Battle of Hatcher's Run

From Warlike


1865 battle of the American Civil War. 

1865 — 1865 United States

Location: 37.1305, -77.4853, KML, Other maps

5th Corps, 7th of February LCCN20046601505th Corps, 7th of February LCCN2004660150
631 of `Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac- a critical history of operations in Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania, from the commencement to the close of the war 1861-5` (11072715905)631 of 'Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac- a critical history of operations in Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania, from the commencement to the close of the war 1861-5' (11072715905)
Actions of the Fifth Corps, February 1865Actions of the Fifth Corps, February 1865
Armstrong`s mills and rebel works on Hatcher`s Run, captured by the Second Corps, October 27, 1864 - sketched by C.H. Chapin. LCCN94507570Armstrong's mills and rebel works on Hatcher's Run, captured by the Second Corps, October 27, 1864 - sketched by C.H. Chapin. LCCN94507570
Hospital attendants - collecting the wounded after the engagement - within our lines near Hatchers run LCCN2004661374Hospital attendants - collecting the wounded after the engagement - within our lines near Hatchers run LCCN2004661374
The Investment of Petersburg, Va. Shewing (sic) battlefield of 5 Forks and Hatcher`s Run, Friday March 31st, Saturday April 1st & Sunday April 2nd 1865. LOC gvhs01.vhs00289The Investment of Petersburg, Va. Shewing (sic) battlefield of 5 Forks and Hatcher's Run, Friday March 31st, Saturday April 1st & Sunday April 2nd 1865. LOC gvhs01.vhs00289
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