
From Warlike


exploding artillery projectile
(cannon , artillery ammunition, artillery shell) 

Batterie d`honneur de l`artillerie française - Investiture présidentielle du 15 mai 2012 - 033Batterie d'honneur de l'artillerie française - Investiture présidentielle du 15 mai 2012 - 033
Bulgarian soldiers southern frontBulgarian soldiers southern front
Chemical Warfare in the Twentieth Century- the Second World War H25561Chemical Warfare in the Twentieth Century- the Second World War H25561
Chemical Warfare in the Twentieth Century- the Second World War H25562Chemical Warfare in the Twentieth Century- the Second World War H25562
Guns in front of the Imperial War MuseumGuns in front of the Imperial War Museum
Lilac bouquet 2015 G1Lilac bouquet 2015 G1
Munitions Production on the Home Front, 1914-1918 Q30009Munitions Production on the Home Front, 1914-1918 Q30009
Munitions Production on the Home Front, 1914-1918 Q30010Munitions Production on the Home Front, 1914-1918 Q30010
Munitions Production on the Home Front, 1914-1918 Q30011Munitions Production on the Home Front, 1914-1918 Q30011
Munitions Production on the Home Front, 1914-1918 Q30012Munitions Production on the Home Front, 1914-1918 Q30012
Munitions Production on the Home Front, 1914-1918 Q30019Munitions Production on the Home Front, 1914-1918 Q30019
Munitions Production on the Home Front, 1914-1918 Q30022Munitions Production on the Home Front, 1914-1918 Q30022
Munitions Production on the Home Front, 1914-1918 Q30023Munitions Production on the Home Front, 1914-1918 Q30023
Munitions Production on the Home Front, 1914-1918 Q30027Munitions Production on the Home Front, 1914-1918 Q30027
Munitions Production on the Home Front, 1914-1918 Q30029Munitions Production on the Home Front, 1914-1918 Q30029
Munitions Production on the Home Front, 1914-1918 Q30030Munitions Production on the Home Front, 1914-1918 Q30030
Munitions Production on the Home Front, 1914-1918 Q30031Munitions Production on the Home Front, 1914-1918 Q30031
Munitions Production on the Home Front, 1914-1918 Q30032Munitions Production on the Home Front, 1914-1918 Q30032
Munitions Production on the Home Front, 1914-1918 Q30033Munitions Production on the Home Front, 1914-1918 Q30033
Munitions Production on the Home Front, 1914-1918 Q30035Munitions Production on the Home Front, 1914-1918 Q30035
Munitions Production on the Home Front, 1914-1918 Q30036Munitions Production on the Home Front, 1914-1918 Q30036
Munitions Production on the Home Front, 1914-1918 Q30038Munitions Production on the Home Front, 1914-1918 Q30038
Munitions Production on the Home Front, 1914-1918 Q30041Munitions Production on the Home Front, 1914-1918 Q30041
Munition workers in a shell warehouse at National Shell Filling Factory No.6, Chilwell, Nottinghamshire in 1917. Q30018Munition workers in a shell warehouse at National Shell Filling Factory No.6, Chilwell, Nottinghamshire in 1917. Q30018
Women at work during the First World War- Munitions Production, Chilwell, Nottinghamshire, England, UK, c 1917 Q30015Women at work during the First World War- Munitions Production, Chilwell, Nottinghamshire, England, UK, c 1917 Q30015
linkNational Historical Museums of Sweden entry@Wikidata
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
linkACS biomaterials science & engineering Surface Coating of Nanoparticles Reduces Background Inflammatory Activity while Increasing Particle Uptake and Delivery@Wikidata
linkFrontiers in Neuroscience Nucleus Accumbens Shell Orexin-1 Receptors Are Critical Mediators of Binge Intake in Excessive-Drinking Individuals@Wikidata
linkFrontiers in Zoology Positive or negative? The shell alters the relationship among behavioral defense strategy, energy metabolic levels and antioxidant capacity in freshwater turtles@Wikidata
linkInternational Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife Role of temperature and carbonate system variability on a host-parasite system: Implications for the gigantism hypothesis@Wikidata
