Lands of Threepwood

From Warlike


military base in North Ayrshire, Scotland, UK


military baseUnited Kingdom

Cuffhill Reservoir.jpg

Location: 55.76909, -4.563425, Google, Bing, Aerial View, OldMapsOnline, ESRI Imagery, Historic Markers, KML, NLSOSeDoB

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1759 Marriage Stone1759 Marriage Stone
Cadgerford BurnCadgerford Burn
Cuffhill Reservoir from the old Dye WorksCuffhill Reservoir from the old Dye Works
Dye House ruins details, ThreepwoodDye House ruins details, Threepwood
Dye House, Threepwood Bleach WorksDye House, Threepwood Bleach Works
Foam lines detailFoam lines detail
IR and AC 1790IR and AC 1790
Lows Cottage and lochan, beithLows Cottage and lochan, beith
Mid Town Ruins 1, ThreepwoodMid Town Ruins 1, Threepwood
Mid Town farm ruins, ThreepwoodMid Town farm ruins, Threepwood
Mid Town ruins, ThreepwoodMid Town ruins, Threepwood
Remains of Dye House at old Threepwood Bleach WorksRemains of Dye House at old Threepwood Bleach Works
The Lows Lochan, BeithThe Lows Lochan, Beith
Threepwood Bleach Works ruinsThreepwood Bleach Works ruins
Threepwood Bleach Works, tunnelThreepwood Bleach Works, tunnel
Threepwood bleach works -archThreepwood bleach works -arch
Townend of Threepwood FarmTownend of Threepwood Farm
Townend of Threepwood ruins - detailTownend of Threepwood ruins - detail
Townend of Threepwood wallTownend of Threepwood wall
Townend of Threepwood, old ruinsTownend of Threepwood, old ruins
Townend of Threepwood, west gable endTownend of Threepwood, west gable end
Town End of Threepwood, featureTown End of Threepwood, feature
Town End of Threepwood, gable endTown End of Threepwood, gable end
Town End of Threepwood, old doorwayTown End of Threepwood, old doorway
Weaver`s or Threepwood Well, BeithWeaver's or Threepwood Well, Beith
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
baseBarns of AyrbarracksWikidata
baseChurchill Barracksmilitary baseWikidata
baseDunoon Castlemilitary baseWikidata
baseGallowgate BarracksbarracksWikidata
baseHMNB ClydeRoyal Navy, naval baseWikidata
baseHMS Dalriadanaval shore establishmentWikidata
baseHM Prison Low Mossprison, Royal Air Force, air base, Scottish Prison ServiceWikidata
baseLands of Brownmuirmilitary baseWikidata
baseMaryhill BarracksbarracksWikidata
basePaisley BarracksbarracksWikidata
baseRAF AbbotsinchRoyal Air Force, Royal Air Force stationWikidata
baseRAF DundonaldRoyal Air Force, air base, Royal Air Force stationWikidata
baseRAF FullartonRoyal Air Force, Royal Air Force stationWikidata
baseRAF GailesRoyal Air Force, Royal Air Force station, radar stationWikidata
baseRAF GreenockRoyal Air Force, air base, Royal Air Force stationWikidata
baseRAF HeathfieldRoyal Air Force, Royal Air Force stationWikidata
baseRAF PrestwickRoyal Air Force, air base, Royal Air Force stationWikidata
baseRenfrew Airportair base, airportWikidata
baseRosneath naval basenaval baseWikidata
baseWalcheren BarracksbarracksWikidata
bunkerAyr Royal Observer Corps Group Headquartersbunker, Royal Observer Corps, Royal Observer Corps Group HeadquartersWikidata
bunkerEast Kilbride Regional War RoombunkerWikidata
bunkerInverkip Anti-Aircraft Operations Roombunker, Royal Air ForceWikidata
bunkerStrathclyde Regional Council - Dumbarton Emergency Headquarters - Crossletcivil defense center, Strathclyde Regional CouncilWikidata
bunkerStrathclyde Regional Council - Dumbarton Emergency Headquarters - Garshakecivil defense center, Strathclyde Regional CouncilWikidata
bunkerTorrance House Anti-Aircraft Operations Roombunker, Royal Air ForceWikidata
