Fort Wellington

From Warlike


historic military fortification in Ontario, Canada


fortmilitary museumCanada

Blockhouse and latrine from SW.jpg

Location: 44.7129, -75.5085, Google, Bing, Aerial View, OldMapsOnline, ESRI Imagery, Historic Markers, KML

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12 pounder and carronade12 pounder and carronade
Canada IMG 20170820 104409 (37992198861)Canada IMG 20170820 104409 (37992198861)
Canada IMG 20170820 104555 (37992200091)Canada IMG 20170820 104555 (37992200091)
Canada IMG 20170820 104810 (25068232908)Canada IMG 20170820 104810 (25068232908)
Canada IMG 20170820 105747 (37992203081)Canada IMG 20170820 105747 (37992203081)
DSC 6247 - Let the Games Begin. (2786928648)DSC 6247 - Let the Games Begin. (2786928648)
DSC 6250 - Fort WellingtonDSC 6250 - Fort Wellington
DSC 6260 - Fire (2788573965)DSC 6260 - Fire (2788573965)
DSC 6262 - On your mark, get ready...DSC 6262 - On your mark, get ready...
DSC 6262 - On your mark, get ready... (2789423544)DSC 6262 - On your mark, get ready... (2789423544)
DSC 6284 - Hurry load that musket. (2792555112)DSC 6284 - Hurry load that musket. (2792555112)
DSC 6286 - We will free you whether you want it or not! (2799701890)DSC 6286 - We will free you whether you want it or not! (2799701890)
DSC 6294 - Fire that musket ---- NOW. (2795330303)DSC 6294 - Fire that musket ---- NOW. (2795330303)
DSC 6297 - Surprise, there are more of us. (2796183674)DSC 6297 - Surprise, there are more of us. (2796183674)
DSC 6300 - Here we come.DSC 6300 - Here we come.
DSC 6300 - Here we come. (2791560797)DSC 6300 - Here we come. (2791560797)
DSC 6306 - Get back, get back to where you once belong (2799822780)DSC 6306 - Get back, get back to where you once belong (2799822780)
DSC 6318 - A song to die for.. (2800883069)DSC 6318 - A song to die for.. (2800883069)
Fort Wellington (I0015589)Fort Wellington (I0015589)
Fort Wellington, Prescott, Ontario, CanadaFort Wellington, Prescott, Ontario, Canada
Ontario-00217 - Fort Wellington (51446753664)Ontario-00217 - Fort Wellington (51446753664)
Ontario-00222 - Fort Wellington (51446751054)Ontario-00222 - Fort Wellington (51446751054)
This image is NOT 1812 but American Revolutionary War - Commemorating the Loyalist Tradition of Prescott .. While no Revolutionary battles were fought here - This is a photograph of The King`s Royal Reg`t of New York - raised by Sir John Johnson -This image is NOT 1812 but American Revolutionary War - Commemorating the Loyalist Tradition of Prescott .. While no Revolutionary battles were fought here - This is a photograph of The King's Royal Reg't of New York - raised by Sir John Johnson -
This is the Parade Formation of the Loyalist (not British albeit Loyal to the Crown ) from the American Revolution.  King`s Royal Reg`t New York - rasied by Sir John Johnson 1777 -- surviving members settling from Cornwall to Prince Edward CountyThis is the Parade Formation of the Loyalist (not British albeit Loyal to the Crown ) from the American Revolution. King's Royal Reg't New York - rasied by Sir John Johnson 1777 -- surviving members settling from Cornwall to Prince Edward County
linkHistoric Sites and Monuments Board of Canada entry@Wikidata
linkHistoric Sites and Monuments Board of Canada entry@Wikidata
linkStarforts article@Wikidata
basePrescott BarracksbarracksWikidata
fortFort LévisfortWikidata
fortFort de La Présentationfort, archaeological siteWikidata
museumBattle of the Windmill National Historic Sitemilitary museum, National Historic Site Administered by Parks Canada, battlefieldWikidata
museumSwords and Ploughshares Museummilitary museumWikidata
image12 pounder and carronade2006Wikimedia
imageCanada IMG 20170820 104409 (37992198861)2017Wikimedia
imageCanada IMG 20170820 104555 (37992200091)2017Wikimedia
imageCanada IMG 20170820 104810 (25068232908)2017Wikimedia
imageCanada IMG 20170820 105747 (37992203081)2017Wikimedia
imageDSC 6247 - Let the Games Begin. (2786928648)2008Wikimedia
imageDSC 6250 - Fort Wellington2008Wikimedia
imageDSC 6260 - Fire (2788573965)2015Wikimedia
imageDSC 6262 - On your mark, get ready...2008Wikimedia
imageDSC 6262 - On your mark, get ready... (2789423544)2008Wikimedia
imageDSC 6284 - Hurry load that musket. (2792555112)2008Wikimedia
imageDSC 6286 - We will free you whether you want it or not! (2799701890)2008Wikimedia
imageDSC 6294 - Fire that musket ---- NOW. (2795330303)2008Wikimedia
imageDSC 6297 - Surprise, there are more of us. (2796183674)2015Wikimedia
imageDSC 6300 - Here we come.2008Wikimedia
imageDSC 6300 - Here we come. (2791560797)2008Wikimedia
imageDSC 6306 - Get back, get back to where you once belong (2799822780)2008Wikimedia
imageDSC 6318 - A song to die for.. (2800883069)2008Wikimedia
imageFort Wellington (I0015589)Wikimedia
imageFort Wellington, Prescott, Ontario, Canada2008Wikimedia
imageOntario-00217 - Fort Wellington (51446753664)2021Wikimedia
imageOntario-00222 - Fort Wellington (51446751054)2021Wikimedia
imageThis image is NOT 1812 but American Revolutionary War - Commemorating the Loyalist Tradition of Prescott .. While no Revolutionary battles were fought here - This is a photograph of The King's Royal Reg't of New York - raised by Sir John Johnson -2008Wikimedia
imageThis is the Parade Formation of the Loyalist (not British albeit Loyal to the Crown ) from the American Revolution. King's Royal Reg't New York - rasied by Sir John Johnson 1777 -- surviving members settling from Cornwall to Prince Edward County2008Wikimedia