
From Warlike


German submachine gun with cal. 9 mm, built from 1938 to 1945 for German troops in WWII, due to the high number produced used in many later conflicts

369. divisione croato-tedesca369. divisione croato-tedesca
Abruzja. Niemiecki patrol rozpoznawczy w górach (2-2260)Abruzja. Niemiecki patrol rozpoznawczy w górach (2-2260)
Bg4 Bild 6Bg4 Bild 6
Bg4 Bild 6, Wehrmachtssoldat (Ausschnitt)Bg4 Bild 6, Wehrmachtssoldat (Ausschnitt)
Border Protection Forces in Szklarska Poręba, 1945-1950 05Border Protection Forces in Szklarska Poręba, 1945-1950 05
Border Protection Forces in Szklarska Poręba, 1945-1950 10Border Protection Forces in Szklarska Poręba, 1945-1950 10
Bound Invitation to President Grover Cleveland and WifeBound Invitation to President Grover Cleveland and Wife
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Dwaj żołnierze niemieccy szturmują wiejski dom na froncie wschodnim (2-1015)Dwaj żołnierze niemieccy szturmują wiejski dom na froncie wschodnim (2-1015)
Kübelwagen and PanzerfaustKübelwagen and Panzerfaust
MP40 model made by Denix in 1990-P5120226-blackMP40 model made by Denix in 1990-P5120226-black
MP40 model made by Denix in 1990-P5120226-gradientMP40 model made by Denix in 1990-P5120226-gradient
MP40 model made by Denix in 1990-P5120226-whiteMP40 model made by Denix in 1990-P5120226-white
MP40 — 1943 production with a folding picloramMP40 — 1943 production with a folding picloram
Muzej srđMuzej srđ
Piechota niemiecka w zimowych strojach maskujących w miejscowości na wschód od Wołchowa (2-957)Piechota niemiecka w zimowych strojach maskujących w miejscowości na wschód od Wołchowa (2-957)
Tanks, Trucks and Firepower Show 2023 German Army Re-enactors (53145048156)Tanks, Trucks and Firepower Show 2023 German Army Re-enactors (53145048156)
The British Army in the Normandy Campaign 1944 B5585The British Army in the Normandy Campaign 1944 B5585
WW2 KRIEGSMARINE Küstenartillerie Coastal Artillery uniform private MP40 Schmeisser Ammo pouches Binoculars Wehrmachtsgefolge badge Eagle-and-swastika Brustadler Mannequin etc ARQUEBUS Krigshistoriske Museum NORWAY 2020WW2 KRIEGSMARINE Küstenartillerie Coastal Artillery uniform private MP40 Schmeisser Ammo pouches Binoculars Wehrmachtsgefolge badge Eagle-and-swastika Brustadler Mannequin etc ARQUEBUS Krigshistoriske Museum NORWAY 2020
WW2 KRIEGSMARINE Küstenartillerie Coastal Artillery uniform private guard Sailor cap MP40 Schmeisser Eagle-and-swastika GW badge Ammo pouches Binoculars Boots Mannequin etc ARQUEBUS Krigshistoriske Museum NORWAY 2020 8825WW2 KRIEGSMARINE Küstenartillerie Coastal Artillery uniform private guard Sailor cap MP40 Schmeisser Eagle-and-swastika GW badge Ammo pouches Binoculars Boots Mannequin etc ARQUEBUS Krigshistoriske Museum NORWAY 2020 8825
Wehrmacht Feldgendarm of Gebirgsjäger uniformWehrmacht Feldgendarm of Gebirgsjäger uniform
Nicole a French Partisan Who Captured 25 Nazis in the Chartres Area, in Addition to Liquidating Others, Poses with... - NARA - 5957431Nicole a French Partisan Who Captured 25 Nazis in the Chartres Area, in Addition to Liquidating Others, Poses with... - NARA - 5957431
Nicole a French Partisan Who Captured 25 Nazis in the Chartres Area, in Addition to Liquidating Others, Poses with... - NARA - 5957431 - croppedNicole a French Partisan Who Captured 25 Nazis in the Chartres Area, in Addition to Liquidating Others, Poses with... - NARA - 5957431 - cropped
