Battle of Fredericksburg

From Warlike


1862 major battle of the American Civil War. 

1862 United States
See also Second Battle of Fredericksburg (1863)
Battle of Fredericksburg, Dec 13, 1862.png

Location: 38.2995, -77.4705, KML, Other maps

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Attributed to andrew joseph russell looking toward maryes heights fred103905)Attributed to andrew joseph russell looking toward maryes heights fred103905)
A shattered caisson, Fredericksburg, Va LCCN2013649038A shattered caisson, Fredericksburg, Va LCCN2013649038
Battle of FredericksburgBattle of Fredericksburg
Battle of Fredericksburg, Dec 13, 1862Battle of Fredericksburg, Dec 13, 1862
Battle of Fredericksburg, Laying the Pontoon Bridge by Boston Public LibraryBattle of Fredericksburg, Laying the Pontoon Bridge by Boston Public Library
Bombardment and capture of Fredericksburg, Va.-Dec. 11th 1862- By the Army of the Potomac, under Genl. Burnside LCCN90711975Bombardment and capture of Fredericksburg, Va.-Dec. 11th 1862- By the Army of the Potomac, under Genl. Burnside LCCN90711975
Building pontoonsBuilding pontoons
Burial of the Dead, Fredericksburg - photograph by Andrew Joseph Russell (MET, 33.65.119)Burial of the Dead, Fredericksburg - photograph by Andrew Joseph Russell (MET, 33.65.119)
Carl Röchling - The Battle of Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862Carl Röchling - The Battle of Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862
Confederate dead behind stone wall. The 6th. Maine Inf. penetrated the Confederate lines at this point. Fredericksburg, Va.Confederate dead behind stone wall. The 6th. Maine Inf. penetrated the Confederate lines at this point. Fredericksburg, Va.
Dead ready for burial, at Fredericksburg, VaDead ready for burial, at Fredericksburg, Va
Sunken RoadSunken Road
The Photographic History of The Civil War Volume 02 Page 087The Photographic History of The Civil War Volume 02 Page 087
The Photographic History of The Civil War Volume 02 Page 093The Photographic History of The Civil War Volume 02 Page 093
The Photographic History of The Civil War Volume 02 Page 129The Photographic History of The Civil War Volume 02 Page 129
Union soldiers entrenched along the west bank of the Rappahannock River at Fredericksburg, VirginiaUnion soldiers entrenched along the west bank of the Rappahannock River at Fredericksburg, Virginia
Virginia, Fredericksburg, Battery D, Second United States Artillery.Virginia, Fredericksburg, Battery D, Second United States Artillery.
Attack on Fredericksburg. Dec. 1862. (cropped)Attack on Fredericksburg. Dec. 1862. (cropped)
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
documentConfederate veteran (IA confederatevete1929conf 2)Wikimedia
documentThe Battle of Fredericksburg - an address before the Association of the Virginia Division of the Army of Northern Virginia, at Richmond, Va., on Thursday evening, November 1, 1883 (IA battleoffrederic00scal)Wikimedia
imageAttributed to andrew joseph russell looking toward maryes heights fred103905)Wikimedia
imageA shattered caisson, Fredericksburg, Va LCCN2013649038Wikimedia
imageBattle of FredericksburgWikimedia
imageBattle of Fredericksburg, Dec 13, 1862Wikimedia
imageBattle of Fredericksburg, Laying the Pontoon Bridge by Boston Public LibraryWikimedia
imageBombardment and capture of Fredericksburg, Va.-Dec. 11th 1862- By the Army of the Potomac, under Genl. Burnside LCCN90711975Wikimedia
imageBuilding pontoonsWikimedia
imageBurial of the Dead, Fredericksburg - photograph by Andrew Joseph Russell (MET, 33.65.119)Wikimedia
imageCarl Röchling - The Battle of Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862Wikimedia
imageConfederate dead behind stone wall. The 6th. Maine Inf. penetrated the Confederate lines at this point. Fredericksburg, Va.Wikimedia
imageDead ready for burial, at Fredericksburg, VaWikimedia
imageSunken RoadWikimedia
imageThe Photographic History of The Civil War Volume 02 Page 087Wikimedia
imageThe Photographic History of The Civil War Volume 02 Page 093Wikimedia
imageThe Photographic History of The Civil War Volume 02 Page 129Wikimedia
imageUnion soldiers entrenched along the west bank of the Rappahannock River at Fredericksburg, VirginiaWikimedia
imageVirginia, Fredericksburg, Battery D, Second United States Artillery.Wikimedia
image"Attack%20on%20Fredericksburg.%20Dec.%201862."%20(cropped).jpg Attack on Fredericksburg. Dec. 1862. (cropped)Wikimedia
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