2020 Nagorno-Karabakh conflict

From Warlike


armed conflict within a disputed region. 
2020 Nagorno-Karabakh war, Second Karabakh war

2020 — 2020 2020 Barda missile attacks2020 Ghazanchetsots Cathedral shellingAras Valley campaignArmeniaArmenian prisoners of 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh WarAzerbaijanBattle of FuzuliBattle of HadrutBattle of JabrayilBattle of Lala TapaBattle of ShushaBombardment of TartarGyorbagyorLachin offensiveMadagiz offensiveNagorno-Karabakh conflictwar
Russian peacekeepers and Azerbaijani military personnel near Vank village.png

Location: 41.29646, 45.01382, KML, Maps

Arrêt sur image d`un(e) bombardement - explosion à l`arme chimique du phosphore blanc en Artkash en 2020Arrêt sur image d'un(e) bombardement - explosion à l'arme chimique du phosphore blanc en Artkash en 2020
Azerbaijani people celebrating victory in Karabakh. Azadlig avenueAzerbaijani people celebrating victory in Karabakh. Azadlig avenue
Azerbaijani people celebrating victory in Karabakh. Sheikh Shamil street2Azerbaijani people celebrating victory in Karabakh. Sheikh Shamil street2
Azerbaijani people celebrating victory in Karabakh. Sheikh Shamil street3Azerbaijani people celebrating victory in Karabakh. Sheikh Shamil street3
Clashes between the armies of Azerbaijan and ArtsakhClashes between the armies of Azerbaijan and Artsakh
Clashes between the armies of Azerbaijan and Artsakh 1Clashes between the armies of Azerbaijan and Artsakh 1
Clashes between the armies of Azerbaijan and Artsakh 2Clashes between the armies of Azerbaijan and Artsakh 2
Clashes between the armies of Azerbaijan and Artsakh 3Clashes between the armies of Azerbaijan and Artsakh 3
Clashes between the armies of Azerbaijan and Artsakh 4Clashes between the armies of Azerbaijan and Artsakh 4
Clashes between the armies of Azerbaijan and Artsakh 5Clashes between the armies of Azerbaijan and Artsakh 5
Clashes between the armies of Azerbaijan and Artsakh 6Clashes between the armies of Azerbaijan and Artsakh 6
Clashes between the armies of Azerbaijan and Artsakh 7Clashes between the armies of Azerbaijan and Artsakh 7
Clashes between the armies of Azerbaijan and Artsakh 8Clashes between the armies of Azerbaijan and Artsakh 8
Clashes between the armies of Azerbaijan and Artsakh 9Clashes between the armies of Azerbaijan and Artsakh 9
Defense Army of the Republic of Artsakh attacks AzerbaijanDefense Army of the Republic of Artsakh attacks Azerbaijan
French Senate adopts resolution calling for recognition of the Republic of ArtsakhFrench Senate adopts resolution calling for recognition of the Republic of Artsakh
Haut-Karabakh 12 10 2020Haut-Karabakh 12 10 2020
Map of the 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh warMap of the 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh war
Montara KarabaĥoMontara Karabaĥo
The Azerbaijani people celebrate the victory in Baku.The Azerbaijani people celebrate the victory in Baku.
Yezidis in Armenia volunteering for the 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh WarYezidis in Armenia volunteering for the 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh War
linkGoogle Knowledge entry@Wikidata
linkWikimedia Combattants of the 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh conflictWikidata
conflict20202020 Barda missile attacksmissile strikeWikidata
conflict20202020 Ghazanchetsots Cathedral shellingoccurrence, bombardmentWikidata
conflictArmenian prisoners of 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh WarWikidata
conflict2020Battle of FuzulibattleWikidata
conflict2020Battle of HadrutconflictWikidata
conflict2020Battle of JabrayilbattleWikidata
conflict2020Battle of Lala TapabattleWikidata
conflict2020Battle of ShushabattleWikidata
conflictBombardment of TartarbombardmentWikidata
conflictGyorbagyormilitary operationWikidata
conflict2020Madagiz offensivearmed conflictWikidata
war1991Nagorno-Karabakh Warcivil war, First Nagorno-Karabakh WarWikidata
image2020Arrêt sur image d'un(e) bombardement - explosion à l'arme chimique du phosphore blanc en Artkash en 2020Wikimedia
image2020Azerbaijani people celebrating victory in Karabakh. Azadlig avenueWikimedia
image2020Azerbaijani people celebrating victory in Karabakh. Sheikh Shamil street2Wikimedia
image2020Azerbaijani people celebrating victory in Karabakh. Sheikh Shamil street3Wikimedia
image2020Clashes between the armies of Azerbaijan and ArtsakhWikimedia
image2020Clashes between the armies of Azerbaijan and Artsakh 1Wikimedia
image2020Clashes between the armies of Azerbaijan and Artsakh 2Wikimedia
image2020Clashes between the armies of Azerbaijan and Artsakh 3Wikimedia
image2020Clashes between the armies of Azerbaijan and Artsakh 4Wikimedia
image2020Clashes between the armies of Azerbaijan and Artsakh 5Wikimedia
image2020Clashes between the armies of Azerbaijan and Artsakh 6Wikimedia
image2020Clashes between the armies of Azerbaijan and Artsakh 7Wikimedia
image2020Clashes between the armies of Azerbaijan and Artsakh 8Wikimedia
image2020Clashes between the armies of Azerbaijan and Artsakh 9Wikimedia
image2020Defense Army of the Republic of Artsakh attacks AzerbaijanWikimedia
imageFrench Senate adopts resolution calling for recognition of the Republic of ArtsakhWikimedia
image2020Haut-Karabakh 12 10 2020Wikimedia
imageMap of the 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh warWikimedia
image2020Montara KarabaĥoWikimedia
image2020The Azerbaijani people celebrate the victory in Baku.Wikimedia
image2020Yezidis in Armenia volunteering for the 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh WarWikimedia
videoAzeri children in Peru saying "Karabakh is Azerbaijan"Wikimedia
video2020Banned white phosphorous weapons in Artsakh.webmWikimedia
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