Tone-class cruiser

From Warlike


1937 class of Japanese heavy cruisers. 

1937 Imperial Japanese NavyJapanMitsubishi Heavy Industriesship class2 produced, 
Japanese cruiser Tone.jpg

Japanese battleship Yamato and a heavy cruiser underway during the Battle off Samar, 25 October 1944 (80-G-378525)Japanese battleship Yamato and a heavy cruiser underway during the Battle off Samar, 25 October 1944 (80-G-378525)
Lot-2406-58 (26892859842)Lot-2406-58 (26892859842)
Lot-2406-120 (26386682043)Lot-2406-120 (26386682043)
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
vesselChikumaheavy cruiser, shipwreck, Imperial Japanese NavyWikidata
vesselToneheavy cruiser, Imperial Japanese NavyWikidata
imageJapanese battleship Yamato and a heavy cruiser underway during the Battle off Samar, 25 October 1944 (80-G-378525)Wikimedia
image2016Lot-2406-58 (26892859842)Wikimedia
image2016Lot-2406-120 (26386682043)Wikimedia
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