Battle of Poitiers

From Warlike


1356 battle of the Hundred Years' War. 

1356 battleFranceHundred Years' War
See also Battle of Tours (0732)

Location: 46.54, 0.39, KML, Other maps

1852 Levasseur Map of the Department De La Vienne, France - Geographicus - Vienne-levasseur-18521852 Levasseur Map of the Department De La Vienne, France - Geographicus - Vienne-levasseur-1852
A history of the art of war, the middle ages from the fourth to the fourteenth century (1898) (14576537939)A history of the art of war, the middle ages from the fourth to the fourteenth century (1898) (14576537939)
Bataille de Poitiers 1356Bataille de Poitiers 1356
Bataille de Poitiers - BM Besançon Ms864 f172Bataille de Poitiers - BM Besançon Ms864 f172
Battle of PoitiersBattle of Poitiers
Battle of Poitiers 1356 map-deBattle of Poitiers 1356 map-de
Capture Jean IICapture Jean II
Capture Jean le BonCapture Jean le Bon
Capture de Jean le BonCapture de Jean le Bon
Dictionnaire Décembre Alonnier-II-121Dictionnaire Décembre Alonnier-II-121
Figures de l`histoire de France 1790 (1102773)Figures de l'histoire de France 1790 (1102773)
French knightFrench knight
Henry Justice Fordː The Black Prince finds the body of Robert de Duras on the field of Poitiers (c. 1900)Henry Justice Fordː The Black Prince finds the body of Robert de Duras on the field of Poitiers (c. 1900)
Jean le bonJean le bon
Ms 659 f.267 r. John II the Good taken prisoner by the English at the Battle of Poitiers, 1356Ms 659 f.267 r. John II the Good taken prisoner by the English at the Battle of Poitiers, 1356
Poitiers 1356Poitiers 1356
Schlacht bei Maupertuis 1356 ASchlacht bei Maupertuis 1356 A
Six thousand years of history (1900) (14598053988)Six thousand years of history (1900) (14598053988)
St. Nicholas (serial) (1873) (14762150416)St. Nicholas (serial) (1873) (14762150416)
The battle of PoitiersThe battle of Poitiers
The story of the greatest nations, from the dawn of history to the twentieth century - a comprehensive history, founded upon the leading authorities, including a complete chronology of the world, and (14586674789)The story of the greatest nations, from the dawn of history to the twentieth century - a comprehensive history, founded upon the leading authorities, including a complete chronology of the world, and (14586674789)
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image1852 Levasseur Map of the Department De La Vienne, France - Geographicus - Vienne-levasseur-1852Wikimedia
image1898A history of the art of war, the middle ages from the fourth to the fourteenth century (1898) (14576537939)Wikimedia
imageBataille de Poitiers 1356Wikimedia
imageBataille de Poitiers - BM Besançon Ms864 f172Wikimedia
imageBattle of PoitiersWikimedia
imageBattle of Poitiers 1356 map-deWikimedia
imageCapture Jean IIWikimedia
imageCapture Jean le BonWikimedia
imageCapture de Jean le BonWikimedia
imageDictionnaire Décembre Alonnier-II-121Wikimedia
imageFigures de l'histoire de France 1790 (1102773)Wikimedia
imageFrench knightWikimedia
imageHenry Justice Fordː The Black Prince finds the body of Robert de Duras on the field of Poitiers (c. 1900)Wikimedia
imageJean le bonWikimedia
image1477Ms 659 f.267 r. John II the Good taken prisoner by the English at the Battle of Poitiers, 1356Wikimedia
imagePoitiers 1356Wikimedia
imageSchlacht bei Maupertuis 1356 AWikimedia
image1900Six thousand years of history (1900) (14598053988)Wikimedia
image1873St. Nicholas (serial) (1873) (14762150416)Wikimedia
imageThe battle of PoitiersWikimedia
image1900The story of the greatest nations, from the dawn of history to the twentieth century - a comprehensive history, founded upon the leading authorities, including a complete chronology of the world, and (14586674789)Wikimedia
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