Żołnierz piechoty niemieckiej w siatce ochronnej przeciw owadom na froncie wschodnim (2-985)Żołnierz piechoty niemieckiej w siatce ochronnej przeciw owadom na froncie wschodnim (2-985)
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
conflictSouth African Border War1966Wikidata
conflictSoviet invasion of Poland1939Wikidata
conflictWar in Donbas2014Wikidata
image369. divisione croato-tedescaWikimedia
imageAbruzja. Niemiecki patrol rozpoznawczy w górach (2-2260)Wikimedia
imageBg4 Bild 6Wikimedia
imageBg4 Bild 6, Wehrmachtssoldat (Ausschnitt)Wikimedia
imageBorder Protection Forces in Szklarska Poręba, 1945-1950 05Wikimedia
imageBorder Protection Forces in Szklarska Poręba, 1945-1950 10Wikimedia
imageBound Invitation to President Grover Cleveland and WifeWikimedia
imageBundesarchiv Bild 101I-680-8282A-19A, Budapest, Posten sichern deutsche KolonneWikimedia
imageDwaj żołnierze niemieccy szturmują wiejski dom na froncie wschodnim (2-1015)Wikimedia
imageKübelwagen and PanzerfaustWikimedia
imageMP40 model made by Denix in 1990-P5120226-blackWikimedia
imageMP40 model made by Denix in 1990-P5120226-gradientWikimedia
imageMP40 model made by Denix in 1990-P5120226-whiteWikimedia
imageMP40 — 1943 production with a folding picloram2008Wikimedia
imageMuzej srđWikimedia
imagePiechota niemiecka w zimowych strojach maskujących w miejscowości na wschód od Wołchowa (2-957)Wikimedia
imageTanks, Trucks and Firepower Show 2023 German Army Re-enactors (53145048156)Wikimedia
imageThe British Army in the Normandy Campaign 1944 B5585Wikimedia
imageWW2 KRIEGSMARINE Küstenartillerie Coastal Artillery uniform private MP40 Schmeisser Ammo pouches Binoculars Wehrmachtsgefolge badge Eagle-and-swastika Brustadler Mannequin etc ARQUEBUS Krigshistoriske Museum NORWAY 2020Wikimedia
imageWW2 KRIEGSMARINE Küstenartillerie Coastal Artillery uniform private guard Sailor cap MP40 Schmeisser Eagle-and-swastika GW badge Ammo pouches Binoculars Boots Mannequin etc ARQUEBUS Krigshistoriske Museum NORWAY 2020 8825Wikimedia
imageWehrmacht Feldgendarm of Gebirgsjäger uniformWikimedia
image"Nicole"%20a%20French%20Partisan%20Who%20Captured%2025%20Nazis%20in%20the%20Chartres%20Area,%20in%20Addition%20to%20Liquidating%20Others,%20Poses%20with...%20-%20NARA%20-%205957431.jpg Nicole a French Partisan Who Captured 25 Nazis in the Chartres Area, in Addition to Liquidating Others, Poses with... - NARA - 5957431Wikimedia
image"Nicole"%20a%20French%20Partisan%20Who%20Captured%2025%20Nazis%20in%20the%20Chartres%20Area,%20in%20Addition%20to%20Liquidating%20Others,%20Poses%20with...%20-%20NARA%20-%205957431%20-%20cropped.jpg Nicole a French Partisan Who Captured 25 Nazis in the Chartres Area, in Addition to Liquidating Others, Poses with... - NARA - 5957431 - croppedWikimedia
imageŻołnierz piechoty niemieckiej w siatce ochronnej przeciw owadom na froncie wschodnim (2-985)Wikimedia
videoMP40 model made by Denix in 1990-P5120226-blackWikimedia
videoMP40 model made by Denix in 1990-P5120226-gradientWikimedia
videoMP40 model made by Denix in 1990-P5120226-whiteWikimedia
videoWW2 KRIEGSMARINE Küstenartillerie Coastal Artillery uniform private MP40 Schmeisser Ammo pouches Binoculars Wehrmachtsgefolge badge Eagle-and-swastika Brustadler Mannequin etc ARQUEBUS Krigshistoriske Museum NORWAY 2020Wikimedia
videoWW2 KRIEGSMARINE Küstenartillerie Coastal Artillery uniform private guard Sailor cap MP40 Schmeisser Eagle-and-swastika GW badge Ammo pouches Binoculars Boots Mannequin etc ARQUEBUS Krigshistoriske Museum NORWAY 2020 8825Wikimedia