Océan-class ship of the line

From Warlike


1790 class of French ship of the lines. 
Ocean-class ship of the line

Drachinifel – French Navy – Friedland – Louis XIV – Montagne – Roi de Rome – Souverain – Toulon Arsenal – Vengeur – Ville de Paris – 
Demi coque-120 canons mg 7983Demi coque-120 canons mg 7983
French three-decker img 3179French three-decker img 3179
La Marine-Pacini-115La Marine-Pacini-115
Ocean class ship of the lineOcean class ship of the line
Ocean-IMG 8745Ocean-IMG 8745
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
linkDrachinifel article@Wikidata
vesselFriedlandship of the line, French NavyWikidata
vessel1854Louis XIVthree-decker, ship of the line, French NavyWikidata
vessel1790Montagneship of the line, French NavyWikidata
vesselRoi de Romeship of the line, French NavyWikidata
vesselSouverainnaval vessel, French NavyWikidata
vesselVengeurship of the line, French NavyWikidata
vessel1851Ville de Parisship of the line, French NavyWikidata
imageDemi coque-120 canons mg 7983Wikimedia
imageFrench three-decker img 3179Wikimedia
imageLa Marine-Pacini-115Wikimedia
imageOcean class ship of the lineWikimedia
imageOcean-IMG 8745Wikimedia
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