M116 Husky

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weapon model

1.5 Marines medical civil action in the Arizona Territory southwest of Da Nang1.5 Marines medical civil action in the Arizona Territory southwest of Da Nang
187 - Displays (Flag ceremonies) - April 3, 1970187 - Displays (Flag ceremonies) - April 3, 1970
Company B, 11th Motor Transport Battalion Marines test an M116 Husky amphibious vehicleCompany B, 11th Motor Transport Battalion Marines test an M116 Husky amphibious vehicle
M116 Huskies transport Vietnamese farmersM116 Huskies transport Vietnamese farmers
M733 armored Husky of the 11th Motor Transport BattalionM733 armored Husky of the 11th Motor Transport Battalion
Marines Travel Ashore in Huskie, 1969 (29305416306)Marines Travel Ashore in Huskie, 1969 (29305416306)
Marines of the 11th Motor Transport Battalion load harvested rice onto an M116 HuskyMarines of the 11th Motor Transport Battalion load harvested rice onto an M116 Husky
Robert Serpa Passes Instructions to Student Drivers, 1969 (28717895503)Robert Serpa Passes Instructions to Student Drivers, 1969 (28717895503)
linkGoogle Knowledge entry@Wikidata
image19691.5 Marines medical civil action in the Arizona Territory southwest of Da NangWikimedia
image187 - Displays (Flag ceremonies) - April 3, 1970Wikimedia
image1969Company B, 11th Motor Transport Battalion Marines test an M116 Husky amphibious vehicleWikimedia
imageM116 Huskies transport Vietnamese farmersWikimedia
imageM733 armored Husky of the 11th Motor Transport BattalionWikimedia
image1969Marines Travel Ashore in Huskie, 1969 (29305416306)Wikimedia
imageMarines of the 11th Motor Transport Battalion load harvested rice onto an M116 HuskyWikimedia
image1969Robert Serpa Passes Instructions to Student Drivers, 1969 (28717895503)Wikimedia
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