Featherstone Castle

From Warlike


Large Gothic style country mansion situated on the bank of the River South Tyne in Northumberland, England.


castleUnited Kingdom

Featherstone Castle.jpg

Location: 54.943, -2.51, Google, Bing, Aerial View, OldMapsOnline, ESRI Imagery, Historic Markers, KML, NLSOSeDoB

Contorted hornbeamContorted hornbeam
Featherstone CastleFeatherstone Castle
Featherstone CastleFeatherstone Castle
Featherstone CastleFeatherstone Castle
Featherstone CastleFeatherstone Castle
Featherstone CastleFeatherstone Castle
Featherstone CastleFeatherstone Castle
Featherstone Castle 1Featherstone Castle 1
Featherstone Castle 2Featherstone Castle 2
Featherstone Castle 3Featherstone Castle 3
Featherstone Castle by William MillerFeatherstone Castle by William Miller
Featherstone Castle through the treesFeatherstone Castle through the trees
Featherstone Castle (back)Featherstone Castle (back)
Featherstone Castle (gate)Featherstone Castle (gate)
Featherstone Castle (parapet)Featherstone Castle (parapet)
Featherstone Castle (side)Featherstone Castle (side)
The Diamond OakThe Diamond Oak
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imageContorted hornbeam2009Wikimedia
imageFeatherstone Castle2009Wikimedia
imageFeatherstone Castle2009Wikimedia
imageFeatherstone Castle2009Wikimedia
imageFeatherstone Castle2009Wikimedia
imageFeatherstone Castle2003Wikimedia
imageFeatherstone Castle2003Wikimedia
imageFeatherstone Castle 12005Wikimedia
imageFeatherstone Castle 22005Wikimedia
imageFeatherstone Castle 32005Wikimedia
imageFeatherstone Castle by William Miller2007Wikimedia
imageFeatherstone Castle through the trees2003Wikimedia
imageFeatherstone Castle (back)2016Wikimedia
imageFeatherstone Castle (gate)2016Wikimedia
imageFeatherstone Castle (parapet)2018Wikimedia
imageFeatherstone Castle (side)2016Wikimedia
imageThe Diamond Oak2009Wikimedia