castleArdencaple Castlecastle, ruins, tripadvisorWikidata
castleArdgowan Castletower house, tripadvisorWikidata
castleArdrossan Castlecastle, tripadvisorWikidata
castleAuchinleck Castlecastle ruin, tripadvisorWikidata
castleBarony and Castle of Kilbirniecastle, tower house, tripadvisorWikidata
castleBarr Castlecastle, tripadvisorWikidata
castleCaldwell Towertower house, tripadvisorWikidata
castleCastle Semplecastle, tripadvisorWikidata
castleCathcart Castletower house, ringwork castle, tripadvisorWikidata
castleCrookston Castletower house, archaeological site, ringwork castle, Historic Environment Scotland, tripadvisorWikidata
castleDean Castlecastle, military museum, local authority museum, tripadvisorWikidata
castleDuchray Castlecastle, tripadvisorWikidata
castleDumbarton Castlecastle, Historic Environment Scotland, contour fort, tripadvisorWikidata
castleDundonald Castlecastle, contour fort, level terrain fort, tripadvisorWikidata
castleDunure Castlecastle, tripadvisorWikidata
castleGreenan Castlecastle, promontory fort, tripadvisorWikidata
castleHunterston Castlecastle, Clan Hunter, tripadvisorWikidata
castleKelburn Castlecastle, country house, tripadvisorWikidata
castleKilmahew Castlecastle, Clan Napier, tripadvisorWikidata
castleLennox Castlecastle, former hospital, tripadvisorWikidata
castleLittle Cumbrae Castletower house, Clan Montgomery, tripadvisorWikidata
castleMearns Castlecastle, tripadvisorWikidata
castleMontfode Castletower house, tripadvisorWikidata
castleMugdock Castlecastle, tripadvisorWikidata
castleSeagate Castlecastle, Clan Montgomery, tripadvisorWikidata
castleSkelmorlie Castlecastle, tripadvisorWikidata
castleSorn Castlecastle, tripadvisorWikidata
fortArdhallow Batteryartillery batteryWikidata
fortFort Matildaneighborhood, fortWikidata
fortGryffe Wraes Cottage, anti-aircraft site 185m WNW ofanti-aircraft batteryWikidata
fortHigh Mathernock, AA battery 350m WSW and camp 360 SW ofanti-aircraft batteryWikidata
fortLarkfield Batteryanti-aircraft batteryWikidata
fortPortkil Battery, 6-inch batteryartillery batteryWikidata
fortSteel Cottage, anti-aircraft battery 480m NW ofartillery batteryWikidata
museumAyrshire Yeomanry Museumregimental museum, tripadvisorWikidata
museumRoyal Highland Fusiliers Museumregimental museum, tripadvisorWikidata
image1759 Marriage Stone2013Wikimedia
imageCadgerford Burn2011Wikimedia
imageCuffhill Reservoir from the old Dye Works2013Wikimedia
imageDye House ruins details, Threepwood2013Wikimedia
imageDye House, Threepwood Bleach Works2013Wikimedia
imageFoam lines detail2013Wikimedia
imageIR and AC 17902013Wikimedia
imageLows Cottage and lochan, beith2011Wikimedia
imageMid Town Ruins 1, Threepwood2012Wikimedia
imageMid Town farm ruins, Threepwood2012Wikimedia
imageMid Town ruins, Threepwood2012Wikimedia
imageRemains of Dye House at old Threepwood Bleach Works2013Wikimedia
imageThe Lows Lochan, Beith2011Wikimedia
imageThreepwood Bleach Works ruins2013Wikimedia
imageThreepwood Bleach Works, tunnel2013Wikimedia
imageThreepwood bleach works -arch2013Wikimedia
imageTownend of Threepwood Farm2013Wikimedia
imageTownend of Threepwood ruins - detail2013Wikimedia
imageTownend of Threepwood wall2013Wikimedia
imageTownend of Threepwood, old ruins2013Wikimedia
imageTownend of Threepwood, west gable end2013Wikimedia
imageTown End of Threepwood, feature2013Wikimedia
imageTown End of Threepwood, gable end2013Wikimedia
imageTown End of Threepwood, old doorway2013Wikimedia
imageWeaver's or Threepwood Well, Beith2013Wikimedia