Tour Marguerite

From Warlike


tour à Argentan (Orne)


1400 Towers in medieval fortificationscity wallFrance

Tour Margarite is the only surviving tower from the original fortifications..png

Location: 48.746093, -0.020913, ///rollers.labs.user, Google, Bing, Aerial View, OldMapsOnline, ESRI Imagery, Historic Markers, KML

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Argentan - Tour MargueriteArgentan - Tour Marguerite
Tour Margarite is the only surviving tower from the original fortifications.Tour Margarite is the only surviving tower from the original fortifications.
linkGoogle Knowledge entry@Wikidata
baseChâteau de Renouardmilitary baseWikidata
museumCoudehard-Montormel Memorialmilitary museum, military cemeteryWikidata
imageArgentan - Tour Marguerite2009Wikimedia
imageTour Margarite is the only surviving tower from the original fortifications.2011Wikimedia