linkZooKeys A review of Aulacospira Möllendorff, 1890 and Pseudostreptaxis Möllendorff, 1890 in the Philippines (Gastropoda, Pupilloidea, Hypselostomatidae)@Wikidata
weapon3.7 cm HEweapon model, shellWikidata
weapon8.8 cm PzGrweapon model, shellWikidata
weaponBofors 155 BonusSwedish Army, Finnish Army, weapon model, French Army, shellWikidata
weaponBreda Model 40weapon model, shellWikidata
weaponDisc projectileweapon model, shellWikidata
weaponFN AP 32Zbullet, shell, BelgiumWikidata
weaponGMM 120GPS-guided bomb, weapon model, laser-guided bomb, shellWikidata
weaponHesyt-1weapon model, cluster munition, shellWikidata
weaponLU 111 BBshellWikidata
weaponLU 111weapon model, shellWikidata
weaponM107 projectileweapon model, shellWikidata
weaponM426 8-inch shellweapon model, chemical weapon, shellWikidata
weaponM687weapon model, chemical weapon, shellWikidata
weaponM795artillery shot, shellWikidata
weaponM864weapon model, shellWikidata
weaponM2000weapon model, shellWikidata
weaponMark 80weapon model, shellWikidata
weaponMark 91weapon model, shellWikidata
weaponNGD-93weapon model, shellWikidata
weaponOG-7Vweapon model, shellWikidata
weaponRökhandgranat m/56weapon model, shellWikidata
weaponSanshikiweapon model, shellWikidata
weaponXM-736 8-inch projectileweapon model, chemical weapon, shellWikidata
weaponair targetweapon model, shellWikidata
weaponanti-concrete shellweapon functional class, shellWikidata
weaponarmour-piercing capped ballistic capweapon functional class, shellWikidata
weaponarmour-piercing shellweapon functional class, shellWikidata
weaponbrisant shellweapon functional class, shellWikidata
weaponcannon-launched guided projectileweapon functional class, precision-guided munition, shellWikidata
weapongrenadeweapon functional class, bomb, shellWikidata
weaponhand grenadeweapon functional class, grenade, throwing weapon, shellWikidata
weaponhigh explosive shellweapon functional class, shellWikidata
weaponhigh-explosive fragmentation shellweapon functional class, ammunition, shellWikidata
weaponillumination ammunitionweapon functional class, shellWikidata
weaponnuclear artillery shellweapon functional class, shell, nuclear weaponWikidata
weaponshrapnel shellweapon functional class, shellWikidata
imageBatterie d'honneur de l'artillerie française - Investiture présidentielle du 15 mai 2012 - 0332012Wikimedia
imageBulgarian soldiers southern frontWikimedia
imageChemical Warfare in the Twentieth Century- the Second World War H25561Wikimedia
imageChemical Warfare in the Twentieth Century- the Second World War H25562Wikimedia
imageGuns in front of the Imperial War Museum2012Wikimedia
imageLilac bouquet 2015 G12015Wikimedia
imageMunitions Production on the Home Front, 1914-1918 Q30009Wikimedia
imageMunitions Production on the Home Front, 1914-1918 Q30010Wikimedia
imageMunitions Production on the Home Front, 1914-1918 Q30011Wikimedia
imageMunitions Production on the Home Front, 1914-1918 Q30012Wikimedia
imageMunitions Production on the Home Front, 1914-1918 Q30019Wikimedia
imageMunitions Production on the Home Front, 1914-1918 Q30022Wikimedia
imageMunitions Production on the Home Front, 1914-1918 Q30023Wikimedia
imageMunitions Production on the Home Front, 1914-1918 Q30027Wikimedia
imageMunitions Production on the Home Front, 1914-1918 Q30029Wikimedia
imageMunitions Production on the Home Front, 1914-1918 Q30030Wikimedia
imageMunitions Production on the Home Front, 1914-1918 Q30031Wikimedia
imageMunitions Production on the Home Front, 1914-1918 Q30032Wikimedia
imageMunitions Production on the Home Front, 1914-1918 Q30033Wikimedia
imageMunitions Production on the Home Front, 1914-1918 Q30035Wikimedia
imageMunitions Production on the Home Front, 1914-1918 Q30036Wikimedia
imageMunitions Production on the Home Front, 1914-1918 Q30038Wikimedia
imageMunitions Production on the Home Front, 1914-1918 Q30041Wikimedia
imageMunition workers in a shell warehouse at National Shell Filling Factory No.6, Chilwell, Nottinghamshire in 1917. Q30018Wikimedia
imageWomen at work during the First World War- Munitions Production, Chilwell, Nottinghamshire, England, UK, c 1917 Q30015Wikimedia