Battle of Chancellorsville

From Warlike


1863 major battle of the American Civil War. 

1863 — 1863 United States
Schlacht bei Chancellorsville 2.jpg

Location: 38.3105, -77.6484, KML, Other maps

8th Penn Cavalry, crossing at Ely`s Ford before battle of Chancellorsville8th Penn Cavalry, crossing at Ely's Ford before battle of Chancellorsville
Banks Ford and Scotts Damn (sic) on the Rappahannock LCCN2004660998Banks Ford and Scotts Damn (sic) on the Rappahannock LCCN2004660998
Battle of ChancellorsvilleBattle of Chancellorsville
Blind Ford & Scotts Mill LCCN2004660256Blind Ford & Scotts Mill LCCN2004660256
Chanc PA TroopsChanc PA Troops
Federal entrenchments across Plank Road about one mile west of Chancellorsville LCCN2012646921Federal entrenchments across Plank Road about one mile west of Chancellorsville LCCN2012646921
Gen. A.W.Whipple, U.S.A. , killed at Chancellorsville May 7, 1863.Gen. A.W.Whipple, U.S.A. , killed at Chancellorsville May 7, 1863.
Germanna Ford LCCN2004660546Germanna Ford LCCN2004660546
German regiment, Chancellorsville on the right LCCN2004660545German regiment, Chancellorsville on the right LCCN2004660545
Memorial of Stonewall Jackson`s DeathMemorial of Stonewall Jackson's Death
Scene at Chancellorsville during the battle, May 1st 1863 LCCN2004660480Scene at Chancellorsville during the battle, May 1st 1863 LCCN2004660480
Schlacht bei ChancellorsvilleSchlacht bei Chancellorsville
Situation Late 30. April 1863 and Movements since 27 AprilSituation Late 30. April 1863 and Movements since 27 April
Somewhere near Chancellorsville, 1863 LCCN2004660503Somewhere near Chancellorsville, 1863 LCCN2004660503
Stonewall Jackson National ShrineStonewall Jackson National Shrine
The battle of Chancellorsville. Scene at junction of U.S. ford road, and road to Rapidan River LCCN2004661923The battle of Chancellorsville. Scene at junction of U.S. ford road, and road to Rapidan River LCCN2004661923
Union soldiers entrenched along the west bank of the Rappahannock River at Fredericksburg, VirginiaUnion soldiers entrenched along the west bank of the Rappahannock River at Fredericksburg, Virginia
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
documentAfield with the Eleventh army corps at Chancellorsville (IA afieldwitheleven00rice)Wikimedia
documentBooks from the Library of Congress (IA statementofcaseo00reve)Wikimedia
documentChancellorsville campaign (IA chancellorsville00unit)Wikimedia
documentHarper's Weekly newspaper on 5/23/1863Wikimedia
documentThe Chancellorsville campaign (IA chancellorsville01unit)Wikimedia
image18638th Penn Cavalry, crossing at Ely's Ford before battle of ChancellorsvilleWikimedia
image1863Banks Ford and Scotts Damn (sic) on the Rappahannock LCCN2004660998Wikimedia
imageBattle of ChancellorsvilleWikimedia
image1863Blind Ford & Scotts Mill LCCN2004660256Wikimedia
imageChanc PA TroopsWikimedia
imageFederal entrenchments across Plank Road about one mile west of Chancellorsville LCCN2012646921Wikimedia
imageGen. A.W.Whipple, U.S.A. , killed at Chancellorsville May 7, 1863.Wikimedia
image1863Germanna Ford LCCN2004660546Wikimedia
image1863German regiment, Chancellorsville on the right LCCN2004660545Wikimedia
imageMemorial of Stonewall Jackson's DeathWikimedia
image1863Scene at Chancellorsville during the battle, May 1st 1863 LCCN2004660480Wikimedia
imageSchlacht bei ChancellorsvilleWikimedia
imageSituation Late 30. April 1863 and Movements since 27 AprilWikimedia
image1863Somewhere near Chancellorsville, 1863 LCCN2004660503Wikimedia
imageStonewall Jackson National ShrineWikimedia
image1863The battle of Chancellorsville. Scene at junction of U.S. ford road, and road to Rapidan River LCCN2004661923Wikimedia
imageUnion soldiers entrenched along the west bank of the Rappahannock River at Fredericksburg, VirginiaWikimedia
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