Battle of Harlem Heights

From Warlike


1776 battle of the American Revolutionary War. 

1776 United States
Battle of Harlem Heights.svg

Location: 40.811944444, -73.963611111, KML, Maps

1868 Rogers Map of Manhattan, New York City (North of 86th St) - Geographicus - NYCHarlemHeights3-rogers-18681868 Rogers Map of Manhattan, New York City (North of 86th St) - Geographicus - NYCHarlemHeights3-rogers-1868
Battle of Harlem Heights MapBattle of Harlem Heights Map
Battle of Harlem Heights, September 16, 1776; with a review of the events of the campaign. (1897) (14758301196)Battle of Harlem Heights, September 16, 1776; with a review of the events of the campaign. (1897) (14758301196)
Battle of Harlem Heights, September 16, 1776; with a review of the events of the campaign. (1897) (14778933894)Battle of Harlem Heights, September 16, 1776; with a review of the events of the campaign. (1897) (14778933894)
Map of the upper part of the Island of Manhattan above Eighty-Sixth Street arranged to illustrate the Battle of Harlem Heights. LOC 88694229Map of the upper part of the Island of Manhattan above Eighty-Sixth Street arranged to illustrate the Battle of Harlem Heights. LOC 88694229
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