StM-S 15

From Warlike


Czech Republic

Location: 50.173, 16.862, KML, Maps

    baseOrlická kasárnabarracksWikidata
    baseKasárna Žamberk, Československé armády 730barracksWikidata
    baseKasárna Klášterec n. OrlicíbarracksWikidata
    basekasárna Rokytnice v Orlických horáchbarracksWikidata
    baseStare Koszary tzw. Koszary Czerwone Fortu Owcza GórabarracksWikidata
    baseNowe Koszary tzw. Koszary Białe Fortu Owcza GórabarracksWikidata
    bunkerChatka pod ŚnieżnikiembunkerWikidata
    bunkerDo-S 1proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerDo-S 2proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerDo-S 3proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerDo-S 4proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerDo-S 5proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerDo-S 6proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerDo-S 7proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerDo-S 8proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerDo-S 9proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerDo-S 10proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerDo-S 11proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerDo-S 12proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerDo-S 13proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerDo-S 14proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerIX/104/A-160 light pillboxCzechoslovak light pillboxes Model 37Wikidata
    bunkerIX/105/A-120 light pillboxCzechoslovak light pillboxes Model 37Wikidata
    bunkerIX/106/A-140Z light pillboxCzechoslovak light pillboxes Model 37Wikidata
    bunkerIX/107/A-160Z light pillboxCzechoslovak light pillboxes Model 37Wikidata
    bunkerIX/118/A-120Z light pillboxCzechoslovak light pillboxes Model 37Wikidata
    bunkerIX/123/A-120Z light pillboxCzechoslovak light pillboxes Model 37Wikidata
    bunkerIX/134/A-160Z light pillboxCzechoslovak light pillboxes Model 37Wikidata
    bunkerIX/136/D2 light pillboxCzechoslovak light pillboxes Model 37Wikidata
    bunkerIX/142/A-180Z light pillboxCzechoslovak light pillboxes Model 37Wikidata
    bunkerK-Am-S 39 Hodek casematefortress infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerK-Am-S 40 U háječku casematefortress infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerK-Am-S 41 Pod vrškem casematefortress infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerK-Am-S 42 Trigonometr casematerotating artillery turretWikidata
    bunkerK-Am-S 43a Na sekyřeentrance objectWikidata
    bunkerK-Am-S 43 Veverka casematefortress artillery casemateWikidata
    bunkerK-Am-S 44 Za větremproposed building or structure, fortress mortar domeWikidata
    bunkerK-Am-S 45 Jabůrek casematefortress artillery casemateWikidata
    bunkerK-Ba-S 21 Kazi casematefortress infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerK-Ba-S 22a Krok casemateentrance objectWikidata
    bunkerK-Ba-S 23 Teta casematefortress infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerK-Bg-S 10 U boží muky casematefortress infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerK-Bg-S 11 Na svahu casematefortress artillery casemateWikidata
    bunkerK-Bg-S 12a U rybníčka casemateentrance objectWikidata
    bunkerK-Bg-S 12b Utržený casemateisolated artillery observation postWikidata
    bunkerK-Bg-S 12 Na kótě casematerotating artillery turretWikidata
    bunkerK-Bg-S 13 U lomu casematefortress infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerK-S 1proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerK-S 2 Na kótěisolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerK-S 3 U lesaisolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerK-S 4 U cestyisolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerK-S 5 U potoka casematemuseum, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerK-S 6 U kapličky casemateisolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerK-S 7 U vesnice casemateisolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerK-S 8 U nádraží casematemuseum, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerK-S 14 U cihelny casematemuseum, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerK-S 15 U lípy casemateisolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerK-S 16 U dráhy casemateisolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerK-S 17 U továrnyisolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerK-S 18 U kostelaisolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerK-S 19 Pod lesemisolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerK-S 20 Na pupkuisolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerK-S 26 Na mýtiněisolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerK-S 27 Na průsekuisolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerK-S 28 V panském casemateisolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerK-S 29 V selskémisolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerK-S 30 V lesíčkuisolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerK-S 32 Na růžku casematemuseum, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerK-S 33 U ovčárny casemateisolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerK-S 34 U kapličkyisolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerK-S 35 Nad lesem casemateisolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerK-S 36 Pod Adamem casemateisolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerK-S 37 Na rozhledně casematemuseum, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerK-S 38 U křížku casematemuseum, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerK-S 46 V zátiší casematemuseum, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerK-S 47 V dolině casemateisolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerK-S 48 Nad silnicí casemateisolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerK-S 49 Petrovice casemateisolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerK-S 50 Na Jedlině casemateisolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerK-S 51 Kraj lesa casemateisolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerK-S 52 Pod skalou casemateisolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerK-S 53a Na žebru casemateisolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerK-S 53b Nad řekou casemateisolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerN-S 1proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerN-S 2proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerN-S 3proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerN-S 4proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerN-S 5proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerN-S 6proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerN-S 7proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerN-S 8proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerN-S 9proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerN-S 10proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerN-S 11proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerDSproposed building or structure, isolated artillery casemate, training and test object of heavy fortificationWikidata
