Wojanów tower and gate

From Warlike


city gate and bastille in Jelenia Góra, Poland


gate towerPoland

Jelenia gora brama.jpg
Location: 50.902778, 15.7375, Google, Bing, Aerial View, OldMapsOnline, ESRI Imagery, Historic Markers, KML

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Baszta Wojanowska w Jeleniej GórzeBaszta Wojanowska w Jeleniej Górze
Jelenia Gora Baszta WojanowskaJelenia Gora Baszta Wojanowska
Jelenia Gora kaplica sw AnnyJelenia Gora kaplica sw Anny
Jelenia Góra Baszta Wojanowska1Jelenia Góra Baszta Wojanowska1
Jelenia Góra Baszta Wojanowska i kaplica św Anny1Jelenia Góra Baszta Wojanowska i kaplica św Anny1
Jelenia Góra Baszta Wojanowska i kaplica św Anny2Jelenia Góra Baszta Wojanowska i kaplica św Anny2
Jelenia Góra - fotopolska.eu (158676)Jelenia Góra - fotopolska.eu (158676)
Jelenia Góra, Baszta Wojanowska - fotopolska.eu (195255)Jelenia Góra, Baszta Wojanowska - fotopolska.eu (195255)
Jelenia Góra, Baszta Wojanowska - fotopolska.eu (195256)Jelenia Góra, Baszta Wojanowska - fotopolska.eu (195256)
Jelenia Góra, Baszta Wojanowska - fotopolska.eu (195257)Jelenia Góra, Baszta Wojanowska - fotopolska.eu (195257)
Jelenia Góra, Baszta Wojanowska - fotopolska.eu (195261)Jelenia Góra, Baszta Wojanowska - fotopolska.eu (195261)
Jelenia Góra, Baszta Wojanowska - fotopolska.eu (195262)Jelenia Góra, Baszta Wojanowska - fotopolska.eu (195262)
Jelenia Góra, Baszta Wojanowska - fotopolska.eu (195264)Jelenia Góra, Baszta Wojanowska - fotopolska.eu (195264)
Jelenia Góra, Baszta Wojanowska - fotopolska.eu (195265)Jelenia Góra, Baszta Wojanowska - fotopolska.eu (195265)
Jelenia Góra, Baszta Wojanowska - fotopolska.eu (195267)Jelenia Góra, Baszta Wojanowska - fotopolska.eu (195267)
Jelenia Góra, Baszta Wojanowska - fotopolska.eu (266330)Jelenia Góra, Baszta Wojanowska - fotopolska.eu (266330)
Jelenia gora11Jelenia gora11
Jelenia gora bramaJelenia gora brama
Saint Anne chapel and Wojanowska tower in Jelenia Góra bk1Saint Anne chapel and Wojanowska tower in Jelenia Góra bk1
Saint Anne chapel and Wojanowska tower in Jelenia Góra bk2Saint Anne chapel and Wojanowska tower in Jelenia Góra bk2
Wojanowska tower in Jelenia Góra bk1Wojanowska tower in Jelenia Góra bk1
bunkerKrK-K-S II Hančlproposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerKrK-K-S I Harrachproposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerKrK-L-S IIproposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerKrK-L-S Iproposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerLi-A-S 1 U prameneproposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerLi-A-S 2 Nad továrnouproposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerLi-B-S 1 U mostuproposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerLi-B-S 2 U transformátoruproposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerLi-B-S 3 U bramborproposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerLi-C-S 1 U lesíkaproposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerLi-C-S 2 U pilyproposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerLi-C-S 3a Na skalceproposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerLi-C-S 3 U hájovnyproposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerLi-C-S 4 Na kopciproposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerLi-C-S 5 U Václavaproposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerQ124312354bunker, water tankWikidata
bunkerT-Pa-S 45proposed building or structure, fortress infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerT-Pa-S 46proposed building or structure, fortress infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerT-Pa-S 47proposed building or structure, fortress infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerT-Pa-S 48proposed building or structure, rotating artillery turretWikidata
bunkerT-Pa-S 49aproposed building or structure, fortress artillery casemateWikidata
bunkerT-Pa-S 49proposed building or structure, fortress artillery casemateWikidata
bunkerT-Pa-S 50aproposed building or structure, entrance objectWikidata
bunkerT-Pa-S 50proposed building or structure, fortress mortar domeWikidata
bunkerT-Pa-S 51proposed building or structure, fortress infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerT-Pa-S 52aproposed building or structure, fortress infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerT-St-S 75 casemateproposed building or structure, rotating artillery turretWikidata
bunkerT-St-S 76a casemateproposed building or structure, isolated artillery observation postWikidata
bunkerT-St-S 76 casemateproposed building or structure, rotating artillery turretWikidata
bunkerT-St-S 77 casemateproposed building or structure, fortress artillery casemateWikidata
bunkerT-St-S 78 casemateproposed building or structure, fortress artillery casemateWikidata
bunkerT-St-S 79proposed building or structure, fortress mortar domeWikidata
bunkerT-St-S 80 casemateproposed building or structure, fortress mortar domeWikidata
bunkerT-S 69 casemateproposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerT-S 82 V končinách casemateisolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerT-S 83proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerT-S 84aproposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerT-S 84bproposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerT-S 85proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerT-S 87proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerT-S 88proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerT-S 89proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerT-S 90proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerT-S 91proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerT-S 92proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerT-S 93proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerT-S 94proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerT-S 95proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerT-S 96proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerT-S 97proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerT-S 98proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerT-S 99proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerT-S 100proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerT-S 101aproposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerT-S 101bproposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerT-S 102aproposed building or structure, mortar blockWikidata
bunkerT-S 102proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerT-S 103proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerT-S 104proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerT-S 105proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerT-S 106proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
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imageBaszta Wojanowska w Jeleniej Górze2012Wikimedia
imageJelenia Gora Baszta Wojanowska2013Wikimedia
imageJelenia Gora kaplica sw Anny2013Wikimedia
imageJelenia Góra Baszta Wojanowska12008Wikimedia
imageJelenia Góra Baszta Wojanowska i kaplica św Anny12008Wikimedia
imageJelenia Góra Baszta Wojanowska i kaplica św Anny22008Wikimedia
imageJelenia Góra - fotopolska.eu (158676)2010Wikimedia
imageJelenia Góra, Baszta Wojanowska - fotopolska.eu (195255)2005Wikimedia
imageJelenia Góra, Baszta Wojanowska - fotopolska.eu (195256)2005Wikimedia
imageJelenia Góra, Baszta Wojanowska - fotopolska.eu (195257)2005Wikimedia
imageJelenia Góra, Baszta Wojanowska - fotopolska.eu (195261)2005Wikimedia
imageJelenia Góra, Baszta Wojanowska - fotopolska.eu (195262)2005Wikimedia
imageJelenia Góra, Baszta Wojanowska - fotopolska.eu (195264)2005Wikimedia
imageJelenia Góra, Baszta Wojanowska - fotopolska.eu (195265)2005Wikimedia
imageJelenia Góra, Baszta Wojanowska - fotopolska.eu (195267)2005Wikimedia
imageJelenia Góra, Baszta Wojanowska - fotopolska.eu (266330)2007Wikimedia
imageJelenia gora11Wikimedia
imageJelenia gora brama2009Wikimedia
imageSaint Anne chapel and Wojanowska tower in Jelenia Góra bk12013Wikimedia
imageSaint Anne chapel and Wojanowska tower in Jelenia Góra bk22013Wikimedia
imageWojanowska tower in Jelenia Góra bk12013Wikimedia