Battle of Paulus Hook

From Warlike


1779 battle of the American Revolutionary War. 

1779 United States
The Hessians - Paulus Hook.jpg

Location: 40.70757, -74.03961, KML, Other maps

Industries of New Jersey. (1882) (14781722981)Industries of New Jersey. (1882) (14781722981)
Paulus Hook.1776.Memorial.Paulus Hook.1776.Memorial.
Plan of Paulus`s Hook and fortifications. LOC gm71002214Plan of Paulus's Hook and fortifications. LOC gm71002214
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
image1882Industries of New Jersey. (1882) (14781722981)Wikimedia
image2021Paulus Hook.1776.Memorial.Wikimedia
image1778Plan of Paulus's Hook and fortifications. LOC gm71002214Wikimedia
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