Dnepr radar

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Soviet and Russian early warning radar. 
Dnepr, Dnepr Radar

airborne early warning and command systemearly-warning radar

Derelict Dnepr radar station in Sevastopol, CrimeaDerelict Dnepr radar station in Sevastopol, Crimea
Dnestr radar by US spy satelliteDnestr radar by US spy satellite
Image of the Space Tracking Radar Facility at Sary Shagan, USSR, 28 May 1967Image of the Space Tracking Radar Facility at Sary Shagan, USSR, 28 May 1967
Olenegorsk radar station from spaceOlenegorsk radar station from space
Public domain aerial photography of Balkhash-9 radar station in KazakhstanPublic domain aerial photography of Balkhash-9 radar station in Kazakhstan
Soviet/Russian radar station at Mishelevka, Irkutsk, Siberia, RussiaSoviet/Russian radar station at Mishelevka, Irkutsk, Siberia, Russia
Two Soviet Dnestr radars taken by US spy satellite in 1967Two Soviet Dnestr radars taken by US spy satellite in 1967
equipment1962Balkhash-9radar station, Dnepr radar, Dnestr radar, Daryal radar, KazakhstanWikidata
equipment2014Mishelevka Radar Stationradar station, Dnepr radar, Voronezh radar, Dnestr radar, Daryal radar, RussiaWikidata
equipmentMukachevo Radar StationDnepr radar, Daryal radar, UkraineWikidata
equipmentSevastopol Radar StationDnepr radar, Soviet Union, UkraineWikidata
image2014Derelict Dnepr radar station in Sevastopol, CrimeaWikimedia
image2012Dnestr radar by US spy satelliteWikimedia
image1967Image of the Space Tracking Radar Facility at Sary Shagan, USSR, 28 May 1967Wikimedia
imageOlenegorsk radar station from spaceWikimedia
image2012Public domain aerial photography of Balkhash-9 radar station in KazakhstanWikimedia
imageSoviet/Russian radar station at Mishelevka, Irkutsk, Siberia, RussiaWikimedia
image2012Two Soviet Dnestr radars taken by US spy satellite in 1967Wikimedia
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