Battle of Balaclava

From Warlike


1854 battle of the Crimean War. 

1854 Crimean WarbattleSiege of SevastopolCharge of the Light BrigadeThe Thin Red LineRussiaQ212
Charge of the Light Brigade.jpg

Location: 44.57175833, 33.57309444, KML, Maps

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ALEXANDER(1857) British lines under fireALEXANDER(1857) British lines under fire
ALEXANDER(1857) British lines under fireFXDALEXANDER(1857) British lines under fireFXD
Arrival of Fresh Troops at Balaclava, Crimea, 1855, `The Officers` Portfolio of the Striking Reminiscences of the War, from Drawings, Photographs, and Notes, Taken on the Spot.` (1856). NAM 1004998Arrival of Fresh Troops at Balaclava, Crimea, 1855, 'The Officers' Portfolio of the Striking Reminiscences of the War, from Drawings, Photographs, and Notes, Taken on the Spot.' (1856). NAM 1004998
Balaclava valley 2009 G1Balaclava valley 2009 G1
Bataille de Balaklava (Octobre 1854) (cropped)Bataille de Balaklava (Octobre 1854) (cropped)
Battle of Balaclave monument(Crimean War)Battle of Balaclave monument(Crimean War)
Cavalry camp near Balaklava 1855.3a34625rCavalry camp near Balaklava 1855.3a34625r
Chasseurs d`Afrique à BalaclavaChasseurs d'Afrique à Balaclava
Crimean War, Russia; frostbitten soldiers on their way to Ba Wellcome V0015376Crimean War, Russia; frostbitten soldiers on their way to Ba Wellcome V0015376
Crimean War; carrying the wounded to Balaklava, Russia. Wood Wellcome V0015366Crimean War; carrying the wounded to Balaklava, Russia. Wood Wellcome V0015366
Die Gartenlaube (1854) b 614 2Die Gartenlaube (1854) b 614 2
Entrance to Balaclava, Crimea, 1855, `The Officers` Portfolio of the Striking Reminiscences of the War, from Drawings, Photographs, and Notes, Taken on the Spot.` (1856). NAM 1004989Entrance to Balaclava, Crimea, 1855, 'The Officers' Portfolio of the Striking Reminiscences of the War, from Drawings, Photographs, and Notes, Taken on the Spot.' (1856). NAM 1004989
Painting by Alfred Tippinge (6)Painting by Alfred Tippinge (6)
Painting „The Thin Red Line“ by Robert Gibb, 1881Painting „The Thin Red Line“ by Robert Gibb, 1881
Richard Buckner - Battle of Balaclava Drummer BoyRichard Buckner - Battle of Balaclava Drummer Boy
Robert Gibb - The Thin Red LineFXDRobert Gibb - The Thin Red LineFXD
Rocks near Balaclava, Crimea, 1855, `The Officers` Portfolio of the Striking Reminiscences of the War, from Drawings, Photographs, and Notes, Taken on the Spot.` (1856). NAM 18749Rocks near Balaclava, Crimea, 1855, 'The Officers' Portfolio of the Striking Reminiscences of the War, from Drawings, Photographs, and Notes, Taken on the Spot.' (1856). NAM 18749
The End of Balaclava Harbor - Attributed to Felice BeatoThe End of Balaclava Harbor - Attributed to Felice Beato
The End of Balaclava Harbor - Attributed to Felice BeatoFXDThe End of Balaclava Harbor - Attributed to Felice BeatoFXD
The Turks conveying the sick to Baclava. Wellcome M0015436The Turks conveying the sick to Baclava. Wellcome M0015436
Valley of deathValley of death
Washing establishment for the general hospital at Baclava. Wellcome L0004936Washing establishment for the general hospital at Baclava. Wellcome L0004936
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
conflict1854Charge of the Light Brigadecavalry charge, battleWikidata
conflict1854The Thin Red LinebattleWikidata
imageALEXANDER(1857) British lines under fireWikimedia
imageALEXANDER(1857) British lines under fireFXDWikimedia
imageArrival of Fresh Troops at Balaclava, Crimea, 1855, 'The Officers' Portfolio of the Striking Reminiscences of the War, from Drawings, Photographs, and Notes, Taken on the Spot.' (1856). NAM 1004998Wikimedia
image2009Balaclava valley 2009 G1Wikimedia
image1854Bataille de Balaklava (Octobre 1854) (cropped)Wikimedia
imageBattle of Balaclave monument(Crimean War)Wikimedia
imageCavalry camp near Balaklava 1855.3a34625rWikimedia
imageChasseurs d'Afrique à BalaclavaWikimedia
imageCrimean War, Russia; frostbitten soldiers on their way to Ba Wellcome V0015376Wikimedia
imageCrimean War; carrying the wounded to Balaklava, Russia. Wood Wellcome V0015366Wikimedia
imageDie Gartenlaube (1854) b 614 2Wikimedia
imageEntrance to Balaclava, Crimea, 1855, 'The Officers' Portfolio of the Striking Reminiscences of the War, from Drawings, Photographs, and Notes, Taken on the Spot.' (1856). NAM 1004989Wikimedia
imagePainting by Alfred Tippinge (6)Wikimedia
imagePainting „The Thin Red Line“ by Robert Gibb, 1881Wikimedia
imageRichard Buckner - Battle of Balaclava Drummer BoyWikimedia
imageRobert Gibb - The Thin Red LineFXDWikimedia
imageRocks near Balaclava, Crimea, 1855, 'The Officers' Portfolio of the Striking Reminiscences of the War, from Drawings, Photographs, and Notes, Taken on the Spot.' (1856). NAM 18749Wikimedia
imageThe End of Balaclava Harbor - Attributed to Felice BeatoWikimedia
imageThe End of Balaclava Harbor - Attributed to Felice BeatoFXDWikimedia
imageThe Turks conveying the sick to Baclava. Wellcome M0015436Wikimedia
imageValley of deathWikimedia
imageWashing establishment for the general hospital at Baclava. Wellcome L0004936Wikimedia
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