Wall with towers and gate

From Warlike



1900 fortified towerQ30045639Poland

Bobrów, pałac 3.jpg
Location: 50.869973, 15.83057, Google, Bing, Aerial View, OldMapsOnline, ESRI Imagery, Historic Markers, KML

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Bobrów, pałac 3Bobrów, pałac 3
Brama do pałacu BobersteinBrama do pałacu Boberstein
Wojanów, Pałac - fotopolska.eu (219620)Wojanów, Pałac - fotopolska.eu (219620)
Wojanów, Pałac - fotopolska.eu (219625)Wojanów, Pałac - fotopolska.eu (219625)
Zespół pałacowo-folwarczny Pałacu Bobrów - Baszta z łącznikiem, autor W.BaczyńskaZespół pałacowo-folwarczny Pałacu Bobrów - Baszta z łącznikiem, autor W.Baczyńska
- Budynek mieszkalno-gospodarczy przy Pałacu Bobrów wraz z basztą i murem, autor W. BAczyńska- Budynek mieszkalno-gospodarczy przy Pałacu Bobrów wraz z basztą i murem, autor W. BAczyńska
- Mur z narożnymi basztami i bramą wjazdową Pałacu Bobrów, autor W.Baczyńska- Mur z narożnymi basztami i bramą wjazdową Pałacu Bobrów, autor W.Baczyńska
- Mur z narożnymi basztami i bramą wjazdową od strony połódniowo-wschodniej, autor W.Baczyńska- Mur z narożnymi basztami i bramą wjazdową od strony połódniowo-wschodniej, autor W.Baczyńska
bunkerKrK-K-S II Hančlproposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerKrK-K-S I Harrachproposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerKrK-L-S IIproposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerKrK-L-S Iproposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerLi-A-S 1 U prameneproposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerLi-A-S 2 Nad továrnouproposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerQ124312354bunker, water tankWikidata
bunkerT-Pa-S 45proposed building or structure, fortress infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerT-Pa-S 46proposed building or structure, fortress infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerT-Pa-S 47proposed building or structure, fortress infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerT-Pa-S 48proposed building or structure, rotating artillery turretWikidata
bunkerT-Pa-S 49aproposed building or structure, fortress artillery casemateWikidata
bunkerT-Pa-S 49proposed building or structure, fortress artillery casemateWikidata
bunkerT-Pa-S 50aproposed building or structure, entrance objectWikidata
bunkerT-Pa-S 50proposed building or structure, fortress mortar domeWikidata
bunkerT-Pa-S 51proposed building or structure, fortress infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerT-Pa-S 52aproposed building or structure, fortress infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerT-St-S 75 casemateproposed building or structure, rotating artillery turretWikidata
bunkerT-St-S 76a casemateproposed building or structure, isolated artillery observation postWikidata
bunkerT-St-S 76 casemateproposed building or structure, rotating artillery turretWikidata
bunkerT-St-S 77 casemateproposed building or structure, fortress artillery casemateWikidata
bunkerT-St-S 78 casemateproposed building or structure, fortress artillery casemateWikidata
bunkerT-St-S 79proposed building or structure, fortress mortar domeWikidata
bunkerT-St-S 80 casemateproposed building or structure, fortress mortar domeWikidata
bunkerT-S 29proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerT-S 30proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerT-S 31proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerT-S 32proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerT-S 33proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerT-S 34proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerT-S 35proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerT-S 36proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerT-S 37 U kameneproposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerT-S 38 V boruproposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerT-S 39 V průsekuproposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerT-S 40 U chatyproposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerT-S 41 Nad Slavětínemproposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerT-S 42 Na srázuproposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerT-S 69 casemateproposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerT-S 82 V končinách casemateisolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerT-S 83proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerT-S 84aproposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerT-S 84bproposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerT-S 85proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerT-S 87proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerT-S 88proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerT-S 89proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerT-S 90proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerT-S 91proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerT-S 92proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerT-S 93proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerT-S 94proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerT-S 95proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerT-S 96proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerT-S 97proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerT-S 98proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerT-S 99proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerT-S 100proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerT-S 101aproposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerT-S 101bproposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerT-S 102aproposed building or structure, mortar blockWikidata
bunkerT-S 102proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerT-S 103proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerT-S 104proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerT-S 105proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerT-S 106proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
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imageBobrów, pałac 32008Wikimedia
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imageWojanów, Pałac - fotopolska.eu (219625)2005Wikimedia
imageZespół pałacowo-folwarczny Pałacu Bobrów - Baszta z łącznikiem, autor W.Baczyńska2012Wikimedia
image- Budynek mieszkalno-gospodarczy przy Pałacu Bobrów wraz z basztą i murem, autor W. BAczyńska2012Wikimedia
image- Mur z narożnymi basztami i bramą wjazdową Pałacu Bobrów, autor W.Baczyńska2012Wikimedia
image- Mur z narożnymi basztami i bramą wjazdową od strony połódniowo-wschodniej, autor W.Baczyńska2012Wikimedia