216 759 052Cold War, CreatedByIRIS_Readiris_17.311 pagesExpounder
documentHexam RGHQ (1998)Cold War7 pagesExpounder
documentProtect and SurviveCold War32 pagesExpounder
imageAlaskan Air Command logoWikimedia
imageBerlin Alert 0400Wikimedia
imageJiang-Mao in Yan'an with daughter2Wikimedia
imageJiang-Mao on family in Yan'anWikimedia
image1972Leonid Brezhnev, leader of the Soviet Union, photographed on 9 June 1972.Wikimedia
image2003Mikoyan-Gourevitch MiG-25Wikimedia
imageMissileGap NIE11-8-60Wikimedia
imageOleg Gordievsky in 1987 at the White House, from- Reagan and Gordievsky (cropped)Wikimedia
imagePakistani F-104As and F-104Bs of the No. 9 Squadron Griffins lined up on the tarmac at Sargodha Airbase.Wikimedia
imageRReagan March 23 1983Wikimedia
imageSoviet sailors shake their fists at a U.S. P2V Neptune flying over a submerging Soviet submarine in the MediterraneanWikimedia
imageThis is the original "Red Phone" installed for the Strategic Air Command (SAC) Primary Alert System, installed at the SAC undergroud command post Offutt AFB, NE by the Bell System in June 1959Wikimedia
imageThomas S. PowerWikimedia
imageYoung Jiang Qing and Mao2Wikimedia
imageYoung Jiang Qing and Mao5Wikimedia
image(104)US Army 1980Wikimedia
videoCold War Panorama - If The Bomb DropsCold War0:53:07Expounder
videoCold War Warplan LondonCold War0:23:31Expounder
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