hand grenade

From Warlike


small bomb that can be thrown by hand. 

RGD-5 1954
A British infantry bombing party (Photo 24-266)A British infantry bombing party (Photo 24-266)
A British infantry bombing party (Photo 24-267)A British infantry bombing party (Photo 24-267)
Ba lu bing gong changBa lu bing gong chang
Bottom view of Spränghandgranat 07, the self-righting petals in black.Bottom view of Spränghandgranat 07, the self-righting petals in black.
Bulgarian soldiers southern frontBulgarian soldiers southern front
DM51 2 noBGDM51 2 noBG
German Model 24 stick grenadeGerman Model 24 stick grenade
Grenade First World War IMG 1105Grenade First World War IMG 1105
Grenade First World War IMG 1106Grenade First World War IMG 1106
Horn of Africa Marines conduct training DVIDS90612Horn of Africa Marines conduct training DVIDS90612
Håndgranat gjennomskåret splintgranat (uten sikringsarm) Fragmentation hand grenade cutaway model Explosive-filled Pin-and-pineapple-design triggering pin safety ring (without lever) Færder museum Torås fort Tjøme Norway 2021 1Håndgranat gjennomskåret splintgranat (uten sikringsarm) Fragmentation hand grenade cutaway model Explosive-filled Pin-and-pineapple-design triggering pin safety ring (without lever) Færder museum Torås fort Tjøme Norway 2021 1
Håndgranat gjennomskåret splintgranat (uten sikringsarm) Fragmentation hand grenade cutaway model Explosive-filled Pin-and-pineapple-design triggering pin safety ring (without lever) Færder museum Torås fort Tjøme Norway 2021 2Håndgranat gjennomskåret splintgranat (uten sikringsarm) Fragmentation hand grenade cutaway model Explosive-filled Pin-and-pineapple-design triggering pin safety ring (without lever) Færder museum Torås fort Tjøme Norway 2021 2
Kürassier-Denkmal (Münster) 03Kürassier-Denkmal (Münster) 03
PikiWiki Israel 8650 Israel Defense ForcesPikiWiki Israel 8650 Israel Defense Forces
Revolução de 1930 (11)Revolução de 1930 (11)
Stielhandgranate 43 MHM noBGStielhandgranate 43 MHM noBG
Tennis racket and stick grenade in the exhibition at the Cologne City Museum: Tennis racket and stick grenade in the exhibition at the Cologne City Museum: "Cologne 1914 - Metropolis in the West".
Tourcoing Bunker message Verlaine 11Tourcoing Bunker message Verlaine 11
Two soldiers in battlefield.Two soldiers in battlefield.
US, Iraqi troops uncover largest cache to date in Yarmouk DVIDS47467US, Iraqi troops uncover largest cache to date in Yarmouk DVIDS47467
Various memorabilia of Lt. Albert Augustan Healy of Royal Munster Fusiliers, item 2Various memorabilia of Lt. Albert Augustan Healy of Royal Munster Fusiliers, item 2
Zamach na sułtana Ben Arafa w 1954r. - Maroko - 004413n (cropped)Zamach na sułtana Ben Arafa w 1954r. - Maroko - 004413n (cropped)
linkNational Historical Museums of Sweden entry@Wikidata
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
linkWikimedia Hand grenades of JapanWikidata
linkWikimedia Hand grenades of PolandWikidata
linkWikimedia Hand grenades of the United KingdomWikidata
linkEuropean Journal of Criminology Explosive violence: A near-repeat study of hand grenade detonations and shootings in urban Sweden@Wikidata
linkArmenian Soviet Encyclopedia@Wikidata
weaponBesozziweapon model, hand grenadeWikidata
weaponBomb, ground, 6 lbweapon model, British Army, hand grenadeWikidata
weapon1935Breda Mod. 35weapon model, hand grenadeWikidata
weaponBreda Mod. 42anti-tank weapon, weapon model, hand grenadeWikidata
weapon1940F1 grenadedefensive grenade, weapon model, hand grenadeWikidata
weapon1915F1 grenadeweapon model, hand grenadeWikidata
weapon2011GLI-F4 grenadeweapon model, non-lethal weapon, hand grenadeWikidata
weaponGM2L grenadeweapon model, non-lethal weapon, hand grenadeWikidata
weapon1941Gammon bombweapon model, British Army, hand grenadeWikidata
weapon1942Hawkins grenadeanti-tank weapon, weapon model, British Army, hand grenadeWikidata
weapon1913Kugelhandgranateweapon model, throwing weapon, hand grenadeWikidata
weaponK-51 grenadeweapon model, hand grenadeWikidata
weaponK-CGNweapon model, hand grenadeWikidata
weapon1904Lishin hand grenadeweapon model, hand grenadeWikidata
weapon1950M26 grenadeweapon model, hand grenadeWikidata
weaponM34 grenadeweapon model, hand grenadeWikidata
weaponM47 tear gas grenadeweapon model, non-lethal weapon, hand grenadeWikidata
weaponM61 hand grenadeweapon model, hand grenadeWikidata
weapon1975M67 grenadeweapon model, hand grenadeWikidata
