From Warlike
military constructions and buildings designed for defense in warfare and military bases
see also fortress, coastal defence and fortification
agadir, albacara, Alcazaba, alcázar, Ammunition shelters in the Kraków Fortress, anchor pole, anti-submarine net, anti-tank wall, architectural structure, artillery battery, Austrian forts in the Polesine, Barbette, Barmkin, barrage, battifredo, block, blockhouse, border barrier, breastwork, bridge castle, bridgehead, Bristol Channel Palmerston Forts, bunker, Burh, bâtie, carrago, casemate, casemate Pamart, castellaro, castelliere, castle, castro, chartaque, chashi, Chatham Palmerston Forts, circular rampart, citadel, City fortifications, city gate, city wall, clusa, Clyde Palmerston Forts, coastal defence and fortification, Coastal fortifications of New Zealand, coffre, combat block, compound, cover ditch, crannog, Cuirasse Decauville, culă, Czechoslovak border fortifications during the Cold War, defence work, defense structure, defensible barracks, defensive tower, defensive wall, Device Forts, diateichisma, Dover Palmerston Forts, dugout, Dun, dzong, earthen castle, East Anglian Palmerston Forts, entrenchment, fest, field fortification, fire facility, flanking structure, fort, Fortifications of Gibraltar, Fortifications of Grenoble, fortifications of London, Fortifications of Vauban, fortified cemetery, fortified church, fortified ecclesiastical site, fortified farm, fortified house, fortified line, fortified palace, fortified settlement, fortified town, fortress island, Forts of Brazil, foxhole, Gompa, gord, Groepsschuilplaats Type P, guard line, Gulyay-gorod, gun shelter, Hellenistic fortifications, hillfort, hiṣn, hoarding, human fortified settlement, intermediate work, Isars of the mountainous Crimea, Isle of Wight Palmerston Forts, isolated fortification, Japanese castle, kirigishi, landwehr, letzi, lilia, London Defence Positions, Maginot Line fort, Maginot line interval casemate, Maginot Line shelter, medieval fortification, Milford Haven Palmerston Forts, military building, missile launch facility, moat, motilla, national redoubt, natural fortification, neutraliteitsbunker, North East England Palmerston Forts, ocres, ostrog, overhang, palazzo in fortezza, Palmerston Forts, permanent fortification, phrourion, pillbox, Plymouth Palmerston Forts, polygonal fort, Portland Palmerston Forts, Portsmouth Palmerston Forts, Portuguese fortifications of Mombasa, Portuguese fortifications on the Zambezi River, Post of Pine Bluff, principia, Pukara, Q10500900, Q10603039, Q11691422, Q124790346, Q13030776, Q17996121, Q65296524, qalat, qila, rampart, revetment, ribat, ricetto, Roman military frontiers and fortifications, Russian fortifications in autonomous Finland, Sangar, schanze, sconce, slave fort, South Coast Palmerston Forts, storm obstacle, stronghold, strongpoint, stäk, tabor, tagliata stradale, tarasa, tarisznyavár, tata, tata somba, torpedo battery, Tulou, turret, Twydall profile, Umbertini Forts, Vauban fortifications, village fortifications, wagon fort, Wall of the Arabs, watchtower, werkgruppe, zingel, zwinger,
- Freebase entry@
- Annual of the British School at Athens The Frankish Towers of Central Greece@
- Antiquity Fortifications in the ancient Mediterranean and Near East@
- Archaeologia VIII. Ordnance and the King's Fortifications in 1547–48: Society of Antiquaries MS. 129, Folios 250–374r@
- Archéologie Médiévale Les essais de typologie des fortifications de terre médiévales en Europe : bilan et perspectives@
- Archéologie du Midi médiéval. Supplément État de l’inventaire des ouvrages fortifiés de terre médiévaux de Midi-Pyrénées@
- Archéologie du Midi médiéval. Supplément Construire en terre pendant la Guerre de Cent ans : les fortifications de Castelnaudary (Aude) vers 1355 - vers 1450@
- Bulletin du Centre d’Études Médiévales d’Auxerre Fortification et fonctions militaires des abbayes et chapitres dans l’Entre-Sambre-et-Meuse aux ixe-xie siècles@
- Cambridge Archaeological Journal Sometimes Defence is Just an Excuse: Fortification Walls of the Southern Levantine Early Bronze Age@
- Journal of Archaeological Research Fortifications and Enclosures in European Prehistory: A Cross-Cultural Perspective@
- Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology Examining the Origin of Fortifications in East Timor: Social and Environmental Factors@
- Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology Fortification and Landscape Transformation in Late Antique Pessinus@
- Journal of Roman Archaeology The wall-top of the Late-Roman defences at Saint-Bertrand-de-Comminges: interim report@
- Journal of the British Archaeological Association Some Nottinghamshire Strong-Holds@
- Journal of the North Atlantic Antiquarians, Archaeologists, and Viking Fortifications@
- Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Archäologie des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit The fortifications of Hull@
- Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Archäologie des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit Die Lokalisierung der Grenzen des sogenannten Lübecker Gründungsviertels – ein Indizienprozess@
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- Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Archäologie des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit Topographie als „Machtfaktor“@
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- Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Archäologie des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit Neue Befunde zur Befestigung der Prager Altstadt@
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- Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Archäologie des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit Befestigungen an der Grenze der „Zivilisation“: Planung, Baustoffe und Erhalt im Kontext niederländischer Kolonialforts des 17. Jahrhunderts@
- Nottingham Medieval Studies The Sanctioning of Fortresses in France: ‘Feudal Anarchy’ or ‘Seigneurial Amity’@
- Palestine Exploration Quarterly Posterns in Early Bronze Age Fortifications of Palestine@
- Papers of the British School at Rome Early Medieval Fortifications near Rome@
- Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean The medieval fortifications at Banganarti after the 2016 season@
- Prevezanika Chronika The fortifications of a strategic Passage@
- Revue archéologique de l'Ouest Une forteresse du Xe siècle : le Camp de Péran à Plédran (Côtes d'Armor)@
- Tel Aviv The Middle Bronze Age Fortifications in Palestine as a Social Phenomenon@
- The Archaeological Journal Early Artillery Fortifications in England and Wales: a preliminary survey and reappraisal@
- The Archaeological Journal The Shadow of the General's Armchair@
- World Archaeology Early medieval fortifications in Hesse: A general historical report@
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