Battle of the Crater

From Warlike


1864 American Civil War battle. 

1864 United States
Battle of the Crater.jpeg

Location: 37.21825, -77.37768, KML, Maps

397 of `War Talks of Confederate Veterans. Compiled and edited by G. S. Bernard` (11217100855)397 of 'War Talks of Confederate Veterans. Compiled and edited by G. S. Bernard' (11217100855)
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Battle of the Crater PetersburgBattle of the Crater Petersburg
Battle of the Crater art detail, from- Virginia Tech Bugle 1899 (page 181 crop)Battle of the Crater art detail, from- Virginia Tech Bugle 1899 (page 181 crop)
Battle of the Crater by John Adams ElderBattle of the Crater by John Adams Elder
Boissonnas, Un Vaincu, 1875 (page 249 crop)Boissonnas, Un Vaincu, 1875 (page 249 crop)
Confederate works near Elliott`s salientConfederate works near Elliott's salient
James E. Sennett Civil War Letter Battle of the Crater 1864James E. Sennett Civil War Letter Battle of the Crater 1864
Petersburg crater sketch LOC (cropped)Petersburg crater sketch LOC (cropped)
The Civil War through the camera - hundreds of vivid photographs actually taken in Civil War times, together with Elson`s new history (1912) (14576356919)The Civil War through the camera - hundreds of vivid photographs actually taken in Civil War times, together with Elson's new history (1912) (14576356919)
The lost found - drawn by A.R. Waud. LCCN2009630215The lost found - drawn by A.R. Waud. LCCN2009630215
The photographic history of the Civil War - thousands of scenes photographed 1861-65, with text by many special authorities (1911) (14760556754)The photographic history of the Civil War - thousands of scenes photographed 1861-65, with text by many special authorities (1911) (14760556754)
The soldier in our Civil War - a pictorial history of the conflict, 1861-1865, illustrating the valor of the soldier as displayed on the battle-field, from sketches drawn by Forbes, Waud, Taylor, (14576618087)The soldier in our Civil War - a pictorial history of the conflict, 1861-1865, illustrating the valor of the soldier as displayed on the battle-field, from sketches drawn by Forbes, Waud, Taylor, (14576618087)
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
audio1970Campaign for Petersburg by Richard Wayne Lykes - Ch. 6 - Battle of the Crater - Read by David Wales for LibriVoxWikimedia
image2013397 of 'War Talks of Confederate Veterans. Compiled and edited by G. S. Bernard' (11217100855)Wikimedia
image2015Battle Of The Crater Mine Entrance - panoramioWikimedia
image2015Battle Of The Crater Mine Entrance - panoramio (1)Wikimedia
image2015Battle Of The Crater Mine Entrance - panoramio (3)Wikimedia
image2015Battle Of The Crater Mine Petersburg VA - panoramioWikimedia
image2015Battle Of The Crater Petersburg National Battlefield - panoramio (1)Wikimedia
image2015Battle Of The Crater Petersburg VA - panoramioWikimedia
image2015Battle Of The Crater Tunnel - panoramioWikimedia
imageBattle of Crater within the mineWikimedia
imageBattle of the CraterWikimedia
image2013Battle of the Crater PetersburgWikimedia
imageBattle of the Crater art detail, from- Virginia Tech Bugle 1899 (page 181 crop)Wikimedia
imageBattle of the Crater by John Adams ElderWikimedia
image1875Boissonnas, Un Vaincu, 1875 (page 249 crop)Wikimedia
image1865Confederate works near Elliott's salientWikimedia
image2011James E. Sennett Civil War Letter Battle of the Crater 1864Wikimedia
imagePetersburg crater sketch LOC (cropped)Wikimedia
image1912The Civil War through the camera - hundreds of vivid photographs actually taken in Civil War times, together with Elson's new history (1912) (14576356919)Wikimedia
image1866The lost found - drawn by A.R. Waud. LCCN2009630215Wikimedia
image1911The photographic history of the Civil War - thousands of scenes photographed 1861-65, with text by many special authorities (1911) (14760556754)Wikimedia
image1893The soldier in our Civil War - a pictorial history of the conflict, 1861-1865, illustrating the valor of the soldier as displayed on the battle-field, from sketches drawn by Forbes, Waud, Taylor, (14576618087)Wikimedia
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