weaponM75 hand grenadeweapon model, hand grenadeWikidata
weapon1995M84 stun grenadeweapon model, hand grenade, stun grenadeWikidata
weaponMK3 grenadeweapon model, hand grenadeWikidata
weaponMK285weapon model, hand grenadeWikidata
weaponMN-1weapon model, hand grenadeWikidata
weapon1918Mk 2 grenade olaweapon model, hand grenadeWikidata
weapon1939Model 39 grenadeweapon model, hand grenadeWikidata
weaponModel 1914 grenadeweapon model, hand grenadeWikidata
weaponMolotov cocktailimprovised explosive device, incendiary weapon, weapon model, hand grenadeWikidata
weaponM/96 shock grenadeweapon model, non-lethal weapon, hand grenadeWikidata
weaponNo 1 Grenadehand grenade, weapon model, British ArmyWikidata
weaponNo 2 grenadeweapon model, British Army, hand grenadeWikidata
weaponNo 69 grenadeweapon model, hand grenadeWikidata
weapon1954RGD-5weapon model, hand grenadeWikidata
weapon1933RGD-33 grenadeweapon model, hand grenadeWikidata
weaponRG-4weapon model, hand grenadeWikidata
weaponRG-14weapon model, hand grenadeWikidata
weapon1941RG-41 grenadeweapon model, hand grenadeWikidata
weaponRussell's boomerang grenadeweapon model, hand grenadeWikidata
weaponSIPEweapon model, hand grenadeWikidata
weapon1935SRCM Mod. 35weapon model, hand grenadeWikidata
weaponSpränghandgranat 07weapon model, hand grenadeWikidata
weaponSpränghandgranat m/56weapon model, hand grenadeWikidata
weapon1915Stielhandgranateweapon model, hand grenadeWikidata
weaponT13 Beano Grenadeweapon model, hand grenadeWikidata
weaponType 3 grenadeweapon model, hand grenadeWikidata
weapon1944Type 4 grenadeweapon model, hand grenadeWikidata
weapon1921Type 10 grenadeweapon model, hand grenadeWikidata
weapon1931Type 91 grenadeweapon model, hand grenadeWikidata
weaponType 92 grenadeweapon model, hand grenadeWikidata
weapon1937Type 97 grenadeweapon model, hand grenadeWikidata
weapon1938Type 98 grenadeweapon model, hand grenadeWikidata
weapon1939Type 99 grenaderifle grenade, weapon model, hand grenadeWikidata
weapon1960V40 Mini-Grenadeweapon model, hand grenadeWikidata
weaponanti-tank grenadeweapon functional class, throwing weapon, explosive weapon, hand grenadeWikidata
weaponfragmentation grenadeweapon functional class, hand grenadeWikidata
weapon1976grenade OF F1weapon model, non-lethal weapon, hand grenadeWikidata
weapon1915jam tin grenadeweapon family, hand grenadeWikidata
weaponm/90 hand grenadeweapon model, hand grenadeWikidata
weaponm/2000 hand grenadeweapon model, hand grenadeWikidata
weaponoffensive grenadeweapon functional class, fragmentation grenade, hand grenadeWikidata
weaponsticky bombweapon functional class, personal anti-tank weapon, hand grenadeWikidata
documentIRA Improvised Hand Grenade DesignsWikimedia
imageA British infantry bombing party (Photo 24-266)Wikimedia
imageA British infantry bombing party (Photo 24-267)Wikimedia
imageBa lu bing gong changWikimedia
imageBottom view of Spränghandgranat 07, the self-righting petals in black.Wikimedia
imageBulgarian soldiers southern frontWikimedia
imageDM51 2 noBGWikimedia
imageGerman Model 24 stick grenadeWikimedia
imageGrenade First World War IMG 1105Wikimedia
imageGrenade First World War IMG 1106Wikimedia
imageHorn of Africa Marines conduct training DVIDS90612Wikimedia
imageHåndgranat gjennomskåret splintgranat (uten sikringsarm) Fragmentation hand grenade cutaway model Explosive-filled Pin-and-pineapple-design triggering pin safety ring (without lever) Færder museum Torås fort Tjøme Norway 2021 1Wikimedia
imageHåndgranat gjennomskåret splintgranat (uten sikringsarm) Fragmentation hand grenade cutaway model Explosive-filled Pin-and-pineapple-design triggering pin safety ring (without lever) Færder museum Torås fort Tjøme Norway 2021 2Wikimedia
imageKürassier-Denkmal (Münster) 03Wikimedia
imagePikiWiki Israel 8650 Israel Defense ForcesWikimedia
imageRevolução de 1930 (11)Wikimedia
imageStielhandgranate 43 MHM noBGWikimedia
imageTennis racket and stick grenade in the exhibition at the Cologne City Museum: "Cologne 1914 - Metropolis in the West".Wikimedia
imageTourcoing Bunker message Verlaine 11Wikimedia
imageTwo soldiers in battlefield.Wikimedia
imageUS, Iraqi troops uncover largest cache to date in Yarmouk DVIDS47467Wikimedia
imageVarious memorabilia of Lt. Albert Augustan Healy of Royal Munster Fusiliers, item 2Wikimedia
imageZamach na sułtana Ben Arafa w 1954r. - Maroko - 004413n (cropped)Wikimedia
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