Cambodian Civil War

From Warlike


civil war in Cambodia between 1970 and 1975


1967 — 1975 1970 Cambodian coup d'étatcivil warCold WarIndochina WarsVietnam War


Location: 12.25, 105.6, Google, Bing, Aerial View, OldMapsOnline, ESRI Imagery, Historic Markers, KML

354th Tactical Fighter Wing A-7D Corsair II 71-0354354th Tactical Fighter Wing A-7D Corsair II 71-0354
1967 Events montage 16-grid version1967 Events montage 16-grid version
1975 Cambodge NB 08 18 Photographe-Moon-Face1975 Cambodge NB 08 18 Photographe-Moon-Face
190331-A-VR828-0005 (47523318381)190331-A-VR828-0005 (47523318381)
After action report of 4th Division incursion into Cambodia and Laos to interdict traffic on the Ho Chi Minh Trail, 25 Nov. 1968.After action report of 4th Division incursion into Cambodia and Laos to interdict traffic on the Ho Chi Minh Trail, 25 Nov. 1968.
Bomb Crater in the Provinz Kampong Cham, Cambodia, 2014Bomb Crater in the Provinz Kampong Cham, Cambodia, 2014
Bomb craters in CambodiaBomb craters in Cambodia
CamGen NoLegendCamGen NoLegend
Chroy changvar collapse 72Chroy changvar collapse 72
DPAA conducts Honorable Carry for remains returned from CambodiaDPAA conducts Honorable Carry for remains returned from Cambodia
Dien DelDien Del
Former South Vietnamese and Cambodian Navy ships at Subic Bay, 31 May 1975Former South Vietnamese and Cambodian Navy ships at Subic Bay, 31 May 1975
Khao I Dang gateKhao I Dang gate
Market in phnom-Penh 1973Market in phnom-Penh 1973
Medal of Honor induction ceremony 120517-A-AO884-239Medal of Honor induction ceremony 120517-A-AO884-239
Shyrell Jean Copas, left, accepts the Medal of Honor on behalf of her late father, U.S. Army Spc. 4 Ardie R. Copas, from President Barack Obama during a ceremony at the White House in Washington, D.C., March 18 140318-D-DB155-010Shyrell Jean Copas, left, accepts the Medal of Honor on behalf of her late father, U.S. Army Spc. 4 Ardie R. Copas, from President Barack Obama during a ceremony at the White House in Washington, D.C., March 18 140318-D-DB155-010
Tentoonstelling over Indo China tegen Amerikanen in Indo China op Rembrandtspl, Bestanddeelnr 923-5763Tentoonstelling over Indo China tegen Amerikanen in Indo China op Rembrandtspl, Bestanddeelnr 923-5763
USAF UH-1Ps over CambodiaUSAF UH-1Ps over Cambodia
US aircraft LORAN bombing over Cambodia c1973US aircraft LORAN bombing over Cambodia c1973
- 1975.02 Cambodge Arey-Khsat Borella- 1975.02 Cambodge Arey-Khsat Borella
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
conflictfall of Phnom Penh1975Cambodian Civil War, siegeWikidata
image354th Tactical Fighter Wing A-7D Corsair II 71-03541974Wikimedia
image1967 Events montage 16-grid version2024Wikimedia
image1975 Cambodge NB 08 18 Photographe-Moon-Face1975Wikimedia
image190331-A-VR828-0005 (47523318381)2019Wikimedia
imageAfter action report of 4th Division incursion into Cambodia and Laos to interdict traffic on the Ho Chi Minh Trail, 25 Nov. 1968.1968Wikimedia
imageBomb Crater in the Provinz Kampong Cham, Cambodia, 20142014Wikimedia
imageBomb craters in Cambodia2014Wikimedia
imageCamGen NoLegend1971Wikimedia
imageChroy changvar collapse 722018Wikimedia
imageDPAA conducts Honorable Carry for remains returned from Cambodia2019Wikimedia
imageDien Del2008Wikimedia
imageFormer South Vietnamese and Cambodian Navy ships at Subic Bay, 31 May 19751975Wikimedia
imageKhao I Dang gate1984Wikimedia
imageMarket in phnom-Penh 19731973Wikimedia
imageMedal of Honor induction ceremony 120517-A-AO884-239Wikimedia
imageShyrell Jean Copas, left, accepts the Medal of Honor on behalf of her late father, U.S. Army Spc. 4 Ardie R. Copas, from President Barack Obama during a ceremony at the White House in Washington, D.C., March 18 140318-D-DB155-010Wikimedia
imageTentoonstelling over Indo China tegen Amerikanen in Indo China op Rembrandtspl, Bestanddeelnr 923-57631970Wikimedia
imageUSAF UH-1Ps over CambodiaWikimedia
imageUS aircraft LORAN bombing over Cambodia c1973Wikimedia
image- 1975.02 Cambodge Arey-Khsat Borella1975Wikimedia