Battle of Guillemont

From Warlike


1916 World War I battle. 

1916 — 1916 battleBattle of the SommeFrance
Map of the Battle of the Somme, 1916.svg

Location: 50.013777777, 2.824444444, KML, Other maps

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2nd Division operations, Guillemont, 8 August 19162nd Division operations, Guillemont, 8 August 1916
55th (West Lancashire) Division positions at Guillemont55th (West Lancashire) Division positions at Guillemont
Franco-British advances on the Somme, July-August 1916Franco-British advances on the Somme, July-August 1916
French and British advances on the flanks Combles, 3-9 September 1916French and British advances on the flanks Combles, 3-9 September 1916
French attacks 12 September south of Combles, Somme 1916French attacks 12 September south of Combles, Somme 1916
German dead Guillemont September 1916German dead Guillemont September 1916
German defensive lines, vicinity of Delville Wood, Maurepas, Morval, July-September 1916German defensive lines, vicinity of Delville Wood, Maurepas, Morval, July-September 1916
Glosters at GuillemontGlosters at Guillemont
Guillemont, Combles and Lesboeufs area,1916Guillemont, Combles and Lesboeufs area,1916
Montauban to Switch Trench through High Wood, Somme 1916Montauban to Switch Trench through High Wood, Somme 1916
Q 004256GermanDeadGuillemontQ 004256GermanDeadGuillemont
Somme area from Longueval to Combles, 1916Somme area from Longueval to Combles, 1916
Welsh Guards at Guillemont 03-09-1916 IWM Q 4415Welsh Guards at Guillemont 03-09-1916 IWM Q 4415
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