Fort VI

From Warlike


fort in Braszowice
see also Fort VI (1873)Fort VI (1818)Fort VI (1879)Fort VI (1813)


1813 fortPoland

Location: 50.546631347, 16.775483388, Google, Bing, Aerial View, OldMapsOnline, ESRI Imagery, Historic Markers, KML

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bunkerStM-S 1proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
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bunkerStM-S 21proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
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bunkerStM-S 24 Lanovkaproposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerStM-S 25 V černýmproposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerStM-S 26 Smrčinaproposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerStM-S 27 Haldaproposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerStM-S 28 V poliproposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
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bunkerStM-S 31a Borek casemateisolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerStM-S 31b Ozdravovna casematemuseum, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerStM-S 32 Krajní casemateisolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerStM-S 33 Lesík casematemuseum, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerStM-S 34 Svah casemateisolated infantry casemateWikidata
bunkerStM-S 35proposed building or structure, isolated infantry casemateWikidata
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