Siege of Petersburg

From Warlike


1864 battle of the American Civil War. 

1864 — 1865 Q81931United States

Location: 37.218333333, -77.377777777, KML, Maps

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13 inch mortar 13 inch mortar "Dictator" in front of Petersburg, Va LCCN2012646269
13 inch mortar 13 inch mortar "Dictator" in front of Petersburg, Va LCCN2012646269 (cropped)
13 inch mortar 13 inch mortar "Dictator" in front of Petersburg, Va LCCN2012646281
Abatis in front of the Union trench lines at Petersburg in 1865.Abatis in front of the Union trench lines at Petersburg in 1865.
A bombproof shelter for the soldiers during the siege of Petersburg, August 10, 1864 LCCN2012646255A bombproof shelter for the soldiers during the siege of Petersburg, August 10, 1864 LCCN2012646255
Battle of July 30. Explosion of the Mine and Charge on the Enemy`s Works by the 9th Corps - FL 1864Battle of July 30. Explosion of the Mine and Charge on the Enemy's Works by the 9th Corps - FL 1864
Brady`s photographic outfit in the field near Petersburg, Va., 1864Brady's photographic outfit in the field near Petersburg, Va., 1864
Brady`s photo outfit in front of Petersburg, Va. 1864(?) LCCN2012649239Brady's photo outfit in front of Petersburg, Va. 1864(?) LCCN2012649239
Bvt. Major General C. H. T. Collis Col. 114th Pa. InfBvt. Major General C. H. T. Collis Col. 114th Pa. Inf
Charge of the 2nd Division, 9th Army Corps, into the Crater, July 30, 1864 - FL 1864Charge of the 2nd Division, 9th Army Corps, into the Crater, July 30, 1864 - FL 1864
City Point, Virginia during the Civil WarCity Point, Virginia during the Civil War
Currier-Ives Third PetersburgCurrier-Ives Third Petersburg
Dead Confederate Soldier in the Trenches. (26700939870)Dead Confederate Soldier in the Trenches. (26700939870)
Dictator at PetersburgDictator at Petersburg
Gardner, Alexander - Leichte Artillerie bei der Belagerung von Petersburg, Virginia (Zeno Fotografie)Gardner, Alexander - Leichte Artillerie bei der Belagerung von Petersburg, Virginia (Zeno Fotografie)
George Washington Kinner (1833-1919) in the Brooklyn Eagle on April 18, 1919George Washington Kinner (1833-1919) in the Brooklyn Eagle on April 18, 1919
George W. Reed (1831 – December 21, 1906), 11th PA USVI, Medal of Honor, the Battle of Globe Tavern.George W. Reed (1831 – December 21, 1906), 11th PA USVI, Medal of Honor, the Battle of Globe Tavern.
In front of Petersburg - photograph by Timothy H. O`Sullivan (MET, 33.65.154)In front of Petersburg - photograph by Timothy H. O'Sullivan (MET, 33.65.154)
Making gabions, Petersburg, VirginiaMaking gabions, Petersburg, Virginia
Outer Confederate Line at Petersburg. Captured by 18th Corps, June 15, 1864 - photograph by Timothy H. O`Sullivan (MET, 33.65.160)Outer Confederate Line at Petersburg. Captured by 18th Corps, June 15, 1864 - photograph by Timothy H. O'Sullivan (MET, 33.65.160)
Outer Confederate Line, Petersburg, Captured June 15, 1864 - photograph by Timothy H. O`Sullivan (MET, 33.65.156)Outer Confederate Line, Petersburg, Captured June 15, 1864 - photograph by Timothy H. O'Sullivan (MET, 33.65.156)
Outer Confederate Line, Petersburg, Captured by 18th Corps, June 15, 1864 - photograph by Timothy H. O`Sullivan (MET, 33.65.144)Outer Confederate Line, Petersburg, Captured by 18th Corps, June 15, 1864 - photograph by Timothy H. O'Sullivan (MET, 33.65.144)
Petersburg - photograph by Timothy H. O`Sullivan and Alexander Gardner (MET, 33.65.150)Petersburg - photograph by Timothy H. O'Sullivan and Alexander Gardner (MET, 33.65.150)
Petersburg, Virginia. Pontoon bridgePetersburg, Virginia. Pontoon bridge
Wooden Aquaduct to transfer coal and agricultural goods.Wooden Aquaduct to transfer coal and agricultural goods.
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
image"Dictator"%20in%20front%20of%20Petersburg,%20Va%20LCCN2012646269.jpg 13 inch mortar "Dictator" in front of Petersburg, Va LCCN2012646269Wikimedia
image"Dictator"%20in%20front%20of%20Petersburg,%20Va%20LCCN2012646269%20(cropped).jpg 13 inch mortar "Dictator" in front of Petersburg, Va LCCN2012646269 (cropped)Wikimedia
image"Dictator"%20in%20front%20of%20Petersburg,%20Va%20LCCN2012646281.jpg 13 inch mortar "Dictator" in front of Petersburg, Va LCCN2012646281Wikimedia
imageAbatis in front of the Union trench lines at Petersburg in 1865.Wikimedia
imageA bombproof shelter for the soldiers during the siege of Petersburg, August 10, 1864 LCCN2012646255Wikimedia
imageBattle of July 30. Explosion of the Mine and Charge on the Enemy's Works by the 9th Corps - FL 1864Wikimedia
imageBrady's photographic outfit in the field near Petersburg, Va., 1864Wikimedia
imageBrady's photo outfit in front of Petersburg, Va. 1864(?) LCCN2012649239Wikimedia
imageBvt. Major General C. H. T. Collis Col. 114th Pa. InfWikimedia
imageCharge of the 2nd Division, 9th Army Corps, into the Crater, July 30, 1864 - FL 1864Wikimedia
imageCity Point, Virginia during the Civil WarWikimedia
imageCurrier-Ives Third PetersburgWikimedia
imageDead Confederate Soldier in the Trenches. (26700939870)Wikimedia
imageDictator at PetersburgWikimedia
imageGardner, Alexander - Leichte Artillerie bei der Belagerung von Petersburg, Virginia (Zeno Fotografie)Wikimedia
imageGeorge Washington Kinner (1833-1919) in the Brooklyn Eagle on April 18, 1919Wikimedia
imageGeorge W. Reed (1831 – December 21, 1906), 11th PA USVI, Medal of Honor, the Battle of Globe Tavern.Wikimedia
imageIn front of Petersburg - photograph by Timothy H. O'Sullivan (MET, 33.65.154)Wikimedia
imageMaking gabions, Petersburg, VirginiaWikimedia
imageOuter Confederate Line at Petersburg. Captured by 18th Corps, June 15, 1864 - photograph by Timothy H. O'Sullivan (MET, 33.65.160)Wikimedia
imageOuter Confederate Line, Petersburg, Captured June 15, 1864 - photograph by Timothy H. O'Sullivan (MET, 33.65.156)Wikimedia
imageOuter Confederate Line, Petersburg, Captured by 18th Corps, June 15, 1864 - photograph by Timothy H. O'Sullivan (MET, 33.65.144)Wikimedia
imagePetersburg - photograph by Timothy H. O'Sullivan and Alexander Gardner (MET, 33.65.150)Wikimedia
imagePetersburg, Virginia. Pontoon bridgeWikimedia
imageWooden Aquaduct to transfer coal and agricultural goods.Wikimedia
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