
From Warlike


small explosive device

Anwendung der PetardeAnwendung der Petarde
British army petardBritish army petard
Gran Cordà de l`Eliana 01Gran Cordà de l'Eliana 01
Miedzioryt działa regimentowego i innych schematówMiedzioryt działa regimentowego i innych schematów
Ottoman torpedo artillery at GallipoliOttoman torpedo artillery at Gallipoli
Petarden HGMPetarden HGM
Petarder, used to rupture fortress gates made of rosewood and the like, pic1Petarder, used to rupture fortress gates made of rosewood and the like, pic1
Petarder, used to rupture fortress gates made of rosewood and the like, pic2Petarder, used to rupture fortress gates made of rosewood and the like, pic2
Petard (PSF)Petard (PSF)
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
weaponwheelbarrow rocketfirework, weapon functional class, petardWikidata
imageAnwendung der PetardeWikimedia
imageBritish army petard2005Wikimedia
imageGran Cordà de l'Eliana 012019Wikimedia
imageMiedzioryt działa regimentowego i innych schematówWikimedia
imageOttoman torpedo artillery at Gallipoli2010Wikimedia
imagePetarden HGM2010Wikimedia
imagePetarder, used to rupture fortress gates made of rosewood and the like, pic12013Wikimedia
imagePetarder, used to rupture fortress gates made of rosewood and the like, pic22013Wikimedia
imagePetard (PSF)2019Wikimedia