Océan-class ship of the line

From Warlike


class of 120-gun ships of the line of the French Navy

Demi coque-120 canons mg 7983Demi coque-120 canons mg 7983
French three-decker img 3179French three-decker img 3179
Ocean class ship of the lineOcean class ship of the line
Ocean-IMG 8745Ocean-IMG 8745
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
linkDrachinifel article@Wikidata
vesselFriedlandFrench Navy, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselLouis XIV1854three-decker, French Navy, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselOcéan1790French Navy, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselRoi de RomeFrench Navy, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselVille de Paris1851French Navy, ship of the lineWikidata
imageDemi coque-120 canons mg 7983Wikimedia
imageFrench three-decker img 3179Wikimedia
imageOcean class ship of the lineWikimedia
imageOcean-IMG 8745Wikimedia