Fort Delaware

From Warlike


Fort in Delaware, United States. 

fortmilitary prisonUnion ArmyUnited States
Fort Delaware LOC 384066pu.jpg

Location: 39.59, -75.571, KML, Other maps

    Civil War POW2 1864Civil War POW2 1864
    Civil War POW 1864Civil War POW 1864
    Fort Delaware 01Fort Delaware 01
    Fort Delaware 06Fort Delaware 06
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    Fort Delaware LOC 384066puFort Delaware LOC 384066pu
    Fort Delaware POW 1864Fort Delaware POW 1864
    Fort Delaware Soldier Brick Barracks Photographed in early 1900sFort Delaware Soldier Brick Barracks Photographed in early 1900s
    General M Jeff Thompson at Fort Del during Civil WarGeneral M Jeff Thompson at Fort Del during Civil War
    North-to-South POW-Fort Delaware 1865North-to-South POW-Fort Delaware 1865
    Pea patch island survey done after the fire of 1831Pea patch island survey done after the fire of 1831
    Philadelphia and its environs (1876) (14748142126)Philadelphia and its environs (1876) (14748142126)
    Philadelphia and its environs, and the railroad scenery of Pennsylvania (1875) (14572200919)Philadelphia and its environs, and the railroad scenery of Pennsylvania (1875) (14572200919)
    Pittsburgh Heavy Artillery photo taken in 1864Pittsburgh Heavy Artillery photo taken in 1864
    Rapid Fire Battery Construction, Fort DelawareRapid Fire Battery Construction, Fort Delaware
    Sally Port Entrance to Fort Delaware 2011 circaSally Port Entrance to Fort Delaware 2011 circa
    Sketch showing location of rapid fire guns at Fort Delaware circa 1901Sketch showing location of rapid fire guns at Fort Delaware circa 1901
    Storm 1885 letter from Fort DelawareStorm 1885 letter from Fort Delaware
    The photographic history of the Civil War - thousands of scenes photographed 1861-65, with text by many special authorities (1911) (14762380982)The photographic history of the Civil War - thousands of scenes photographed 1861-65, with text by many special authorities (1911) (14762380982)
    The photographic history of the Civil War - thousands of scenes photographed 1861-65, with text by many special authorities (1911) (14762706865)The photographic history of the Civil War - thousands of scenes photographed 1861-65, with text by many special authorities (1911) (14762706865)
    United States bonds; or Duress by federal authority - a journal of current events during an imprisonment of fifteen months, at Fort Delaware (1874) (14743461926)United States bonds; or Duress by federal authority - a journal of current events during an imprisonment of fifteen months, at Fort Delaware (1874) (14743461926)
    United States bonds; or Duress by federal authority- a journal of current events during an imprisonment of fifteen months, at Fort Delaware (1874) (14759557101)United States bonds; or Duress by federal authority- a journal of current events during an imprisonment of fifteen months, at Fort Delaware (1874) (14759557101)
    linkNational Register of Historic Places entry@Wikidata
    linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
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    image1864Civil War POW2 1864Wikimedia
    image1864Civil War POW 1864Wikimedia
    image2005Fort Delaware 01Wikimedia
    image2007Fort Delaware 06Wikimedia
    image2007Fort Delaware 07Wikimedia
    image2007Fort Delaware 08Wikimedia
    image1998Fort Delaware LOC 384066puWikimedia
    image1864Fort Delaware POW 1864Wikimedia
    imageFort Delaware Soldier Brick Barracks Photographed in early 1900sWikimedia
    imageGeneral M Jeff Thompson at Fort Del during Civil WarWikimedia
    image1865North-to-South POW-Fort Delaware 1865Wikimedia
    imagePea patch island survey done after the fire of 1831Wikimedia
    image1876Philadelphia and its environs (1876) (14748142126)Wikimedia
    image1875Philadelphia and its environs, and the railroad scenery of Pennsylvania (1875) (14572200919)Wikimedia
    image1864Pittsburgh Heavy Artillery photo taken in 1864Wikimedia
    imageRapid Fire Battery Construction, Fort DelawareWikimedia
    imageSally Port Entrance to Fort Delaware 2011 circaWikimedia
    imageSketch showing location of rapid fire guns at Fort Delaware circa 1901Wikimedia
    image1885Storm 1885 letter from Fort DelawareWikimedia
    image1911The photographic history of the Civil War - thousands of scenes photographed 1861-65, with text by many special authorities (1911) (14762380982)Wikimedia
    image1911The photographic history of the Civil War - thousands of scenes photographed 1861-65, with text by many special authorities (1911) (14762706865)Wikimedia
    image1874United States bonds; or Duress by federal authority - a journal of current events during an imprisonment of fifteen months, at Fort Delaware (1874) (14743461926)Wikimedia
    image1874United States bonds; or Duress by federal authority- a journal of current events during an imprisonment of fifteen months, at Fort Delaware (1874) (14759557101)Wikimedia
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