R-11 missile family

From Warlike


Tactical ballistic missile family

Bundesarchiv Bild 183-N1007-0015, Berlin, 25. Jahrestag DDR-Gründung, ParadeBundesarchiv Bild 183-N1007-0015, Berlin, 25. Jahrestag DDR-Gründung, Parade
Disected Scud missileDisected Scud missile
Inflatable Scud missile in the USAInflatable Scud missile in the USA
Scud operatorsScud operators
Scud remnantScud remnant
US Navy 021209-O-0000X-011 Scud missile parts and equipment found in the cargo hold aboard the North Korean vessel, So San, discovered after being boarded by Spanish Special ForcesUS Navy 021209-O-0000X-011 Scud missile parts and equipment found in the cargo hold aboard the North Korean vessel, So San, discovered after being boarded by Spanish Special Forces
VD2022 1VD2022 1
Парк Победы (Саратов) Техника на Косой аллееПарк Победы (Саратов) Техника на Косой аллее