Defensive walls in Paczków

From Warlike



1400 fortificationfortified towerPolandQ30246231

Paczków, mury obronne, 09.JPG,
2014 Paczków, mury obronne 01.JPG

Location: 50.464072865, 17.006541284, Google, Bing, Aerial View, OldMapsOnline, ESRI Imagery, Historic Markers, KML

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2014 Paczków, mury obronne 012014 Paczków, mury obronne 01
4995viki Paczków - mury obronne. Foto Barbara Maliszewska4995viki Paczków - mury obronne. Foto Barbara Maliszewska
5010viki Paczków. Foto Barbara Maliszewska5010viki Paczków. Foto Barbara Maliszewska
5426viki Paczków - mury obronne. Foto Barbara Maliszewska5426viki Paczków - mury obronne. Foto Barbara Maliszewska
5427viki Paczków - mury obronne. Foto Barbara Maliszewska5427viki Paczków - mury obronne. Foto Barbara Maliszewska
5562amid Paczków - mury obronne. Foto Barbara Maliszewska5562amid Paczków - mury obronne. Foto Barbara Maliszewska
Paczkow mury 01Paczkow mury 01
Paczkow mury 02Paczkow mury 02
Paczków mury obronnePaczków mury obronne
Paczków mury obronne 1966r. Polska - panoramioPaczków mury obronne 1966r. Polska - panoramio
Paczków - Mury obronnePaczków - Mury obronne
Paczków - panoramio (3)Paczków - panoramio (3)
Paczków, brama nyskaPaczków, brama nyska
Paczków, mury obronne, 08Paczków, mury obronne, 08
Paczków, mury obronne, 09Paczków, mury obronne, 09
Paczków, mury obronne, 13Paczków, mury obronne, 13
Paczków, mury obronne, 14Paczków, mury obronne, 14
Paczków, mury obronne, 15Paczków, mury obronne, 15
Paczków, mury obronne, 17Paczków, mury obronne, 17
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Paczków, mury obronne, 19Paczków, mury obronne, 19
Paczków, mury obronne, 20Paczków, mury obronne, 20
Paczków. Zespół obwarowań miejskich1Paczków. Zespół obwarowań miejskich1
Paczków. Zespół obwarowań miejskich2Paczków. Zespół obwarowań miejskich2
Paczków. Zespół obwarowań miejskich3Paczków. Zespół obwarowań miejskich3
linkGoogle Knowledge entry@Wikidata
bunkerChatka pod ŚnieżnikiembunkerWikidata
bunkerDo-S 1proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerDo-S 2proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerDo-S 3proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerDo-S 4proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerDo-S 5proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerDo-S 6proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerDo-S 7proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerDo-S 8proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerDo-S 9proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerDo-S 10proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerDo-S 11proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerDo-S 12proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerDo-S 13proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerDo-S 14proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerIX/104/A-160 light pillboxCzechoslovak light pillboxes Model 37Wikidata
bunkerIX/105/A-120 light pillboxCzechoslovak light pillboxes Model 37Wikidata
bunkerIX/106/A-140Z light pillboxCzechoslovak light pillboxes Model 37Wikidata
bunkerIX/107/A-160Z light pillboxCzechoslovak light pillboxes Model 37Wikidata
bunkerIX/118/A-120Z light pillboxCzechoslovak light pillboxes Model 37Wikidata
bunkerIX/123/A-120Z light pillboxCzechoslovak light pillboxes Model 37Wikidata
bunkerIX/134/A-160Z light pillboxCzechoslovak light pillboxes Model 37Wikidata
bunkerIX/136/D2 light pillboxCzechoslovak light pillboxes Model 37Wikidata
bunkerIX/142/A-180Z light pillboxCzechoslovak light pillboxes Model 37Wikidata
bunkerK-Bg-S 12b Utržený casemateisolated artillery observation postWikidata
bunkerK-S 1proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerK-S 2 Na kótěisolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerK-S 3 U lesaisolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerK-S 4 U cestyisolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerK-S 5 U potoka casematemuseum, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerK-S 6 U kapličky casemateisolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerK-S 7 U vesnice casemateisolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerK-S 8 U nádraží casematemuseum, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerQ98649371proposed building or structure, isolated artillery casemate, training and test object of heavy fortificationWikidata
bunkerQ98649372proposed building or structure, rotating artillery turret, training and test object of heavy fortificationWikidata
bunkerQ98649374proposed building or structure, isolated mortar cupola, training and test object of heavy fortificationWikidata
