Lowther Castle

From Warlike


Country house in Cumbria, England, UK


castlecountry houseEnglish country houseUnited Kingdom

Lowther Castle.jpg
Lowther Castle today.jpg

Location: 54.6058, -2.74028, Google, Bing, Aerial View, OldMapsOnline, ESRI Imagery, Historic Markers, KML, NLSOSeDoB

Askham Bridge, River LowtherAskham Bridge, River Lowther
A gatehouseA gatehouse
CS p2.324 - Lowther Castle, Westmorland - Morris`s County Seats, 1869CS p2.324 - Lowther Castle, Westmorland - Morris's County Seats, 1869
Earl in Lowther Castle Garden 1930sEarl in Lowther Castle Garden 1930s
Gladys Lady Lonsdale circa 1880Gladys Lady Lonsdale circa 1880
Hugh Cecil Lowther by Sir John Lavery circa 1920Hugh Cecil Lowther by Sir John Lavery circa 1920
Japanese Iris Garden Lowther Castle 1911Japanese Iris Garden Lowther Castle 1911
Lodge North Of Lowther CastleLodge North Of Lowther Castle
Lord Lonsdales eleven Napier cars 1913 2Lord Lonsdales eleven Napier cars 1913 2
Lowther CastleLowther Castle
Lowther Castle 1915Lowther Castle 1915
Lowther Castle Jones` Views 1829Lowther Castle Jones' Views 1829
Lowther Castle sculpture room, 1870sLowther Castle sculpture room, 1870s
Lowther Castle todayLowther Castle today
Lowther Castle - Evening by Turner 1810Lowther Castle - Evening by Turner 1810
Lowther Castle, CumbriaLowther Castle, Cumbria
Meyers Universum Band 11 04Meyers Universum Band 11 04
Meyer’s Universum Bd. 11. 1844 (139890282)Meyer’s Universum Bd. 11. 1844 (139890282)
Quarry Alpine Garden Lowther Castle 1937Quarry Alpine Garden Lowther Castle 1937
Summerhouse Lowther Castle circa 1900Summerhouse Lowther Castle circa 1900
Tea House Lowther Castle 1911Tea House Lowther Castle 1911
Water Garden Lowther Castle 1907Water Garden Lowther Castle 1907
Water Lillies Lowther Castle 1907Water Lillies Lowther Castle 1907
William Lowther 1st Earl of LonsdaleWilliam Lowther 1st Earl of Lonsdale
Wintering sheep near Lowther CastleWintering sheep near Lowther Castle
linkBritish Listed Buildings entry@Wikidata
linkGatehouse Gazetteer entry@Wikidata
linkHistoric England entry@Wikidata
linkHistoric England entry@Wikidata
linkGoogle Maps entry@Wikidata
linkTripadvisor page@Wikidata
baseRAF Crosby-on-EdenRoyal Air Force, air base, Royal Air Force stationWikidata
baseRAF Great OrtonRoyal Air Force stationWikidata
baseRAF Hornby Hallaerodrome, Royal Air Force, air base, Royal Air Force stationWikidata
bunkerCarlisle Royal Observer Corps Group Headquartersbunker, Royal Observer Corps, Royal Observer Corps Group HeadquartersWikidata
castleAppleby Castlecastle, English country house, tripadvisorWikidata
castleArmathwaite Castlecastle, tripadvisorWikidata
castleArnside Towertower house, tripadvisorWikidata
castleAskerton Castlehouse, castle, tripadvisorWikidata
castleBrougham Castlecastle, English Heritage, castle ruin, tripadvisorWikidata
castleBrough Castlecastle, English Heritage, tripadvisorWikidata
castleCarlisle Castlecastle, English Heritage, tripadvisorWikidata
castleClifton Hallmanor house, English Heritage, English country house, peel tower, tripadvisorWikidata
castleFeatherstone Castlecastle, tripadvisorWikidata
castleHutton in the Forestcastle, garden, historic house museum, country house, tripadvisorWikidata
castleKendal Castlecastle ruin, tripadvisorWikidata
castlePenrith Castlecastle, English Heritage, tripadvisorWikidata
castleSizergh Castlecastle, National Trust, garden, English country house, historic house museum, tripadvisorWikidata
castleWray Castlecastle, National Trust, English country house, tripadvisorWikidata
fortHallgarthfort, mound, motteWikidata
museumCumbria's Museum of Military Liferegimental museum, independent museum, tripadvisorWikidata
museumSolway Aviation Museummilitary museum, aviation museum, tripadvisorWikidata
towerCaesar's Tower at Appleby CastlekeepWikidata
imageAskham Bridge, River LowtherWikimedia
imageA gatehouse2011Wikimedia
imageCS p2.324 - Lowther Castle, Westmorland - Morris's County Seats, 1869Wikimedia
imageEarl in Lowther Castle Garden 1930sWikimedia
imageGladys Lady Lonsdale circa 1880Wikimedia
imageHugh Cecil Lowther by Sir John Lavery circa 19201930Wikimedia
imageJapanese Iris Garden Lowther Castle 19111911Wikimedia
imageLodge North Of Lowther CastleWikimedia
imageLord Lonsdales eleven Napier cars 1913 21913Wikimedia
imageLowther Castle2006Wikimedia
imageLowther Castle 19151915Wikimedia
imageLowther Castle Jones' Views 1829Wikimedia
imageLowther Castle sculpture room, 1870s1876Wikimedia
imageLowther Castle today2004Wikimedia
imageLowther Castle - Evening by Turner 18101810Wikimedia
imageLowther Castle, Cumbria2004Wikimedia
imageMeyers Universum Band 11 041844Wikimedia
imageMeyer’s Universum Bd. 11. 1844 (139890282)Wikimedia
imageQuarry Alpine Garden Lowther Castle 1937Wikimedia
imageSummerhouse Lowther Castle circa 1900Wikimedia
imageTea House Lowther Castle 19111911Wikimedia
imageWater Garden Lowther Castle 19071907Wikimedia
imageWater Lillies Lowther Castle 19071907Wikimedia
imageWilliam Lowther 1st Earl of LonsdaleWikimedia
imageWintering sheep near Lowther Castle2007Wikimedia