Corfe Castle

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fortification in Dorset, England, UK. 

1100 archaeological sitecastle ruinEnglish Civil WarNational TrustUnited Kingdom
Albany E. Howarth (1872 - 1936) - Corfe Castle - ABDAG006324 - Aberdeen City Council (Archives, Gallery and Museums Collections.jpg, Corfe Castle 57.jpg

Location: 50.6399, -2.0589, KML, Other maps

    Battery 200yds (180m) E of the Naval cemetery – Battery approximately 160m NE of East Weare Camp – Battery approximately 80m SE of East Weare Camp – Blacknor Fort – Blandford Camp – Brownsea Castle – castle ruin – CastlesFortsBattles – Christchurch Castle – Christchurch Hampshire County Council and County Borough of Bournemouth Area Control – East Weare Battery – English Civil War – Fort Henry – Gun Emplacement And Fort Henry – Heavy Anti-Aircraft Battery (P3 Verne), 275m south-west of Fancy's Farm – Heavy Anti-aircraft battery on Arne Hill – High West Street drill hall, Dorchester – Highcliffe Castle – Historic England – HMS Osprey, Portland – Inner Pierhead Fort – Light Anti-aircraft battery on Holton Heath, 210m west of Sandford House – Light Anti-aircraft battery on Holton Heath, 650m south east of Sandford House – Maritime House – National Trust – Nothe Fort – Old Wardour Castle – Portland Castle – RAF Bisterne – RAF Christchurch – RAF Hamworthy – RAF Holmsley South – RAF Hurn – RAF Ibsley – RAF Portland – RAF Ringstead – RAF Sopley – RAF Tarrant Rushton – RAF Warmwell – RAF Winkton – Ridgeway Hill Anti-Aircraft Operations Room – Royal Signals Museum – Rufus Castle – Sandsfoot Castle – The Keep Military Museum – The Tank Museum – United Kingdom – Upton Fort – Verne Citadel – Verne Heavy Anti-Aircraft Battery – Verne High Angle Battery – Wellington Court – 
    Corfe CastleCorfe Castle
    Corfe CastleCorfe Castle
    Corfe CastleCorfe Castle
    Corfe CastleCorfe Castle
    Corfe Castle RuinsCorfe Castle Ruins
    Corfe Castle View from ApproachCorfe Castle View from Approach
    Corfe Castle as viewed from West StreetCorfe Castle as viewed from West Street
    Corfe Castle set against the SunCorfe Castle set against the Sun
    Corfe Castle stitch 2Corfe Castle stitch 2
    Corfe Castle - KarteCorfe Castle - Karte
    Corfe Hills CastleCorfe Hills Castle
    Corfe castle2Corfe castle2
    Corfe castle 1Corfe castle 1
    Corfe castle villageCorfe castle village
    Corfe plan 1586Corfe plan 1586
    John Inigo Richards - Corfe Castle, Dorset - Google Art ProjectJohn Inigo Richards - Corfe Castle, Dorset - Google Art Project
    Joseph Nash - Corfe Castle, Dorset - B1975.4.1947 - Yale Center for British ArtJoseph Nash - Corfe Castle, Dorset - B1975.4.1947 - Yale Center for British Art
    Panoramic view of Corfe CastlePanoramic view of Corfe Castle
    Side entrance to St Edward King and Martyr church in Corfe Castle VillageSide entrance to St Edward King and Martyr church in Corfe Castle Village
    View of Corfe Castle from the Church of Saint Edward, King and MartyrView of Corfe Castle from the Church of Saint Edward, King and Martyr
    Zoomed view of Corfe Castle from the Church of Saint Edward, King and MartyrZoomed view of Corfe Castle from the Church of Saint Edward, King and Martyr
    linkArt UK entry@Wikidata
    linkBritish Listed Buildings entry@Wikidata
    linkGatehouse Gazetteer entry@Wikidata
    linkHistoric England scheduled monument@Wikidata
    linkHistoric England Grade I listed building@Wikidata
    linkHistoric England entry@Wikidata
    linkNational Trust Heritage Records entry@Wikidata
    linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
    linkGoogle Maps entry@Wikidata
    linkArchaeologia Corfe Castle: its history, construction, and present condition@Wikidata
    linkCastlesFortsBattles article@Wikidata
    linkJournal of the British Archaeological Association On Corfe Castle@Wikidata
    linkJournal of the Society of Architectural Historians King John's Gloriette at Corfe Castle@Wikidata
    linkMedieval Archaeology Excavations in the West Bailey at Corfe Castle@Wikidata
    linkNational Trust article@Wikidata
    linkThe Archaeological Journal Corfe Castle@Wikidata
    linkThe Archaeological Journal Corfe Castle@Wikidata
    linkTripadvisor page@Wikidata
    baseBlandford Campmilitary base, Royal Corps of SignalsWikidata
    baseHMS Osprey, Portlandnaval shore establishment, Royal NavyWikidata
