naval warfare of World War I

From Warlike


first world war battle of sea. 
naval theatre of World War I

1914 — 1918 Action of 11–12 December 1917U-boat campaignBattle of FunchalAdriatic Campaign of World War Inaval warfare in the Mediterranean during World War IAtlantic U-boat Campaign of World War IWorld War Inaval warfaretheatre of warPalestineQ31354462AlgeriaIsraelLebanonSyriaTunisiaLibyaMoroccoNorwayBelgiumSpainSwedenDenmarkFinlandItalyPolandLithuaniaTurkeyGreeceNetherlandsEgyptFranceUnited KingdomRussiaGermanyEstoniaLatviaSloveniaQ212RomaniaBulgariaAlbaniaCroatiaBosnia and HerzegovinaQ230CyprusQ235MaltaMontenegro

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Arms Production in Britain in the First World War Q30150Arms Production in Britain in the First World War Q30150
A Lieutenant on the Bridge, Hm Trawler - (lieut G Maccoll Smith, Rnr) Art.IWMART934A Lieutenant on the Bridge, Hm Trawler - (lieut G Maccoll Smith, Rnr) Art.IWMART934
BASA-237K-1-361-10-Picture of the German Navy. Firing off a Turrelgun.BASA-237K-1-361-10-Picture of the German Navy. Firing off a Turrelgun.
British Convoys during the First World War Q19954British Convoys during the First World War Q19954
Cuirassé Cuirassé "Jean Bart"
Feldpostkarten von Rudolf Kämmerer aus NorwegenFeldpostkarten von Rudolf Kämmerer aus Norwegen
Feldpostkarten von Rudolf Kämmerer aus Norwegen Berlin backFeldpostkarten von Rudolf Kämmerer aus Norwegen Berlin back
Feldpostkarten von Rudolf Kämmerer aus Norwegen backFeldpostkarten von Rudolf Kämmerer aus Norwegen back
Hand-drawn bird`s eye view map of Europe showing the blockade of the Central Powers in World War IHand-drawn bird's eye view map of Europe showing the blockade of the Central Powers in World War I
Le Gaulois échoué sur l`ile aux lapins en 1915Le Gaulois échoué sur l'ile aux lapins en 1915
Listing merchant vessel with a destroyer and a depth-charge or mine exploding beyond RMG PV3453Listing merchant vessel with a destroyer and a depth-charge or mine exploding beyond RMG PV3453
Luigi Marzocchi (1888-1970) -- foto 1917-1918 - WWI - prima guerra mondiale (6 of 23)Luigi Marzocchi (1888-1970) -- foto 1917-1918 - WWI - prima guerra mondiale (6 of 23)
Ministry of Information First World War Official Collection Q27970Ministry of Information First World War Official Collection Q27970
Minnie`s authority to wear medals certMinnie's authority to wear medals cert
PSM V88 D074 British sailors recovering a failed torpedo 1916PSM V88 D074 British sailors recovering a failed torpedo 1916
Shipbuilding during the First World War Q18542Shipbuilding during the First World War Q18542
Submarines, mines and torpedoes in the war (1914) (14576676060)Submarines, mines and torpedoes in the war (1914) (14576676060)
Szentistvanagyuk 2Szentistvanagyuk 2
US certificate of honour for Michael CarrollUS certificate of honour for Michael Carroll
Wrack der NorsemanWrack der Norseman
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
conflict1917Action of 11–12 December 1917naval battleWikidata
conflict1914Adriatic Campaign of World War Itheater of warWikidata
conflict1914Atlantic U-boat Campaign of World War Imilitary campaign, theater of warWikidata
conflict1916Battle of Funchalnaval battleWikidata
conflict1914U-boat campaignmilitary campaignWikidata
conflict1914naval warfare in the Mediterranean during World War IconflictWikidata
imageArms Production in Britain in the First World War Q30150Wikimedia
imageA Lieutenant on the Bridge, Hm Trawler - (lieut G Maccoll Smith, Rnr) Art.IWMART934Wikimedia
imageBASA-237K-1-361-10-Picture of the German Navy. Firing off a Turrelgun.Wikimedia
imageBritish Convoys during the First World War Q19954Wikimedia
image"Jean%20Bart".jpg Cuirassé "Jean Bart"Wikimedia
imageFeldpostkarten von Rudolf Kämmerer aus NorwegenWikimedia
imageFeldpostkarten von Rudolf Kämmerer aus Norwegen Berlin backWikimedia
imageFeldpostkarten von Rudolf Kämmerer aus Norwegen backWikimedia
imageHand-drawn bird's eye view map of Europe showing the blockade of the Central Powers in World War IWikimedia
image1915Le Gaulois échoué sur l'ile aux lapins en 1915Wikimedia
imageListing merchant vessel with a destroyer and a depth-charge or mine exploding beyond RMG PV3453Wikimedia
imageLuigi Marzocchi (1888-1970) -- foto 1917-1918 - WWI - prima guerra mondiale (6 of 23)Wikimedia
imageMinistry of Information First World War Official Collection Q27970Wikimedia
imageMinnie's authority to wear medals certWikimedia
image1916PSM V88 D074 British sailors recovering a failed torpedo 1916Wikimedia
imageShipbuilding during the First World War Q18542Wikimedia
image1914Submarines, mines and torpedoes in the war (1914) (14576676060)Wikimedia
image1915Szentistvanagyuk 2Wikimedia
imageUS certificate of honour for Michael CarrollWikimedia
image1916Wrack der NorsemanWikimedia
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