Operation Albion

From Warlike


German capture of part of Estonia, WWI


1917 — 1917 naval battleWorld War ISwedenDenmarkFinlandPolandLithuaniaRussiaGermanyEstoniaLatvia

Operation Albion Map.jpg

Location: 58.5, 23.0, ///sprinkles.loonies.perishes, Google, Bing, Aerial View, OldMapsOnline, ESRI Imagery, Historic Markers, KML

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A battleship squadron of the German High Seas Fleet World War OneA battleship squadron of the German High Seas Fleet World War One
Bundesarchiv Bild 146-1970-074-24, Besetzung der Insel Oesel, TruppeneinschiffungBundesarchiv Bild 146-1970-074-24, Besetzung der Insel Oesel, Truppeneinschiffung
Bundesarchiv Bild 146-1970-074-34, Besetzung der Insel Ösel, TruppenanlandungBundesarchiv Bild 146-1970-074-34, Besetzung der Insel Ösel, Truppenanlandung
Bundesarchiv Bild 146-1971-017-32, Besetzung Insel Ösel, Linienschiff und ZeppelinBundesarchiv Bild 146-1971-017-32, Besetzung Insel Ösel, Linienschiff und Zeppelin
Bundesarchiv Bild 146-1977-101-42, Beladen eines LandungsbootesBundesarchiv Bild 146-1977-101-42, Beladen eines Landungsbootes
Bundesarchiv Bild 146-2005-0158, Besetzung der Insel ÖselBundesarchiv Bild 146-2005-0158, Besetzung der Insel Ösel
Bundesarchiv Bild 146-2005-0159, Besetzung der Insel Oesel, TruppeneinschiffungBundesarchiv Bild 146-2005-0159, Besetzung der Insel Oesel, Truppeneinschiffung
German 1st World War Cyclists troopsGerman 1st World War Cyclists troops
German landing troops on Osel October 1917German landing troops on Osel October 1917
German ships battle to conquer the island of Osel in the Gulf of Riga, WWI (29411745455)German ships battle to conquer the island of Osel in the Gulf of Riga, WWI (29411745455)
German Troops board a transport for Operation AlbionGerman Troops board a transport for Operation Albion
Lot-7676-2-10 (29335110711)Lot-7676-2-10 (29335110711)
Near Oesel. Admiral Schmidt, the commander of the expedition against Oesel, with his staff Oct 1917Near Oesel. Admiral Schmidt, the commander of the expedition against Oesel, with his staff Oct 1917
Near Oesel. Admiral Schmidt, the commander of the expedition against Oesel, with his staff on a torpedo boat during the crossing. October 1917Near Oesel. Admiral Schmidt, the commander of the expedition against Oesel, with his staff on a torpedo boat during the crossing. October 1917
Page 553 The German battleship Grosser Kurfurst with a Zeppelin used for reconnaissance (12308518155)Page 553 The German battleship Grosser Kurfurst with a Zeppelin used for reconnaissance (12308518155)
Russian Battleship Slava, took part in the naval battles near Osel in October 1917Russian Battleship Slava, took part in the naval battles near Osel in October 1917
Siegelmarke Kommandeur der Marineanlagen in Estland und auf den baltischen Inseln W0357525Siegelmarke Kommandeur der Marineanlagen in Estland und auf den baltischen Inseln W0357525
The capture of Oesel. On board a torpedo boat at sea near Libau. October 1927The capture of Oesel. On board a torpedo boat at sea near Libau. October 1927
The capture of Oesel. On board a torpedo boat at sea near Libau. October 1927The capture of Oesel. On board a torpedo boat at sea near Libau. October 1927
Unternehmen Albion 13.10.1917Unternehmen Albion 13.10.1917
Unternehmen Albion 15.10.1917Unternehmen Albion 15.10.1917
Unternehmen Albion 17.10.1917Unternehmen Albion 17.10.1917
Unternehmen Albion - AnmarschUnternehmen Albion - Anmarsch
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
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conflictOperation Albion1917naval battleWikidata
imageA battleship squadron of the German High Seas Fleet World War One1917Wikimedia
imageBundesarchiv Bild 146-1970-074-24, Besetzung der Insel Oesel, TruppeneinschiffungWikimedia
imageBundesarchiv Bild 146-1970-074-34, Besetzung der Insel Ösel, TruppenanlandungWikimedia
imageBundesarchiv Bild 146-1971-017-32, Besetzung Insel Ösel, Linienschiff und ZeppelinWikimedia
imageBundesarchiv Bild 146-1977-101-42, Beladen eines LandungsbootesWikimedia
imageBundesarchiv Bild 146-2005-0158, Besetzung der Insel ÖselWikimedia
imageBundesarchiv Bild 146-2005-0159, Besetzung der Insel Oesel, TruppeneinschiffungWikimedia
imageGerman 1st World War Cyclists troops1917Wikimedia
imageGerman landing troops on Osel October 19171917Wikimedia
imageGerman ships battle to conquer the island of Osel in the Gulf of Riga, WWI (29411745455)2016Wikimedia
imageGerman Troops board a transport for Operation Albion1917Wikimedia
imageLot-7676-2-10 (29335110711)2016Wikimedia
imageNear Oesel. Admiral Schmidt, the commander of the expedition against Oesel, with his staff Oct 1917Wikimedia
imageNear Oesel. Admiral Schmidt, the commander of the expedition against Oesel, with his staff on a torpedo boat during the crossing. October 1917Wikimedia
imagePage 553 The German battleship Grosser Kurfurst with a Zeppelin used for reconnaissance (12308518155)4501Wikimedia
imageRussian Battleship Slava, took part in the naval battles near Osel in October 19171917Wikimedia
imageSiegelmarke Kommandeur der Marineanlagen in Estland und auf den baltischen Inseln W0357525Wikimedia
imageThe capture of Oesel. On board a torpedo boat at sea near Libau. October 1927Wikimedia
imageThe capture of Oesel. On board a torpedo boat at sea near Libau. October 1927Wikimedia
imageUnternehmen Albion 13.10.19172009Wikimedia
imageUnternehmen Albion 15.10.19172009Wikimedia
imageUnternehmen Albion 17.10.19172009Wikimedia
imageUnternehmen Albion - Anmarsch2009Wikimedia