Battle of Eniwetok

From Warlike


1944 World War II battle


1944 — 1944 battleWorld War IIGilbert and Marshall Islands campaignQ709United States of America

Landing craft approaching Eniwetok on 19 February 1944.jpg

Location: 11.465, 162.189, ///booster.undocumented.surface, Google, Bing, Aerial View, OldMapsOnline, ESRI Imagery, Historic Markers, KML

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Aerial view of strikes on Engebi on 16 February 1944 (NNAM.1996.488.024.053)Aerial view of strikes on Engebi on 16 February 1944 (NNAM.1996.488.024.053)
An American plane sweeps overhead to strafe the enemy hidden in their coral trenches, while a group of Marines lie prone in the sand peppering the Japs across smoking NoMan`s Land with rifle fire HD-SN-99-02843An American plane sweeps overhead to strafe the enemy hidden in their coral trenches, while a group of Marines lie prone in the sand peppering the Japs across smoking NoMan's Land with rifle fire HD-SN-99-02843
A tree used as telephone pole in 1944A tree used as telephone pole in 1944
Battle of Eniwetok mapBattle of Eniwetok map
Burning Japanese aircraft on Engebi airfield c1944Burning Japanese aircraft on Engebi airfield c1944
Coast Guardsmen and Marines, back aboard their assault transport from the swift conquest of Eniwetok Atoll, appear happy about newest victory over the Japs. (49681476312)Coast Guardsmen and Marines, back aboard their assault transport from the swift conquest of Eniwetok Atoll, appear happy about newest victory over the Japs. (49681476312)
Coast Guardsmen hoist a wounded Marine aboard a Coast Guard-manned combat transport lying off the beach of Eniwetok in the Marshall Islands. (49681398017)Coast Guardsmen hoist a wounded Marine aboard a Coast Guard-manned combat transport lying off the beach of Eniwetok in the Marshall Islands. (49681398017)
Compound, comminuted fracture of mandible with considerable loss of tissue in left submaxillary and sub-mental areas. Gunshot wound, Eniwetok actionCompound, comminuted fracture of mandible with considerable loss of tissue in left submaxillary and sub-mental areas. Gunshot wound, Eniwetok action
Dead Japanese in pillbox on Engebi IslandDead Japanese in pillbox on Engebi Island
Desant na atol Eniwetok.PNGDesant na atol Eniwetok.PNG
Eniwetok airfield under attack by US Navy planes 1944Eniwetok airfield under attack by US Navy planes 1944
Eniwetok landing 01Eniwetok landing 01
Eniwetok landing 02Eniwetok landing 02
Eniwetok landing 03Eniwetok landing 03
Eniwetok landing 04Eniwetok landing 04
Eroberung von EniwetokEroberung von Eniwetok
Face of US Marine after battle in World War IIFace of US Marine after battle in World War II
Marine after Hell on the beach of EniwetokMarine after Hell on the beach of Eniwetok
Operation CatchpoleOperation Catchpole
USMarine after Battle of Eniwetok HD-SN-99-02857USMarine after Battle of Eniwetok HD-SN-99-02857
Verwundeter am Strand von EniwetokVerwundeter am Strand von Eniwetok
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
conflictBattle of Eniwetok1944battleWikidata
imageAerial view of strikes on Engebi on 16 February 1944 (NNAM.1996.488.024.053)1944Wikimedia
imageAn American plane sweeps overhead to strafe the enemy hidden in their coral trenches, while a group of Marines lie prone in the sand peppering the Japs across smoking NoMan's Land with rifle fire HD-SN-99-02843Wikimedia
imageA tree used as telephone pole in 1944Wikimedia
imageBattle of Eniwetok mapWikimedia
imageBurning Japanese aircraft on Engebi airfield c1944Wikimedia
imageCoast Guardsmen and Marines, back aboard their assault transport from the swift conquest of Eniwetok Atoll, appear happy about newest victory over the Japs. (49681476312)1944Wikimedia
imageCoast Guardsmen hoist a wounded Marine aboard a Coast Guard-manned combat transport lying off the beach of Eniwetok in the Marshall Islands. (49681398017)1944Wikimedia
imageCompound, comminuted fracture of mandible with considerable loss of tissue in left submaxillary and sub-mental areas. Gunshot wound, Eniwetok actionWikimedia
imageDead Japanese in pillbox on Engebi IslandWikimedia
imageDesant na atol Eniwetok.PNG1944Wikimedia
imageEniwetok airfield under attack by US Navy planes 19441944Wikimedia
imageEniwetok landing 011944Wikimedia
imageEniwetok landing 021944Wikimedia
imageEniwetok landing 031944Wikimedia
imageEniwetok landing 041944Wikimedia
imageEroberung von EniwetokWikimedia
imageFace of US Marine after battle in World War II1944Wikimedia
imageMarine after Hell on the beach of Eniwetok1944Wikimedia
imageOperation CatchpoleWikimedia
imageUSMarine after Battle of Eniwetok HD-SN-99-028571944Wikimedia
imageVerwundeter am Strand von Eniwetok1944Wikimedia