Castle of St. John

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castle in Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland, UK. 

1600 military museumlocal authority museumcastleUnited Kingdom
Stranraer Castle.jpg

Location: 54.904444444, -5.026111111, KML, Other maps

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    Castle Square, StranraerCastle Square, Stranraer
    Castle Square, StranraerCastle Square, Stranraer
    Castle Street and St John`s CastleCastle Street and St John's Castle
    Castle of St JohnCastle of St John
    Castle of St JohnCastle of St John
    Castle of St JohnCastle of St John
    Castle of St JohnCastle of St John
    Castle of St JohnCastle of St John
    Castle of St John`sCastle of St John's
    Castle of St John, StranraerCastle of St John, Stranraer
    Castle of St John, StranraerCastle of St John, Stranraer
    Castle of St John, StranraerCastle of St John, Stranraer
    Castle of St John, StranraerCastle of St John, Stranraer
    Castle of St John, StranraerCastle of St John, Stranraer
    Castle of St John, StranraerCastle of St John, Stranraer
    Castle of St John, StranraerCastle of St John, Stranraer
    Castle of St John, StranraerCastle of St John, Stranraer
    Entrance to the Tower HouseEntrance to the Tower House
    Fountain and St John`s CastleFountain and St John's Castle
    Saint John`s Tower - StranraerSaint John's Tower - Stranraer
    Stranraer CastleStranraer Castle
    Stranraer Town CentreStranraer Town Centre
    Stranraer Town Centre (6021406868)Stranraer Town Centre (6021406868)
    St John`s CastleSt John's Castle
    The Castle of St JohnThe Castle of St John
    linkBritish Listed Buildings entry@Wikidata
    linkHistoric Environment Scotland entry@Wikidata
    linkHistoric Environment Scotland entry@Wikidata
    linkMapping Museums entry@Wikidata
    linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
    linkGoogle Maps entry@Wikidata
    linkCastlesFortsBattles article@Wikidata
    linkTripadvisor page@Wikidata
    baseRAF Castle KennedyRoyal Air Force, Royal Air Force stationWikidata
    castleCarleton Castletower house, tripadvisorWikidata
    castleCastle of Parktower house, tripadvisorWikidata
    castleCraigneil Castletower house, tripadvisorWikidata
    castleKirkhill Castletower house, tripadvisorWikidata
    castleKnockdolian Castlecastle, tripadvisorWikidata
    image2011Castle Square, StranraerWikimedia
    image2011Castle Square, StranraerWikimedia
    image2011Castle Street and St John's CastleWikimedia
    image2011Castle of St JohnWikimedia
    image2011Castle of St JohnWikimedia
    image2011Castle of St JohnWikimedia
    image2011Castle of St JohnWikimedia
    image2011Castle of St JohnWikimedia
    image2013Castle of St John'sWikimedia
    image2006Castle of St John, StranraerWikimedia
    image2011Castle of St John, StranraerWikimedia
    image2011Castle of St John, StranraerWikimedia
    image2011Castle of St John, StranraerWikimedia
    image2011Castle of St John, StranraerWikimedia
    image2011Castle of St John, StranraerWikimedia
    image2011Castle of St John, StranraerWikimedia
    image2011Castle of St John, StranraerWikimedia
    image2011Entrance to the Tower HouseWikimedia
    image2011Fountain and St John's CastleWikimedia
    image2012Saint John's Tower - StranraerWikimedia
    image2006Stranraer CastleWikimedia
    image2013Stranraer Town CentreWikimedia
    image2011Stranraer Town Centre (6021406868)Wikimedia
    image2011St John's CastleWikimedia
    image2011The Castle of St JohnWikimedia
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