    bunkerDOVproposed building or structure, rotating artillery turret, training and test object of heavy fortificationWikidata
    bunkerMSproposed building or structure, isolated mortar cupola, training and test object of heavy fortificationWikidata
    bunkerStM-S 1proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerStM-S 2proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerStM-S 3proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerStM-S 4proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerStM-S 5proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerStM-S 6proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerStM-S 7proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerStM-S 8proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerStM-S 9proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerStM-S 10proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerStM-S 11proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerStM-S 12proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerStM-S 13aproposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerStM-S 13proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerStM-S 14proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerStM-S 16proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerStM-S 17proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerStM-S 18proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerStM-S 19proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerStM-S 20proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerStM-S 21proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerStM-S 22proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerStM-S 23 Ve strániproposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerStM-S 24 Lanovkaproposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerStM-S 25 V černýmproposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerStM-S 26 Smrčinaproposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerStM-S 27 Haldaproposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerStM-S 28 V poliproposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerStM-S 29 Nad lomemproposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerStM-S 31a Borek casemateisolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerStM-S 31b Ozdravovna casematemuseum, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerStM-S 32 Krajní casemateisolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerStM-S 33 Lesík casematemuseum, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerStM-S 34 Svah casemateisolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerStM-S 35proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerStM-S 36 Vyhlídkaproposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerStM-S 37 Kapličkaproposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerStM-S 38 Pasekaproposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerStM-S 39 Sedloproposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerStM-S 40 Vesniceproposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerStM-S 41 Kótaproposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerStM-S 43 Hřebenproposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerStM-S 47proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerStM-S 48proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerStM-S 49 Vápenkaproposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerStM-S 50a Kolštejnproposed building or structure, isolated artillery casemateWikidata
    bunkerStM-S 51 Farský lesproposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerStM-S 53proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerStM-S 54proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerStM-S 55proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerStM-S 56proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerStM-S 57proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerStM-S 59proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerStM-S 60proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerStM-S 61proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerStM-S 62proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerStM-S 63proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerStM-S 64proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerStM-S 65proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerStM-S 66proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
    bunkerS-IIproposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemate, training and test object of heavy fortificationWikidata
    bunkerS-Iproposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemate, training and test object of heavy fortificationWikidata
    castleCastle in Gorzanówcastle, tripadvisorWikidata
    castleGorzanów Castlecastle, tripadvisorWikidata
    castleMiędzylesie Castlecastle, tripadvisorWikidata
    fortAdamCzech artillery fortWikidata
    fortBartošoviceCzech artillery fortWikidata
    fortBoudamuseum, Czech artillery fortWikidata
    fortFort AfortWikidata
    fortFort FryderykafortWikidata
    fortFort in Szalejowie GórnymfortWikidata
    fortHůrkamuseum, Czech artillery fortWikidata
    fortKronfelzovproposed building or structure, Czech artillery fortWikidata
    fortKłodzko Fortressfortress, military museumWikidata
    fortOrlíkCzech artillery fort, proposed entityWikidata
    fortOwcza Góra Fort in KłodzkofortWikidata
    museumGrafenort concentration campconcentration camp, Nazi concentration camp, military museumWikidata
    towerBaszta Gołębiafortified towerWikidata
    towerDefensive walls in Paczkówfortification, fortified towerWikidata
    towerKłodzka gate tower in Bystrzyca Kłodzkafortified towerWikidata
    towerbaszta, Lisie Kątyfortified towerWikidata
    towerRycerska gate tower in Bystrzyca Kłodzkafortified towerWikidata
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