Charge of the Light Brigade

From Warlike


1854 charge of British light cavalry led by Lord Cardigan against Russian forces. 

1854 battleBattle of Balaclavacavalry chargeQ212Russia
William Simpson - Charge of the light cavalry brigade, 25th Oct. 1854, under Major General the Earl of Cardigan.jpg

Location: 44.53777778, 33.62416667, KML, Maps

Balaclava (1876) Elizabeth Thompson, Lady ButlerBalaclava (1876) Elizabeth Thompson, Lady Butler
Captain Louis NolanCaptain Louis Nolan
Captain Phillips & Lieutenant Yates, 8th Hussars LCCN2001697279Captain Phillips & Lieutenant Yates, 8th Hussars LCCN2001697279
Charge of the Light Brigade2Charge of the Light Brigade2
Charge of the Light Cavalry Brigade. 25th Oct. 1854. (13892297241)Charge of the Light Cavalry Brigade. 25th Oct. 1854. (13892297241)
John BevinJohn Bevin
John Dryden served with the 11th Prince Albert`s Own Hussars during the Crimean War. He was wounded during the Charge of the Light Brigade, suffering 27 lance woundsJohn Dryden served with the 11th Prince Albert's Own Hussars during the Crimean War. He was wounded during the Charge of the Light Brigade, suffering 27 lance wounds
Le capitaine Nolan transmettant l`ordre d`attaque à la brigade légèreLe capitaine Nolan transmettant l'ordre d'attaque à la brigade légère
Mine is not to wonder why but to do and die!Mine is not to wonder why but to do and die!
Painting by Henry_Brabazon_UrmstonPainting by Henry_Brabazon_Urmston
Relief of the Light BrigadeRelief of the Light Brigade
Sergeant Joseph Malone, 13th Light Dragoons won the VC  in 1854 during Charge of the Light Brigade, Crimean WarSergeant Joseph Malone, 13th Light Dragoons won the VC in 1854 during Charge of the Light Brigade, Crimean War
Sir Briggs, equine hero of the Charge of the Light Brigade, and his owner, Charles Morgan, Viscount Tredegar, painted by A F de PradesSir Briggs, equine hero of the Charge of the Light Brigade, and his owner, Charles Morgan, Viscount Tredegar, painted by A F de Prades
The Charge of the Light Brigade at Balaklava by William Simpson (1855), illustrating the Light Brigade`s charge into the The Charge of the Light Brigade at Balaklava by William Simpson (1855), illustrating the Light Brigade's charge into the "Valley of Death" from the Russian perspective
The Light Brigade at Balaclava. Wellcome L0003925The Light Brigade at Balaclava. Wellcome L0003925
Thomas Jones Barker, Return Through the Valley of Death, 1876; engraving by Butterworth & Heath 1878, for The Art JournalThomas Jones Barker, Return Through the Valley of Death, 1876; engraving by Butterworth & Heath 1878, for The Art Journal
Thomas Jones Barker, The Charge of the Light Brigade, 1877, Defence Academy of the United Kingdom, ShrivenhamThomas Jones Barker, The Charge of the Light Brigade, 1877, Defence Academy of the United Kingdom, Shrivenham
William Henry Pennington (1833-1923) in 1890 wearing the uniform of the 11th Hussars and his Crimean War medalsWilliam Henry Pennington (1833-1923) in 1890 wearing the uniform of the 11th Hussars and his Crimean War medals
William Henry Pennington (1833-1923)  in 1890 wearing his Crimean War medalsWilliam Henry Pennington (1833-1923) in 1890 wearing his Crimean War medals
William Simpson - Charge of the light cavalry brigade, 25th Oct. 1854, under Major General the Earl of CardiganWilliam Simpson - Charge of the light cavalry brigade, 25th Oct. 1854, under Major General the Earl of Cardigan
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
audioFlorence Nightingale voice - 1576A 2nd RenditionWikimedia
document1854Charge of the Light Brigade London Gazette dispatchWikimedia
image1876Balaclava (1876) Elizabeth Thompson, Lady ButlerWikimedia
image1854Captain Louis NolanWikimedia
image1855Captain Phillips & Lieutenant Yates, 8th Hussars LCCN2001697279Wikimedia
image1855Charge of the Light Brigade2Wikimedia
image1855Charge of the Light Cavalry Brigade. 25th Oct. 1854. (13892297241)Wikimedia
imageJohn BevinWikimedia
imageJohn Dryden served with the 11th Prince Albert's Own Hussars during the Crimean War. He was wounded during the Charge of the Light Brigade, suffering 27 lance woundsWikimedia
image1889Le capitaine Nolan transmettant l'ordre d'attaque à la brigade légèreWikimedia
imageMine is not to wonder why but to do and die!Wikimedia
imagePainting by Henry_Brabazon_UrmstonWikimedia
imageRelief of the Light BrigadeWikimedia
image1860Sergeant Joseph Malone, 13th Light Dragoons won the VC in 1854 during Charge of the Light Brigade, Crimean WarWikimedia
imageSir Briggs, equine hero of the Charge of the Light Brigade, and his owner, Charles Morgan, Viscount Tredegar, painted by A F de PradesWikimedia
image1855The Charge of the Light Brigade at Balaklava by William Simpson (1855), illustrating the Light Brigade's charge into the "Valley of Death" from the Russian perspectiveWikimedia
imageThe Light Brigade at Balaclava. Wellcome L0003925Wikimedia
imageThomas Jones Barker, Return Through the Valley of Death, 1876; engraving by Butterworth & Heath 1878, for The Art JournalWikimedia
imageThomas Jones Barker, The Charge of the Light Brigade, 1877, Defence Academy of the United Kingdom, ShrivenhamWikimedia
image1890William Henry Pennington (1833-1923) in 1890 wearing the uniform of the 11th Hussars and his Crimean War medalsWikimedia
image1890William Henry Pennington (1833-1923) in 1890 wearing his Crimean War medalsWikimedia
image1855William Simpson - Charge of the light cavalry brigade, 25th Oct. 1854, under Major General the Earl of CardiganWikimedia
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