
From Warlike


wooden African javelin pointed with iron or fire-hardened tip. 

An African soldier or `Askari` on guard duty at No. 23 Air School at Waterkloof, Pretoria, South Africa, January 1943. TR1262An African soldier or 'Askari' on guard duty at No. 23 Air School at Waterkloof, Pretoria, South Africa, January 1943. TR1262
Battles of the nineteenth century (1901) (14740743306)Battles of the nineteenth century (1901) (14740743306)
Bruniquel Victor Brun Pointe de sagaie MHNT PRE 2013 0 162Bruniquel Victor Brun Pointe de sagaie MHNT PRE 2013 0 162
Collectie NMvWereldculturen, RV-A15-10, foto- Twee strijdende krijgers met speer en schild, fotograaf- Trappisten Missie Mariannhill, 1894Collectie NMvWereldculturen, RV-A15-10, foto- Twee strijdende krijgers met speer en schild, fotograaf- Trappisten Missie Mariannhill, 1894
Collectie NMvWereldculturen, RV-A15-25, foto- Portret van een jonge krijger met speer, schild en hoofdtooi van vogelveren, fotograaf- Trappisten Missie Mariannhill, 1894Collectie NMvWereldculturen, RV-A15-25, foto- Portret van een jonge krijger met speer, schild en hoofdtooi van vogelveren, fotograaf- Trappisten Missie Mariannhill, 1894
Frederick Timpson I`Ons03Frederick Timpson I'Ons03
Gustave Julien 2 sagaies Madagascar MHNT ETH AC MD 144 et 143Gustave Julien 2 sagaies Madagascar MHNT ETH AC MD 144 et 143
Members of the Natal Native Contingent (NNC) armed with assegais (short spears) and shields, 1879Members of the Natal Native Contingent (NNC) armed with assegais (short spears) and shields, 1879
Ngoni Warriors, Malawi, (s.d.) (imp-cswc-GB-237-CSWC47-LS5-1-018)Ngoni Warriors, Malawi, (s.d.) (imp-cswc-GB-237-CSWC47-LS5-1-018)
Pencil sketches of local weapons Wellcome L0046588Pencil sketches of local weapons Wellcome L0046588
Pointe de sagaie MHNT PRE.2011.0.18Pointe de sagaie MHNT PRE.2011.0.18
Pointe de sagaie MHNT PRE.2011.0.19Pointe de sagaie MHNT PRE.2011.0.19
Pointe de sagaie Marsoulas MHNT PRE 2010.0.9.2.FondPointe de sagaie Marsoulas MHNT PRE 2010.0.9.2.Fond
Pointe de sagaie Marsoulas MHNT PRE 2010.0.9.2.noirPointe de sagaie Marsoulas MHNT PRE 2010.0.9.2.noir
RegionPMB 1898 A ZuluRegionPMB 1898 A Zulu
Sekhukhune and familySekhukhune and family
The National Archives UK - CO 1069-224-48The National Archives UK - CO 1069-224-48
The history of the battles and adventures of the British, the Boers, and the Zulus, etc. in Southern Africa, from the time of Pharaoh Necho, to 1888 (1888) (14584488607)The history of the battles and adventures of the British, the Boers, and the Zulus, etc. in Southern Africa, from the time of Pharaoh Necho, to 1888 (1888) (14584488607)
Throwing the Assegai, (frontispiece) of `Pen and pencil reminiscences of a campaign in South Africa` 1020253Throwing the Assegai, (frontispiece) of 'Pen and pencil reminiscences of a campaign in South Africa' 1020253
Voyage dans l`intérieur de l`afrique 1007083Voyage dans l'intérieur de l'afrique 1007083
War dance under a fig tree by ZulusWar dance under a fig tree by Zulus
Xhosa-stamhoofd Mahot(t)i met een assegaai in zijn linkerhand, RP-T-1914-17-70Xhosa-stamhoofd Mahot(t)i met een assegaai in zijn linkerhand, RP-T-1914-17-70
Zulukrieger mit Waffen (Keule, Schild und Stoßlanze)Zulukrieger mit Waffen (Keule, Schild und Stoßlanze)
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
imageAn African soldier or 'Askari' on guard duty at No. 23 Air School at Waterkloof, Pretoria, South Africa, January 1943. TR1262Wikimedia
image1901Battles of the nineteenth century (1901) (14740743306)Wikimedia
image2014Bruniquel Victor Brun Pointe de sagaie MHNT PRE 2013 0 162Wikimedia
imageCollectie NMvWereldculturen, RV-A15-10, foto- Twee strijdende krijgers met speer en schild, fotograaf- Trappisten Missie Mariannhill, 1894Wikimedia
imageCollectie NMvWereldculturen, RV-A15-25, foto- Portret van een jonge krijger met speer, schild en hoofdtooi van vogelveren, fotograaf- Trappisten Missie Mariannhill, 1894Wikimedia
imageFrederick Timpson I'Ons03Wikimedia
imageGustave Julien 2 sagaies Madagascar MHNT ETH AC MD 144 et 143Wikimedia
imageLucas1861, pg008 THROWING THE ASSEGAIWikimedia
image1879Members of the Natal Native Contingent (NNC) armed with assegais (short spears) and shields, 1879Wikimedia
imageNgoni Warriors, Malawi, (s.d.) (imp-cswc-GB-237-CSWC47-LS5-1-018)Wikimedia
imagePencil sketches of local weapons Wellcome L0046588Wikimedia
imagePointe de sagaie MHNT PRE.2011.0.18Wikimedia
imagePointe de sagaie MHNT PRE.2011.0.19Wikimedia
imagePointe de sagaie Marsoulas MHNT PRE 2010.0.9.2.FondWikimedia
imagePointe de sagaie Marsoulas MHNT PRE 2010.0.9.2.noirWikimedia
imageRegionPMB 1898 A ZuluWikimedia
image1878Sekhukhune and familyWikimedia
imageThe National Archives UK - CO 1069-224-48Wikimedia
image1888The history of the battles and adventures of the British, the Boers, and the Zulus, etc. in Southern Africa, from the time of Pharaoh Necho, to 1888 (1888) (14584488607)Wikimedia
imageThrowing the Assegai, (frontispiece) of 'Pen and pencil reminiscences of a campaign in South Africa' 1020253Wikimedia
imageVoyage dans l'intérieur de l'afrique 1007083Wikimedia
image1865War dance under a fig tree by ZulusWikimedia
imageXhosa-stamhoofd Mahot(t)i met een assegaai in zijn linkerhand, RP-T-1914-17-70Wikimedia
imageZulukrieger mit Waffen (Keule, Schild und Stoßlanze)Wikimedia
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