Battle of Fort Lee

From Warlike


1776 battle of the American Revolutionary War. 

1776 United States
Landing of the British forces in the Jerseys - Thomas Davies.jpeg
Location: 40.850277777, -73.963055555, KML, Maps

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A plan of the operations of the King`s army, Chevaux de Frise between Fort Lee and Fort Washington, detailA plan of the operations of the King's army, Chevaux de Frise between Fort Lee and Fort Washington, detail
The landing of the British forces in the Jerseys on Nov. 20, 1776, under the command of Rt. Hon. Lt. Gen. Earl CornwallisThe landing of the British forces in the Jerseys on Nov. 20, 1776, under the command of Rt. Hon. Lt. Gen. Earl Cornwallis
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