    baseHigh West Street drill hall, Dorchestermilitary baseWikidata
    baseRAF BisterneRoyal Air Force, air base, Royal Air Force station, United States Army Air ForcesWikidata
    baseRAF Christchurchair base, United States Army Air Forces, Royal Air Force stationWikidata
    baseRAF HamworthyRoyal Air Force station, Royal Air Force, air baseWikidata
    baseRAF Holmsley SouthRoyal Air Force, air base, Royal Air Force stationWikidata
    baseRAF HurnRoyal Air Force, air base, Royal Air Force stationWikidata
    baseRAF IbsleyRoyal Air Force, air base, Royal Air Force stationWikidata
    baseRAF PortlandRoyal Air Force station, radar stationWikidata
    baseRAF RingsteadRoyal Air Force station, radar stationWikidata
    baseRAF SopleyRoyal Air Force, Royal Air Force stationWikidata
    baseRAF Tarrant RushtonRoyal Air Force, air base, Royal Air Force stationWikidata
    baseRAF WarmwellRoyal Air Force station, Royal Air Force, air baseWikidata
    baseRAF WinktonRoyal Air Force, air base, Royal Air Force station, United States Army Air ForcesWikidata
    baseWellington Courtbarracks, building complexWikidata
    bunkerChristchurch Hampshire County Council and County Borough of Bournemouth Area Controlcivil defense center, Bournemouth Borough Council, Hampshire County CouncilWikidata
    bunkerFort HenrybunkerWikidata
    bunkerRidgeway Hill Anti-Aircraft Operations Roombunker, Royal Air ForceWikidata
    castleChristchurch Castlecastle, English Heritage, tripadvisorWikidata
    castleHighcliffe Castlecastle, English country house, historic house museum, tripadvisorWikidata
    castleOld Wardour Castlecastle, archaeological site, English Heritage, local authority museum, tripadvisorWikidata
    castlePortland Castlecastle, fort, English Heritage, historic house museum, military museum, independent museum, tripadvisorWikidata
    castleRufus Castlecastle, tripadvisorWikidata
    castleSandsfoot Castlecastle, fort, tripadvisorWikidata
    fortBattery 200yds (180m) E of the Naval cemeteryartillery batteryWikidata
    fortBattery approximately 80m SE of East Weare Campartillery batteryWikidata
    fortBattery approximately 160m NE of East Weare Campartillery batteryWikidata
    fortBlacknor FortfortWikidata
    fortBrownsea Castlecastle, fort, John Lewis PartnershipWikidata
    fortEast Weare Batteryartillery batteryWikidata
    fortHeavy Anti-Aircraft Battery (P3 Verne), 275m south-west of Fancy's Farmanti-aircraft batteryWikidata
    fortHeavy Anti-aircraft battery on Arne Hillartillery batteryWikidata
    fortInner Pierhead FortfortWikidata
    fortLight Anti-aircraft battery on Holton Heath, 210m west of Sandford Houseanti-aircraft batteryWikidata
    fortLight Anti-aircraft battery on Holton Heath, 650m south east of Sandford Houseanti-aircraft batteryWikidata
    fortNothe Fortlocal authority museum, fort, military museum, tripadvisorWikidata
    fortUpton FortfortWikidata
    fortVerne Citadelcitadel, fortWikidata
    fortVerne Heavy Anti-Aircraft Batteryartillery batteryWikidata
    fortVerne High Angle Batteryartillery batteryWikidata
    imageAlbany E. Howarth (1872 - 1936) - Corfe Castle - ABDAG006324 - Aberdeen City Council (Archives, Gallery and Museums CollectionsWikimedia
    imageCorfe CastleWikimedia
    imageCorfe CastleWikimedia
    imageCorfe CastleWikimedia
    imageCorfe CastleWikimedia
    imageCorfe Castle RuinsWikimedia
    imageCorfe Castle View from ApproachWikimedia
    imageCorfe Castle as viewed from West StreetWikimedia
    imageCorfe Castle set against the SunWikimedia
    image2009Corfe Castle stitch 2Wikimedia
    imageCorfe Castle - KarteWikimedia
    imageCorfe Hills CastleWikimedia
    imageCorfe castle2Wikimedia
    image2009Corfe castle 1Wikimedia
    imageCorfe castle villageWikimedia
    imageCorfe plan 1586Wikimedia
    imageJohn Inigo Richards - Corfe Castle, Dorset - Google Art ProjectWikimedia
    imageJoseph Nash - Corfe Castle, Dorset - B1975.4.1947 - Yale Center for British ArtWikimedia
    image2009Panoramic view of Corfe CastleWikimedia
    imageSide entrance to St Edward King and Martyr church in Corfe Castle VillageWikimedia
    imageView of Corfe Castle from the Church of Saint Edward, King and MartyrWikimedia
    imageZoomed view of Corfe Castle from the Church of Saint Edward, King and MartyrWikimedia
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