Fifth Russo-Turkish War

From Warlike


1735-1739 part of the Russo-Turkish Wars. 
Russo-Turkish War of 1736–1739

1736 — 1739 Austro–Turkish War of 1737-1739Battle of Banja LukaBattle of Cape LoriBattle of GrockaBattle of HenicheskBattle of SalgirBattle of StavuchanyLacy's campaign to CrimeaQ31088787Russo-Turkish WarsSiege of AzovSiege of BenderSiege of Ochakovwar
Siege of Azov (1736).jpg

Location: 44.755, 33.8525, KML, Maps

13.07.1737 Festung Otschakow,13.07.1737 Festung Otschakow,
1736 map of the seat of the Russo-Turkish War (1735–1739)1736 map of the seat of the Russo-Turkish War (1735–1739)
1736. Operationen am Donn und Dnieper1736. Operationen am Donn und Dnieper
1744 map of the seat of the Russo-Turkish War (1735–1739)1744 map of the seat of the Russo-Turkish War (1735–1739)
A map of 1736 showing engagement between the Russian and Ottoman armies during Russo-Turkish War (1735–1739).A map of 1736 showing engagement between the Russian and Ottoman armies during Russo-Turkish War (1735–1739).
Ca. 1738 map of Serbia and Bosnia by Johann Friedrich OettingerCa. 1738 map of Serbia and Bosnia by Johann Friedrich Oettinger
Russian map of the battle of StavchaniRussian map of the battle of Stavchani
Siege of Azov (1736)Siege of Azov (1736)
Siege of Perekop (1736)Siege of Perekop (1736)
Surrender of Azov (1736)Surrender of Azov (1736)
Ukrainskaya liniya.1737Ukrainskaya liniya.1737
Valiova - ca. 1738 map of Serbia and Bosnia by Johann Friedrich Oettinger (cropped)Valiova - ca. 1738 map of Serbia and Bosnia by Johann Friedrich Oettinger (cropped)
Waldburg SchützenscheibeWaldburg Schützenscheibe
Карта полуострова Крым на 1738г. Прил.Ч3 1866 e1crКарта полуострова Крым на 1738г. Прил.Ч3 1866 e1cr
Карта походов 1737 годаКарта походов 1737 года
План осады Очакова 1737План осады Очакова 1737
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
incident1739Treaty of BelgradeWikidata
conflict1737Austro–Turkish War of 1737-1739warWikidata
conflict1737Battle of Banja LukabattleWikidata
conflict1737Battle of Cape Lorinaval battleWikidata
conflict1739Battle of GrockabattleWikidata
conflict1737Battle of Henichesknaval battleWikidata
conflict1737Battle of SalgirbattleWikidata
conflict1739Battle of StavuchanybattleWikidata
conflict1737Lacy's campaign to Crimeamilitary campaignWikidata
conflict1736Siege of AzovbattleWikidata
conflict1738Siege of Bendersiege, conflictWikidata
conflict1737Siege of OchakovsiegeWikidata
war1414History of the Crimean–Circassian Warsseries of warsWikidata
war1917Southern Front of the Russian Civil WarRussian Civil War, war frontWikidata
image201313.07.1737 Festung Otschakow,Wikimedia
image17361736 map of the seat of the Russo-Turkish War (1735–1739)Wikimedia
image1736. Operationen am Donn und DnieperWikimedia
image1744 map of the seat of the Russo-Turkish War (1735–1739)Wikimedia
imageA map of 1736 showing engagement between the Russian and Ottoman armies during Russo-Turkish War (1735–1739).Wikimedia
imageCa. 1738 map of Serbia and Bosnia by Johann Friedrich OettingerWikimedia
imageRussian map of the battle of StavchaniWikimedia
image1740Siege of Azov (1736)Wikimedia
imageSiege of Perekop (1736)Wikimedia
image1740Surrender of Azov (1736)Wikimedia
image2012Ukrainskaya liniya.1737Wikimedia
imageValiova - ca. 1738 map of Serbia and Bosnia by Johann Friedrich Oettinger (cropped)Wikimedia
image2013Waldburg SchützenscheibeWikimedia
image1866Карта полуострова Крым на 1738г. Прил.Ч3 1866 e1crWikimedia
image1906Карта походов 1737 годаWikimedia
image1737План осады Очакова 1737Wikimedia
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