bunkerStM-S 1proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerStM-S 2proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerStM-S 3proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerStM-S 4proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerStM-S 5proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerStM-S 6proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerStM-S 7proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerStM-S 8proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerStM-S 9proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerStM-S 10proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerStM-S 11proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerStM-S 12proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerStM-S 13aproposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerStM-S 13proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerStM-S 14proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerStM-S 15proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerStM-S 16proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerStM-S 17proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerStM-S 18proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerStM-S 19proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerStM-S 20proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerStM-S 21proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerStM-S 22proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerStM-S 23 Ve strániproposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerStM-S 24 Lanovkaproposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerStM-S 25 V černýmproposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerStM-S 26 Smrčinaproposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerStM-S 27 Haldaproposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerStM-S 28 V poliproposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerStM-S 29 Nad lomemproposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerStM-S 31a Borek casemateisolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerStM-S 31b Ozdravovna casematemuseum, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerStM-S 32 Krajní casemateisolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerStM-S 33 Lesík casematemuseum, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerStM-S 34 Svah casemateisolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerStM-S 35proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerStM-S 36 Vyhlídkaproposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerStM-S 37 Kapličkaproposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerStM-S 38 Pasekaproposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerStM-S 39 Sedloproposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerStM-S 40 Vesniceproposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerStM-S 41 Kótaproposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerStM-S 43 Hřebenproposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerStM-S 47proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerStM-S 48proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerStM-S 49 Vápenkaproposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerStM-S 50a Kolštejnproposed building or structure, isolated artillery casemateWikidata
bunkerStM-S 51 Farský lesproposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerStM-S 53proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerStM-S 54proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerStM-S 55proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerStM-S 56proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerStM-S 57proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerStM-S 59proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerStM-S 60proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerStM-S 61proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerStM-S 62proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerStM-S 63proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerStM-S 64proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerStM-S 65proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerStM-S 66proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerS-IIproposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemate, training and test object of heavy fortificationWikidata
bunkerS-Iproposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemate, training and test object of heavy fortificationWikidata
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image2014 Paczków, mury obronne 012014Wikimedia
image4995viki Paczków - mury obronne. Foto Barbara Maliszewska2009Wikimedia
image5010viki Paczków. Foto Barbara Maliszewska2009Wikimedia
image5426viki Paczków - mury obronne. Foto Barbara Maliszewska2013Wikimedia
image5427viki Paczków - mury obronne. Foto Barbara Maliszewska2013Wikimedia
image5562amid Paczków - mury obronne. Foto Barbara Maliszewska2013Wikimedia
imagePaczkow mury 012013Wikimedia
imagePaczkow mury 022013Wikimedia
imagePaczków mury obronne2012Wikimedia
imagePaczków mury obronne 1966r. Polska - panoramio2009Wikimedia
imagePaczków - Mury obronne2006Wikimedia
imagePaczków - panoramio (3)2006Wikimedia
imagePaczków, brama nyska2009Wikimedia
imagePaczków, mury obronne, 082013Wikimedia
imagePaczków, mury obronne, 092013Wikimedia
imagePaczków, mury obronne, 132013Wikimedia
imagePaczków, mury obronne, 142013Wikimedia
imagePaczków, mury obronne, 152013Wikimedia
imagePaczków, mury obronne, 172013Wikimedia
imagePaczków, mury obronne, 182013Wikimedia
imagePaczków, mury obronne, 192013Wikimedia
imagePaczków, mury obronne, 202013Wikimedia
imagePaczków. Zespół obwarowań miejskich12011Wikimedia
imagePaczków. Zespół obwarowań miejskich22011Wikimedia
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