Battle of Morval

From Warlike


1916 battle of World War I. 

1916 — 1916 battleBattle of the SommeFranceWorld War I
Map of the Battle of the Somme, 1916.svg

Location: 50.0316, 2.8424, KML, Maps

56th Division attack on Bouleaux Wood, Battle of Morval, 25 September 191656th Division attack on Bouleaux Wood, Battle of Morval, 25 September 1916
56th Division operations around Leuze Wood, September 191656th Division operations around Leuze Wood, September 1916
British and French envelopment of Combles 25-26 September 1916British and French envelopment of Combles 25-26 September 1916
British infantry Morval 25 September 1916British infantry Morval 25 September 1916
British troops in reserve trenches Battle of Morval 25-09-1916 IWM Q 4290British troops in reserve trenches Battle of Morval 25-09-1916 IWM Q 4290
British wiring party Battle of Morval 25-09-1916 IWM Q 4288British wiring party Battle of Morval 25-09-1916 IWM Q 4288
Butte de WarlencourtButte de Warlencourt
Corporal Edward Richard May (8244754778)Corporal Edward Richard May (8244754778)
Diagram 56th Division Battle of Le Transloy, October 1916Diagram 56th Division Battle of Le Transloy, October 1916
Diagram of Lesbœufs and vicinity evening 25 September 1916Diagram of Lesbœufs and vicinity evening 25 September 1916
French attacks 12 September south of Combles, Somme 1916French attacks 12 September south of Combles, Somme 1916
French operations leading to the capture of Combles 20-26 September 1916French operations leading to the capture of Combles 20-26 September 1916
Gallagher`s cigarette cardGallagher's cigarette card
German defensive lines, Martinpuich, Le Sars and Flers area, Somme 1916German defensive lines, Martinpuich, Le Sars and Flers area, Somme 1916
German defensive lines, vicinity of Delville Wood, Maurepas, Morval, July-September 1916German defensive lines, vicinity of Delville Wood, Maurepas, Morval, July-September 1916
Guards Division on 15 September 1916Guards Division on 15 September 1916
Guillemont, Combles and Lesboeufs area,1916Guillemont, Combles and Lesboeufs area,1916
Map of the east of the Somme front 1916Map of the east of the Somme front 1916
Montauban to Switch Trench through High Wood, Somme 1916Montauban to Switch Trench through High Wood, Somme 1916
Somme area from Longueval to Combles, 1916Somme area from Longueval to Combles, 1916
Wounded and prisoners Battle of Morval 25-09-1916 IWM Q 4303Wounded and prisoners Battle of Morval 25-09-1916 IWM Q 4303
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
image201456th Division attack on Bouleaux Wood, Battle of Morval, 25 September 1916Wikimedia
image201456th Division operations around Leuze Wood, September 1916Wikimedia
image2014British and French envelopment of Combles 25-26 September 1916Wikimedia
imageBritish infantry Morval 25 September 1916Wikimedia
image1916British troops in reserve trenches Battle of Morval 25-09-1916 IWM Q 4290Wikimedia
image1916British wiring party Battle of Morval 25-09-1916 IWM Q 4288Wikimedia
image2014Butte de WarlencourtWikimedia
image2012Corporal Edward Richard May (8244754778)Wikimedia
image2014Diagram 56th Division Battle of Le Transloy, October 1916Wikimedia
image2014Diagram of Lesbœufs and vicinity evening 25 September 1916Wikimedia
image2014French attacks 12 September south of Combles, Somme 1916Wikimedia
image2014French operations leading to the capture of Combles 20-26 September 1916Wikimedia
imageGallagher's cigarette cardWikimedia
image2014German defensive lines, Martinpuich, Le Sars and Flers area, Somme 1916Wikimedia
image2014German defensive lines, vicinity of Delville Wood, Maurepas, Morval, July-September 1916Wikimedia
image2014Guards Division on 15 September 1916Wikimedia
image2014Guillemont, Combles and Lesboeufs area,1916Wikimedia
image2014Map of the east of the Somme front 1916Wikimedia
image2014Montauban to Switch Trench through High Wood, Somme 1916Wikimedia
image2014Somme area from Longueval to Combles, 1916Wikimedia
image1916Wounded and prisoners Battle of Morval 25-09-1916 IWM Q 4303Wikimedia
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