Greenan Castle

From Warlike


castle in South Ayrshire, Scotland, UK


promontory fortcastleUnited Kingdom

Greenan Shore and Castle - - 380033.jpg

Location: 55.4386, -4.67022, Google, Bing, Aerial View, OldMapsOnline, ESRI Imagery, Historic Markers, KML, NLSOSeDoB

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2017-08-15 Greenan Castle2017-08-15 Greenan Castle
Beach west of Greenan CastleBeach west of Greenan Castle
Castle doonfootcenhanced2Castle doonfootcenhanced2
Deil`s Dyke rocks at high tideDeil's Dyke rocks at high tide
George Frederick Buchanan (1800-64) - Greenan Castle - RCIN 404192 - Royal CollectionGeorge Frederick Buchanan (1800-64) - Greenan Castle - RCIN 404192 - Royal Collection
Greenan CastleGreenan Castle
Greenan CastleGreenan Castle
Greenan CastleGreenan Castle
Greenan Castle and sand maidenGreenan Castle and sand maiden
Greenan Castle at sunset (C2IM0446 v2)Greenan Castle at sunset (C2IM0446 v2)
Greenan Castle by Kristina MacaulayGreenan Castle by Kristina Macaulay
Greenan Castle detailGreenan Castle detail
Greenan Castle from the beachGreenan Castle from the beach
Greenan Castle in Ayrshire, ScotlandGreenan Castle in Ayrshire, Scotland
Greenan Castle sunsetGreenan Castle sunset
Greenan Shore and CastleGreenan Shore and Castle
Greenan Shore and CastleGreenan Shore and Castle
Greenan castleGreenan castle
Greenan castle and headlandGreenan castle and headland
Greenan castle with some coloring - panoramioGreenan castle with some coloring - panoramio
Ice on the rocks below Greenan CastleIce on the rocks below Greenan Castle
Ruins of Greenan Castle, Ayrshire, Scotland (O55416)Ruins of Greenan Castle, Ayrshire, Scotland (O55416)
Shore west of Deil`s DykeShore west of Deil's Dyke
Sunset from the CastleSunset from the Castle
View from Greenan CastleView from Greenan Castle
linkHistoric Environment Scotland entry@Wikidata
linkHistoric Environment Scotland entry@Wikidata
linkHistoric Environment Scotland entry@Wikidata
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
linkGoogle Maps entry@Wikidata
linkCastlesFortsBattles article@Wikidata
linkTripadvisor page@Wikidata
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image2017-08-15 Greenan Castle2017Wikimedia
imageBeach west of Greenan Castle2016Wikimedia
imageCastle doonfootcenhanced22007Wikimedia
imageDeil's Dyke rocks at high tide2017Wikimedia
imageGeorge Frederick Buchanan (1800-64) - Greenan Castle - RCIN 404192 - Royal CollectionWikimedia
imageGreenan Castle2009Wikimedia
imageGreenan Castle2008Wikimedia
imageGreenan Castle2008Wikimedia
imageGreenan Castle and sand maiden2011Wikimedia
imageGreenan Castle at sunset (C2IM0446 v2)2012Wikimedia
imageGreenan Castle by Kristina MacaulayWikimedia
imageGreenan Castle detail2011Wikimedia
imageGreenan Castle from the beach2011Wikimedia
imageGreenan Castle in Ayrshire, Scotland2019Wikimedia
imageGreenan Castle sunset2012Wikimedia
imageGreenan Shore and Castle2007Wikimedia
imageGreenan Shore and Castle2007Wikimedia
imageGreenan castle2006Wikimedia
imageGreenan castle and headland2011Wikimedia
imageGreenan castle with some coloring - panoramio2004Wikimedia
imageIce on the rocks below Greenan Castle2009Wikimedia
imageRuins of Greenan Castle, Ayrshire, Scotland (O55416)Wikimedia
imageShore west of Deil's Dyke2017Wikimedia
imageSunset from the Castle2005Wikimedia
imageView from Greenan Castle2016Wikimedia