USS Buchanan

From Warlike


Wickes-class destroyer
see also USS BuchananUSS Buchanan


destroyerWickes-class destroyerUnited States NavyBath Iron WorksUnited States of America

USS Buchanan 1936.JPG

Location: 47.27611111, -2.19694444, ///bakers.empires.managers, Google, Bing, Aerial View, OldMapsOnline, ESRI Imagery, Historic Markers, KML

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Gunners from the British Navy are being instructed by American Naval gunners in the operation of a secret device that is part of the guns aboard the over-age Destroyers turned over too Britain in exchange for Naval & Air bases. The photo was taken at a Canadian portGunners from the British Navy are being instructed by American Naval gunners in the operation of a secret device that is part of the guns aboard the over-age Destroyers turned over too Britain in exchange for Naval & Air bases. The photo was taken at a Canadian port
USS Buchanan 1936USS Buchanan 1936
US Navy cruisers and destroyers at Balboa, Panama on 23 April 1934US Navy cruisers and destroyers at Balboa, Panama on 23 April 1934
US Navy destroyers at Balboa, Panama, in 1934US Navy destroyers at Balboa, Panama, in 1934
Wickes class destroyers before transfer to the UK 1940Wickes class destroyers before transfer to the UK 1940