Battle of the Wilderness

From Warlike


1864 battle of the American Civil War. 

1864 — 1864 United States
Battle of the Wilderness.png

Location: 38.3164, -77.7597, KML, Maps

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Battle of the WildernessBattle of the Wilderness
Battle of the Wilderness 687Battle of the Wilderness 687
Battle of the Wilderness 688Battle of the Wilderness 688
Battle of the Wilderness 689Battle of the Wilderness 689
Battle of the Wilderness 692Battle of the Wilderness 692
Charles E. Morse, 62nd New York InfantryCharles E. Morse, 62nd New York Infantry
Cold Harbor, Va. Photographer`s wagon and tent LOC 6056601269Cold Harbor, Va. Photographer's wagon and tent LOC 6056601269
Confederate entrenchments in the woods near Spotswood`s House LCCN2012647729Confederate entrenchments in the woods near Spotswood's House LCCN2012647729
Confederate entrenchments on Orange Plank Road LCCN2012647737Confederate entrenchments on Orange Plank Road LCCN2012647737
General view of the Battle of the Wilderness, from a point north of the tavern, looking toward Parker`s store LCCN2004661870General view of the Battle of the Wilderness, from a point north of the tavern, looking toward Parker's store LCCN2004661870
Genl. U.S. Grant at Wilderness LCCN2004661535Genl. U.S. Grant at Wilderness LCCN2004661535
Medal of Honor recipient Abram J. Buckles of the 19th Indiana InfantryMedal of Honor recipient Abram J. Buckles of the 19th Indiana Infantry
Medal of Honor recipient Henri Le Fevre Brown of the 72nd New York InfantryMedal of Honor recipient Henri Le Fevre Brown of the 72nd New York Infantry
Scene of General Wadsworth`s death. Tree in foreground was shattered by shell that killed his horse LCCN2012647736Scene of General Wadsworth's death. Tree in foreground was shattered by shell that killed his horse LCCN2012647736
Sergeant Leopold Karpeles of the 57th Massachusetts Infantry was awarded the medal of honor.Sergeant Leopold Karpeles of the 57th Massachusetts Infantry was awarded the medal of honor.
Sergeant Patrick De Lacey of the 143rd Pennsylvania Infantry was awarded the medal of honorSergeant Patrick De Lacey of the 143rd Pennsylvania Infantry was awarded the medal of honor
Skulls and bones of unburied soldiers on south side of Plank Road in 1865 LCCN2009634193Skulls and bones of unburied soldiers on south side of Plank Road in 1865 LCCN2009634193
The 6th Corps-Battle of the Wilderness-fighting in the woods - E.F. LCCN2004661868The 6th Corps-Battle of the Wilderness-fighting in the woods - E.F. LCCN2004661868
View of Battle of the Wilderness looking towards the Rapidan River LCCN2004661871View of Battle of the Wilderness looking towards the Rapidan River LCCN2004661871
Winslow Homer - Skirmish in the Wilderness (1864)Winslow Homer - Skirmish in the Wilderness (1864)
Winslow Homer - Skirmish in the Wilderness, 1864Winslow Homer - Skirmish in the Wilderness, 1864
Lee to the Rear Tablet, Wilderness Battlefield, Orange County, VirginiaLee to the Rear Tablet, Wilderness Battlefield, Orange County, Virginia
Lee to the Rear Tablet, Wilderness Battlefield, Orange County, Virginia, United StatesLee to the Rear Tablet, Wilderness Battlefield, Orange County, Virginia, United States
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
documentThe battle of the wilderness (IA battleofwilderne01scha)Wikimedia
imageBattle of the WildernessWikimedia
imageBattle of the Wilderness 687Wikimedia
imageBattle of the Wilderness 688Wikimedia
imageBattle of the Wilderness 689Wikimedia
imageBattle of the Wilderness 692Wikimedia
imageCharles E. Morse, 62nd New York InfantryWikimedia
image1860Cold Harbor, Va. Photographer's wagon and tent LOC 6056601269Wikimedia
imageConfederate entrenchments in the woods near Spotswood's House LCCN2012647729Wikimedia
imageConfederate entrenchments on Orange Plank Road LCCN2012647737Wikimedia
image1864General view of the Battle of the Wilderness, from a point north of the tavern, looking toward Parker's store LCCN2004661870Wikimedia
image1864Genl. U.S. Grant at Wilderness LCCN2004661535Wikimedia
imageMedal of Honor recipient Abram J. Buckles of the 19th Indiana InfantryWikimedia
imageMedal of Honor recipient Henri Le Fevre Brown of the 72nd New York InfantryWikimedia
imageScene of General Wadsworth's death. Tree in foreground was shattered by shell that killed his horse LCCN2012647736Wikimedia
imageSergeant Leopold Karpeles of the 57th Massachusetts Infantry was awarded the medal of honor.Wikimedia
imageSergeant Patrick De Lacey of the 143rd Pennsylvania Infantry was awarded the medal of honorWikimedia
imageSkulls and bones of unburied soldiers on south side of Plank Road in 1865 LCCN2009634193Wikimedia
image1864The 6th Corps-Battle of the Wilderness-fighting in the woods - E.F. LCCN2004661868Wikimedia
image1864View of Battle of the Wilderness looking towards the Rapidan River LCCN2004661871Wikimedia
imageWinslow Homer - Skirmish in the Wilderness (1864)Wikimedia
imageWinslow Homer - Skirmish in the Wilderness, 1864Wikimedia
image"Lee%20to%20the%20Rear"%20Tablet,%20Wilderness%20Battlefield,%20Orange%20County,%20Virginia.jpg Lee to the Rear Tablet, Wilderness Battlefield, Orange County, VirginiaWikimedia
image"Lee%20to%20the%20Rear"%20Tablet,%20Wilderness%20Battlefield,%20Orange%20County,%20Virginia,%20United%20States.jpg Lee to the Rear Tablet, Wilderness Battlefield, Orange County, Virginia, United StatesWikimedia
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