Battle of Chickamauga

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1863 battle of the American Civil War. 

1863 United States

Location: 34.917777777, -85.260555555, KML, Maps

Attack on the center. Chickamauga LCCN2004660971Attack on the center. Chickamauga LCCN2004660971
Chicamauga (i.e. Chickamauga) battlefield LCCN2012646945Chicamauga (i.e. Chickamauga) battlefield LCCN2012646945
Chickamauga Honor Roll - FloridaChickamauga Honor Roll - Florida
Chickamauga, jay`s mill fieldChickamauga, jay's mill field
Die Schlacht von ChickamaugaDie Schlacht von Chickamauga
Lee and Gordon`s Mills, Chickamauga Battlefield, TennLee and Gordon's Mills, Chickamauga Battlefield, Tenn
Lee and Gordon`s Mills, Chickamauga Battlefield, TennLee and Gordon's Mills, Chickamauga Battlefield, Tenn
Lee and Gordon`s Mills, Chickamauga Battlefield, Tenn. (Collection of Capt. W.C. Margedant. Ch(ief) of Top. Engrs. under Gen. Rosencrans.)Lee and Gordon's Mills, Chickamauga Battlefield, Tenn. (Collection of Capt. W.C. Margedant. Ch(ief) of Top. Engrs. under Gen. Rosencrans.)
Maps and diagrams of the Battle of Chickamauga, Ga. Sep 19 - 63 LCCN2004661048Maps and diagrams of the Battle of Chickamauga, Ga. Sep 19 - 63 LCCN2004661048
Map of the Battlefield of ChickamaugaMap of the Battlefield of Chickamauga
Map of the Battlefield of Chickamauga, A. Hager [or Huger] Draft.Map of the Battlefield of Chickamauga, A. Hager [or Huger] Draft.
Part of Chickamauga Battlefield, Sec. III (Collection of Capt. W.C. Margedant. Ch(ief) of Top. Engrs. under Gen. Rosencrans.)Part of Chickamauga Battlefield, Sec. III (Collection of Capt. W.C. Margedant. Ch(ief) of Top. Engrs. under Gen. Rosencrans.)
Part of Chickamauga Battlefield, sec. I (Collection of Capt. W.C. Margedant. Ch(ief) of Top. Engrs. under Gen. Rosencrans.)Part of Chickamauga Battlefield, sec. I (Collection of Capt. W.C. Margedant. Ch(ief) of Top. Engrs. under Gen. Rosencrans.)
Part of the Battlefied at Chickamauga, Tenn. (Roseville, GA)Part of the Battlefied at Chickamauga, Tenn. (Roseville, GA)
Part of the Chickamauga Battlefied, GAPart of the Chickamauga Battlefied, GA
Steedmans charge at Snodgrass hill LCCN2004661124Steedmans charge at Snodgrass hill LCCN2004661124
The War in Georgia-Battle of Chickamauga, Sept. 19 and 20, between Generals Rosecrans and Bragg - from a sketch by our special artist J.F. Hillen. LCCN89709361The War in Georgia-Battle of Chickamauga, Sept. 19 and 20, between Generals Rosecrans and Bragg - from a sketch by our special artist J.F. Hillen. LCCN89709361
The first gun at Chickamauga LCCN2004660323The first gun at Chickamauga LCCN2004660323
Waud ChickamaugaWaud Chickamauga
`Battle of Chickamauga - Lt. Van Pelt Defending His Battery.'Battle of Chickamauga - Lt. Van Pelt Defending His Battery.
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
documentBooks from the Library of Congress (IA battleofchickama00unit)Wikimedia
image1863Attack on the center. Chickamauga LCCN2004660971Wikimedia
imageChicamauga (i.e. Chickamauga) battlefield LCCN2012646945Wikimedia
imageChickamauga Honor Roll - FloridaWikimedia
imageChickamauga, jay's mill fieldWikimedia
imageDie Schlacht von ChickamaugaWikimedia
imageLee and Gordon's Mills, Chickamauga Battlefield, TennWikimedia
imageLee and Gordon's Mills, Chickamauga Battlefield, TennWikimedia
imageLee and Gordon's Mills, Chickamauga Battlefield, Tenn. (Collection of Capt. W.C. Margedant. Ch(ief) of Top. Engrs. under Gen. Rosencrans.)Wikimedia
image1863Maps and diagrams of the Battle of Chickamauga, Ga. Sep 19 - 63 LCCN2004661048Wikimedia
imageMap of the Battlefield of ChickamaugaWikimedia
imageMap of the Battlefield of Chickamauga, A. Hager [or Huger Draft.]Wikimedia
imagePart of Chickamauga Battlefield, Sec. III (Collection of Capt. W.C. Margedant. Ch(ief) of Top. Engrs. under Gen. Rosencrans.)Wikimedia
imagePart of Chickamauga Battlefield, sec. I (Collection of Capt. W.C. Margedant. Ch(ief) of Top. Engrs. under Gen. Rosencrans.)Wikimedia
imagePart of the Battlefied at Chickamauga, Tenn. (Roseville, GA)Wikimedia
imagePart of the Chickamauga Battlefied, GAWikimedia
image1863Steedmans charge at Snodgrass hill LCCN2004661124Wikimedia
image1863The War in Georgia-Battle of Chickamauga, Sept. 19 and 20, between Generals Rosecrans and Bragg - from a sketch by our special artist J.F. Hillen. LCCN89709361Wikimedia
image1863The first gun at Chickamauga LCCN2004660323Wikimedia
imageWaud ChickamaugaWikimedia
image"'Battle%20of%20Chickamauga%20-%20Lt.%20Van%20Pelt%20Defending%20His%20Battery."%20-%20DPLA%20-%204848383f116cb71c97cf6140007734cc.jpg 'Battle of Chickamauga - Lt. Van Pelt Defending His Battery.Wikimedia
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