Siege of Damascus

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1400–1401 siege during the conquests of Tamerlane. 

1400 — 1401 siegeSyriaSyrian campaign
See also Siege of Damascus (1148)Siege of Damascus (1078)Siege of Damascus (0634)
Siege of Damascus (detail). Timur watches the flames as the city burns. Ẓafarnāmah, 16th century, Shiraz (British Library, IO Islamic 137), f. 358r.jpg

Location: 33.506388888, 38.315277777, KML, Other maps

[[Q382967|]] – [[Q54496607|]] – [[Q639827|]] – Syrian campaign – 
Battleground of Timur and Egyptian King, by Kamāl ud-Dīn Behzād Herawī, a painter from Herat, c. 1494–1495, Timurid era. Golestan Palace, Tehran, IranBattleground of Timur and Egyptian King, by Kamāl ud-Dīn Behzād Herawī, a painter from Herat, c. 1494–1495, Timurid era. Golestan Palace, Tehran, Iran
Siege of Damascus (detail). Timur watches the flames as the city burns. Ẓafarnāmah, 16th century, Shiraz (British Library, IO Islamic 137), f. 358rSiege of Damascus (detail). Timur watches the flames as the city burns. Ẓafarnāmah, 16th century, Shiraz (British Library, IO Islamic 137), f. 358r
The defeat of Damascus. Timur watches the flames as the city burns. Ẓafarnāmah, 16th century, Shiraz (British Library, IO Islamic 137), f. 358rThe defeat of Damascus. Timur watches the flames as the city burns. Ẓafarnāmah, 16th century, Shiraz (British Library, IO Islamic 137), f. 358r
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